I want guidance of Energy Sensitive People

Where you get these rings?

Well the second one I am using since 1 jan and boosted it thrice. I wear it 24/7.

The first one I never boost and dont use it much.

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I bought them specifically for this

And yet the 1st one feels stronger…

Something something boosting something


That ring doesnt need a boost… its full of uhm CONFIDENCE :sunglasses:

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so you think I should wear the first one and leave the second one altogether?

What do YOU feel?

take a leap of faith.

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I am not energy sensitive i dont feel anything

But you have:



what if you lay down
Close your eyes
Grab the 1st ring
Hold it in your hand
Ask yourself? I cant feel you energetically but do i feel you emotionally? Mentally?
Breath deeply
Count to 3

Do the same with the second.


Which one wants u to wear it. Im sure u can feel that somewhere somehow. believe it. Whatever u feel.

i also feel the 1st one has more energy.

But what if i tell you its the 2nd one you need and want?


Boosting just messes things up lol even if you do then don’t do it more than once…


I get the feeling you guys think energy sensitivity is something else Vs what it really is.

I remember someone from this forum saying they sense energy sometimes as a smell and could smell X. From the photo.
Now… Does it help if I say one smells like strawberries the other like rose???
People perceive energy in different ways, and it is very individual so someone could usually be great at perceiving stuff but get not much from these pictures, others the other way around…

It’s not an exact thing.

I get that you need some proof… and after all this discussion brought up boosting disadvantages so in the end it’s good you made it, but proof is in the pudding.
Just chill and take a leap of faith and trust the process.

Edit - I should say what I wrote about energy sensitivity would apply for most people, not everyone of course…



Yep. This me. I don’t feel nuthin but I just carry on anyway. Whatever effects the items and fields provide, I consider as supplementary to the actions I am already taking in the physical world towards my goals. (by eating better, moving my body, therapy, self-care, skills improvement, continued education, etc.) I think the need for boosting items comes from lack of faith or trust in oneself, that you don’t believe you can make those changes. Like OM says, the ultimate field is you. If you want to boost anything, boost yourself, not the items.


I am gonna ask the same question about this mandala of mine I have it since June and I am not sure if it works

Not a scanner by any means but first pic is larger so might skew the subconcious to see it as stronger? Also the boosting fields were made BY Dreamweaver to boost his products.including the new one in Book Of Cards that will boost anything.Dont think he whould do that if it was so terrible.

Energy sensitive people, can you sense the energy of this mantra “ om lasuunkaan bsharoegh brzee shreeng” I easily get money opportunity in at least 24hours after listening consistently. I just fall off the bandwagon to use it as lifestyle but I think it’s gonna be used that by me from now on.


If it already works for you, why bother with energy sensing at all? Just use it…

Everything has energy. And sensing energy - be it for presence, strength, or quality - is not an exact science, and is very subjective, often colored by the sensor’s own preferences, conditioning and perceptions.

Also, energetic sensations do not necessarily mean results. I read testimonials for some creators where 99% of the testimonials are: “I feel tingling all over”, “I felt the energy in toes”, “I feel heaviness in my head”. Err, ok, but what measurable results did we get apart from all those “sensations” should be the question we should ask ourselves, of course, after trying an energetic product for a reasonable period of time. Strong energetic sensations do not necessarily translate to “useful” results many a time. Friction to certain forms of energy by our energetic system gets perceived as “strong energy” mistakenly and this is seldom a good thing.

The mind is a magician. Sometimes, we feel what we want to feel. We sense what we want to sense. So, we ought to be careful reading energy - did I feel it because I wanted to? Did I feel something because I have a bad heartburn after a massive bean burrito and I am reading a purely physiological sensation as an energetic reaction? Etc.


Beautifully said.
Also this comment could go on “discussion of other channels” as well :crazy_face::joy:


We also understand what we want to understand so I have a feeling it doesn’t matter how many times this is written down :joy::joy:

But I’ll bookmark this so I can just link it in the future :D


Mandalas works 100%. I have mine sealed with resin from 7 month ago and it keep getting stronger everyday.