I’ve been thinking for a while

Do all drugs have no taste?

By saying he is not in a good place Jen meant that his logical reasoning is influenced by his negative emotions.
How is it gaslighting?

My neck is so tired of all the pain. I want to treat it so well

You are evading my question.

And yes, date-rape drugs are typically tasteless and odourless.

GHB is clear and odorless and tastes like salt water, but when mixed with a sweet or strong-flavored drink, its taste is covered up.
Rohypnol dissolves quickly in liquid. It has a bitter taste when mixed in a drink, but its taste can be mostly covered.
Ketamine has a horrible, strong, bitter flavor. It works super quickly, so if you tasted it by surprise in your drink, you would have only seconds to protect yourself before losing consciousness.

What does your neck has to do with this?
You are degrading Dreamweaver. Answer for your words.

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If you don’t trust Captain’s work then just stop using his fields. It’s that simple lmao. :joy:


Give me some time. Don’t say words like that, I don’t like that, I’m not degrading anybody, I just stated something I wanted to state.

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It’s not really like that.

I understand that it’s not really like that but that doesn’t really help me understand what it is like for you. What are you wanting to get at?

(BTW, I have another reply to you that the forum software is, for some reason, holding onto. I’m hoping we can get to what you’re wanting to know.)

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It’s like people can use fields for whatever they want, I guess most people here use it positively and wisely, but there are some bad apples that can use it to fuck shit up, magic is an especially cunning tool at least in this timeline.

Despite what I said I am still not meaning that dream should take his channel down. Maybe a wiser way to serve others would be to directly heal them yourself instead of releasing audios that can be used whenever anyone wants, that can also directly impact people around the field

This is debatable ofc

In what way? Please give me a scenario of how you can see people using these fields to fck sht up.

Again, where is this magic you’re talking about? That’s not what these fields are.

I’m really trying to follow your thought processes here. If someone is, as you claim, not innocent, then wouldn’t the reasonable thing be to stop the not innocent behavior?

Are you seeing my confusion here? (And, to be clear, I don’t agree with your claim that Cap’n is not innocent–although I’m still confused as to what you think he’s not innocent of–nor am I advocating that the channel be taken down. I’m just trying to follow your line of thinking.)

What “this” are you talking about? You’ll have to be more clear in your conversation here.

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I am very old to sapien medicine. My energy even earned him thousands of subs :grin::laughing:

I personally used a shit ton of androstenol in an irresponsible manner. Harmed myself and those around me. Just admitting something. Gotta drink water

I’ll sleep now

Can I use emotional radical change overnight while my brother is sleeping next to me? Is that ethical. I wanna know because I want to either sleep while looping or not

Is that different from saying “your magic”?

Excellent idea!


When you choose something. Your subconscious know you want it. And it grands the permission.

Your brother subconscious doesn’t know this. And pretty sure it already preventing that from happening to him. Unless if you talk it out to him

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First off, you don’t need to be playing it overnight. The Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated) tells us that 10 minutes of any field is enough.

If you’re concerned, reduce the volume to really low and put your player somewhere that’s outside of his energy field but still within yours. (If that’s not possible, then don’t play your field.)

Only you can answer your own ethical questions. As you’re seeing here, many of us don’t have the same ethical challenges that you’re having.