I would love to receive clarity about chakras

I am simply trying to get a grasp on the value of growing chakras :slightly_smiling_face:

My understanding is that each chakra is associated with a different aspect of the physical and mental body. Sapien has used many direct approaches of healing in his fields, which follow a procedure similar to modern medical procedures, but instead of a cycle of medications or a surgical procedure, he uses energetic programming. This is fantastic and I use many of them but for most purposes, wouldn’t it be simpler to just use the chakra audios on Dreamweaver’s new ‘Mandelbrot Symphony’ series? I would assume that many mental and physical dis-orders are a result of imbalanced chakras, and so I would assume growing and evolving the chakras would create a harmonious physical and mental state?

thats all :heartpulse:

Hi toby,

In my understanding we are multidimensional beings and chakras represent one aspect of that multidimensionality. They are important but don’t hold all the secrets.
With that said, nothing gave me more inner balance that mandelbrot symphony series, I’d reccommend them highly. :)

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The fields descriptions explain it pretty well:

Chakras are part of your energy body. The energy body is heavily interconnected with your physical body as well you as a consciousness (mental, subconscious etc.).

Physical, mental, psychic etc. disorders can have Millions of different origins and causes. Just fixing the Chakras, which are only a small part of the whole energy body, is not a universal solution.

I recommend you browser the internet on the many bodies of the human body and how they are interconnected with each other. And then still, overall health is a super complex interaction of Millions of aspects working together. The energy body is as complex as the physical body. And just to understand the physical body in its basic functions, one requires to have quite some knowledge about biology and chemistry.

If there are any universal regulating factors that oversee all the layers and all other factors, then it would be one’s Subconscious Mind and Higher Self.

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