Ideas for hormonal flush stack

This is my current stack for hormonal flush - :arrow_double_down: estrogen and :arrow_double_up: testosterone.

  1. Hormone Regulation (reduce estrogen) - 3x
  2. Testosterone Boost ver 2.0 - 3x
  3. The DHT Overwhelming Presence - 1x
  4. Endocrine System Rejuvenation - 2x (alternate days)

Suggestions to add to this please.


Perhaps add the new kisspeptin one

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Yes, thanks, forgot about it.

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I just want to ask why do you want to flush hormones. I see that whenever I try any field/frequency or even reiki that balances the hormones. My infection gets worse. I get vomiting or constipation. My liver gets overburdened and I get palpitations and loose my sleep also.

Hello, as I understand hormonal flush means removing excess estrogen from one’s body as excess of estrogen is harmful for both males and females and once excess is removed balancing the rest of the hormones.

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