I need Advice on my stack for Learning

I’m learning how to code and studying a math-heavy subject. is my current stack fine? It’s a mixture of subliminal and morphic fields. it’s a bit of a long-ish one that I listen to while studying.

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You can use the search option and look for brain stacks or stacks to study and focus

You are also using a bunch of different creators who are not sapienmed and the fields you use, you only play once so Im not sure wether or not this playlist will give you satisfactory results


thank you


math? mmmm so easy.
you no need more than thath.

what do you suggest? shall I scrap the current playlist and make a new one?

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Just use superhuman genius and permanent brain enhancement, both from sapien.

In addition, 200 iq, brain stimulator and quantum mind from morpheus.

Brain regeneration from sapien would help regenerate you from those fields.


thank you!!! I’ll do this now. :hugs:

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