I’ve tried everything - please help

I’ve tried it all. I’ve listened to all of the weight loss audios. I’ve tried every suggested combination of them on this forum. Used the endocrine and diabetes audios. Point of no return stack. Purchased the subconscious limits tag. Nothing. I’ve actually gained a couple of pounds.

I remain resolute in my beliefs in morphic fields. But the time and energy I’ve spent in getting them to work for me has left me exhausted and feeling defeated.

I want to give it one last shot before calling it quits. (Perhaps @SammyG or @Captain_Nemo could weigh in? @_OM or @uial?)

At any rate - even if these frequencies ultimately don’t work for me - I am truly beyond grateful to Sapien medicine for all of the people that have been helped by his frequencies. Reading some of these peoples’ stories of healing are enough to bring tears to the eyes!

Sending everyone so much love.


have you tried Plasma light + Diabete Treatment + any weight loss Stack


I haven’t tried that particular stack together, but I have used the plasma audio before. What is your experience with this combination?


diabete treatment is helpful when a person struggle to loose weight. you could be pre-diabetic


I have used the diabetes audio - just not in conjunction with the plasma audio.


how much did you use for plasma


@Maoshan_Wanderer Mind reposting the stack that helped your friend ?(updated with appropriate new audios as fitting)


Will do, let me look it up!!


I have it bookmarked, hehe :slight_smile:

I dont have the updated version of course :smiley:


@kmac, please do not take this the wrong way, but does your diet/activity level / lifestyle support your goal of weightloss?
I think these audios do work, at least they do work for me, but it’s (for me!) rather like a “boost”.
Similar to how a person can take a ton of testosterone and growth hormone, even on a level of a professional body builder, if they sit on the couch all day and do not lift heavy things up and put them down, theyre not going to put on muscle.

I have an office/desk job where I sit for about 8-10 hours during the day, but I have a fairly active lifestyle so even as a girl, I lose weight eating about 1800 kcal/day fairly quickly, especially in the summer… thing is even that leaves me super hungry. my maintenance is more like 2200-2500 kcal/day (summer), or could even be 3500 because I would do weight lifting as well as 2hour/day cardio during the week and all weekend alpine hiking. (My issue now is that I am used to eating that much and now it’s winter, gyms are closed and I work from home, so… suddenly the ~1000 kcal/day on average I would burn with sport is just… excess calories.)
If i watch my diet and do the work, these audios give me a push and really make my efforts show.
But if I just work and watch netflix, I still put on weight, though probably not at the rate I would without the audios.


Thank you :pray: :pray:


Exactly, Morphic fields are great and help a lot but you have to put your effort too.
They are very powerful but no magical.


Along with the advice given in this thread,

I recommend you to also use the Glycolysis with UCP gene activation (The Fat and Sugar Metabolizer) to help with weight loss as it is very good in that regard.

Also try Intermittent fasting or doing intense exercise to help your weight loss journey even more.

A conscious effort to change is very important to boosting the effects of the fields and seeing desired results.

Good Luck and I hope you succeed! :slightly_smiling_face:


@Maoshan_Wanderer @_OM @MonkeyOwl @lol

Thanks for your help!

Today, I finally sat down and read through the threads on the Plasma Protocol. I’m wondering— could the protocol heal any physical, energetic, mental, emotional etc. reasons for my stubborn weight?

Allow me to explain my background. I’m 31. I have always been very athletic (into running, weights, hiking, Pilates). I am certainly not overweight, but I have steadily gained about 10 pounds over the last couple of years. My energy is shit. Fatigue. Brain fog. Anxiety. Feeling of hopelessness/“what’s the point”. Apathy. Overall, a feeling of a “force” keeping me down. Though, it’s hard to tell whether this overall affect is caused by the weight gain, or whether the weight gain has caused me to feel this way. Either way—I am not able to do nearly as much physical activity (though I do manage to workout about 3 times per week). I do drink more to cope… my diet isn’t as clean as it used to be or should be, but I’m also not consuming, like, 3,000 cal per day. My hope for these weight loss audios was to give me a “helping hand” out of this pit—to spark some motivation, some momentum, to keep going. Maybe that motivation would result in more energy. But that has not been my experience.

Instead, I feel weighed down by this external “force.” Like I will always be tired and uninterested in life happening around me. The great irony is that my greatest dream for having more energy and vitality is to have plenty to share with others—especially animals. I want to love and help everyone around me. But I’m constantly coming up short. I can’t even take care of myself.

Anyways, so sorry for such a long post. Thanks in advance for helping me so that I can also, in turn, help others!



I see.
10 pounds is not much at all :slight_smile:

do you use other sapien audios?
I think start with this:

it’s more than a year old as you can see, so there are a lot of new fields since then, but it’s a good starting point (as well as plasma etc. the newer fields).

It reads to me that your issue is not the weight, it’s the other things youre experiencing.

Also this audio is great, it’s still in my overnight playlist for an hour:


This sounds like increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) to me. Imbalance in the microbiome causes weight gain, and imbalance in the hormone produce in the gut causes anxiety. Also the mitochondria that doesn’t get proper nutrition to produce energy making you feeling fatigue.


Any advice on how to treat that condition?

I have used the point of no return without any luck on the weight loss front. I will certainly give the “become whole” audio more attention upon your recommendation. :slight_smile:

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This advice is just based on my own research because I have some symptoms similar to you. To heal and seal the gut you may consider listening to collagen, skin regeneration, and vagus nerve stimulation. People also consume bone broth and vitamin C for this problem. To repopulate healthy microbiome, you will need to consume probiotics. As for the hormone imbalance, I cannot give advice on that for now.



I second the suggestions to use Plasma Light. It’s like a “booster” for other fields, but it’s also quite effective on its own.

It was just a week ago when I stumbled upon the Plasma Light thread and I decided to start to listening to that. I’m kind of obsessed with the idea of Negentropy or going back a previous optimal state for the body (and mind???).

Anyway, I use a few of the weight loss audios on a regular basis, but my weight wasn’t budging. I decided to step on the scale yesterday out of curiosity. I was down 5 lbs or around 2 kgs.

I haven’t consciously changed anything, but I noticed that I easily feel fuller so I don’t eat as much. I fast intermittently, so it’s usually one or two meals a day for me. I do workout regularly, but the Plasma audio is making me sleep longer on some days. I just use an automated workout from another channel to make sure I don’t lose my gains (lol).

Anyway, good luck! I hope you find something that works for you. :heart: