To anyone who thinks this addiction is a joke, think again. Take it seriously and stop once and for all. This is truly a deadly and silent killer. I am living proof of this. I myself had a lot of these negative thoughts when I was addicted and nothing made me happy at the time either. I am almost 60 days clean and I feel a lot happier and satisfied in life. Please please please do not take this lightly.
If anyone has some audios that work best for this, share them please. This needs to be brought to everyone’s attention.
When the oj is absent from your body, you are no more ojaswi. And that ultimately means no prana. This is it.
No matter what you use fields and energy work for, especially for all the dudes here- USE THE OJAS FIELD DAILY. once, twice or whatever. Just use it. And make your bros also use em. No one should lose their vibrance and life due to such pathetic scums exploiting one’s desires. The mind and soul should always be in control.
Best stack for me has been:
Basal energy transmutations
Ego dissolution (once or twice)
Subconscious limits remover 3x
Etheric cord cutter 3x daily
Unlimited willpower
This stack literally saved me from a near relapse 4 weeks ago and I haven’t had any emotional attachment to porn since then. It’s to the point where I feel like I’m past that stage of fighting and it’s over with
Yeah, honestly, never knew this was really a thing. I feel like it’s rooted mostly in belief systems/ conditioning. It’s like completely disowning a part of your inherit nature.
Not true. Just because we have Ojas doesn’t stop the way masturbation/lust literally traps free consciousness and creates all the psychological aggregates we all have (to use Buddhist terminology). It’s why it’s the original sin. It breeds impurity of thought, unethical conduct, cold heart, chaotic mind,selfishness, pride, anger, avarice, etc. The “I” of lust is very clever and loves to use those kinds of justifications. It destroys the endocrine system, and the nervous system as well. Ojas helps but absolutely not a substitution for noFap. Masturbation is spiritual suicide.
I’m saying can because I’m tired of this eternal debate, lol. Checking out. Urge everyone to take a good hard look at themselves and ask theirselves the question: “Would my Higher Self sit in front of a screen and masturbate till orgasm to videos of other people having sexual intercourse?”.
I doubt you can compare those two things from a moral standpoint. And yes, we are our higher selves, but also we aren’t. Or else you wouldn’t have to go around and seek for knowledge.
Here is an additional “helicopter perspective” on the topic:
What if your Higher Self knew, that as a young testosterone filled irrational boy, masturbation would actually save your further incarnation, by making sure that you don’t inseminate the next best women that you’ve have otherwise met and married?
So many folks f*ck up their incarnations by getting locked into family and relationship constellations that totally prevent them from having time for actual spiritual development.
The important difference here is:
Masturbation and sex toys can be a tool for you and your Higher Self to temporarily numb down the body’s animal desires and provide “post nut mental clarity” if you are a young hormone-crazed teenager.
But porn on the other hand, is just an artificial drug that messes up your dopamine reward centers and allows for astral sexual parasites to enter your energy body. Avoid at all cost!
Of course, it can, as a young boy. We’re not young boys any more. There’s people in their mid 20’s choking their chicken to lewd videos all day long these days.
Nothing wrong with release as a kid. Or when neccesary, if neccesary.