Recent releases have made me think about how much work goes into music of the fields Dream makes for us.Making field on its own is hard enough, and then he or @SammyG also have to find/create track which most of us will like.
So I have an idea where musicians of this forum would send their original music to Sam or Dream directly and then it is up to them to decide.This can be done in a few ways:
1.People would just send their tracks, and later on feel immense joy when they hear their music in a new field, or maybe even receive credit so all members know x person contributed. Simplest way
2.This is an example. Dream or Sam announce some of upcoming fields need relaxing music with a good beat(like Torsion for eg.) and people make music within specified parameters.They can be more specific ofc.
This would make users feel more involved in something beautiful and not feel like simple consumers who just reap benefits,while Dream and Sam’s job gets a bit easier.
Flaws to the idea:
1.Dream might be buying music from not so popular artists to support them so this could be bad for them.
2.Possibility users might spam with their music or say stuff like “Why didnt u pick mine it is way better etc”.
Solutions:Well he could still keep buying their work but not rely solely on them if u get me,and this would mean so much to the community. As for users being hard to deal with,I am confident majority of people here are reasonable and humble,and Sam could always make a guideline for how to behave if u want ur track to be featured(U can only send it once,no need for spamming etc)
I hope this idea will come to life because there are x times when I wish I could do more for him and Sam,but this way community could make their work way easier, and this can also be applied to visual side of audios(I dont know how to make music). @Maoshan_Wanderer @_OM tagging so u will most likely see this
We do this already One of our very own in the forum ( Vakkuum) has tracks throughout our channels. We’ve had other listeners featured as well when we asked our community to send in tracks and they go about it nicely. We don’t choose every track we get sent of course but it’s nice to have people send their stuff. So if anyone here didn’t know about that and makes music and wants to have a track featured on the channel (will have a field made for it. whatever dream comes up with at the time), then send an email to
I was just thinking about this a few days ago, the timing of this post is perfect!
Thanks a lot for bringing this up @shadowhunter176
@SammyG Is it alright if we send in music as we make them, like if I make tracks every month - 2 months and I want to share them? Or is it kinda spammy?
Yeah man,I am happy u like it
A track a month-2 months isn’t spammy. That’s fine.
Cool,this is the first time I am hearing about it.I rly liked music he made for HGH and of course DMT.Interested people will hopefully see ur comment.
Wow I love the Vakuum tracks. Didn’t even know he was on the forum.