Ideal Male (Updated)

Free audio?

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Yes but mandala it seems not audio


Thanks for this free Mandala :blush::pray::heart::sunny:.


Could you please elaborate how to use it?

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Is there another link?

It was taken down earlier. Download from here.

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Like any other mandala. Just keep it with you and it will do what its supposed to.


Thank you for the reply!
Do you mean just say activate & name of the mandala?
If it so then for how much duration it stays active?

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Thanks. :pray:

Also, @Fender_Cad, Thank You.

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It doesn’t have any activation command. Use it like any normal mandala. Only those that i specifically mentioned in description has activation command.


just want to know if its ok if someone posts the mandala on the forum as it already exist?

If there’s any reason why it would be a problem just discard my question.

thank you.

My take on this is that it’s really the creator’s call. Even though the creator has decided to withdraw from this endeavor (and graciously gave us advance notice of their decision so that we could download any of their creations that we wanted), there is already a link upthread to a Google Drive repository. Sure, access to that link needs to be requested, so if the creator wants new people to have this mandala and its field, the creator can give access to those who request it. I’m not seeing the need for it to be posted here. (ETA: Especially as the creator originally made the field available to those who went through the ordering process and downloaded the ordered product.)

Edited to include an important, forgotten word.

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ok, thanks, I missed the timeframe. I asked permission to the drive but no answer. what can you do, happens.

This one recived a full rework. Now it’s better than it’s premium 2.0 version. I’ll just make that better in this case. Seems I went a bit overboard and will be a little more careful to avoid this type of mistake in future. Also the field and it’s function and working pattern is fully changed.


@Fender_Cad if possible please post this link in the post by editing it. Thanks.

@StarLord here it is

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Is this the free version?

Yah since it’s uploaded in drive here lol

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Thank you for replying, got confused reading the original post.

Thank you once again for all the amazing tools and healing seasons.

Have a great day. :pray:t5::sun_with_face:


How can it be used?

Having it on my wallet is enough?

Or having it on my google drive?