I’ve tried everything - please help

1-2x is good enough.

have Automated Grounding at the end of your stack as it improves the plasma fields effect.
Listen to it 2-3x


@lol’s recommendation is a good one.

It’s always better start slow, though I don’t/didn’t mind the detox reaction. If you feel like you can listen to the whole15 mins., then do so.

I kind of use it as a “booster” before weight loss fields. In that case, I only listen to it 3-5 mins. I’m mostly just going by how I’m feeling at the moment. :upside_down_face:


On top of @Valerie statement, The Plasma field also increase metabolism and brings you back into a state where you have higher BMR.

That can help with weight loss


That’s great!

I actually removed the Super Metabolism boost video. It didn’t feel necessary for me, now I know why.


Yeh friend, please take organic olive oil with lemon for one week on empty stomach

30ml + 20ml lemon

It’s my challenge to you…

I was 74 now 60…

Listen to these 4 audios consecutively every day on their own:

Then later on, put those 4 audios at the beginning of all your playlists no matter what.


Do you mean you were 74 kilos and now 60? I’ve never heard of this method before!

Green tea is very good to lose weight.
A very popular Youtube Doctor (Motivational Doc) says it’s ideal drink a cup just before sleeping.
Although green tea could give you problems to sleep if you drink very late.
You could try a cup in the morning and one in the evening after your meals.

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Trust me… And start

After taking this, what kind of breakfast should you have?

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She can find decaf green tea so it wont mess with her sleep. Ive taken GT in the past and it does help burning fat but you gotta take like pretty much all day at least 5 cups to see noticeable results before you bore yourself drinking unsweetened GT :woozy_face:

But maybe you can charge the water to make the green tea with the infrared plasma to speed up results :sunglasses:


You may take what ever you wish

But NO Faaty food…

Green Tea is only for immunity not for weight loss

Yes, I drink this from many years, almost every night after dinner

What do you mean, Kilograms?

No uh.

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Ame for me. Miss the sports… But without the “boost” I would have gained quiet some weight by now.

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Charging with plasma is a great a idea.
I have to use that more.


Also reduce slowly eating SALT…

Take 1mg of salt require to body…

Have you lost 14 kg, going from 74 to 60 kg?


also with warm/hot water?