Identities and life

Hey guys,

Isn’t it interesting?
We are born into this world

We are thrown into it with a completely blank canvas. We have no idea where we are and what we are. We would not survive without other people’s help. We have no choice but to rely on others to give and shape our ideas and concepts about the world in order for us to navigate it as best as possible.

As we grow up and older, grasping concept after concept, the world does not feel so abstract and unknown anymore. We learn and we figure things out. There is reasoning and logic. We can interpret, infer and deduce. We can instantly apply what we learned and become more and more.

We keep growing and at this point, we start to lose interest in the most basic concepts we’ve learned in the beginning. They begin to feel too basic to us, too silly. We don’t need them any longer. Instead, we want to explore the big and vast world, since there are still so many unknown variables. We want to invite more complexity into our lives, to make life more interesting.

We notice that we align with certain people, and with others we do not. We spend time with our tribe and less time with those others. We want to belong. The group gives us strength and we also want to make an impression on it and it’s members. We do what we need to do in order to fit and blend in.

As we are still growing and life becomes more complex, we attempt to make sense of it all. To balance all aspects. We find this not an easy task and there are evidently sacrifices needed to be made. One aspect of life can not fully blossom if another aspect is vying for attention.

We seek and find direction. We take a path that makes sense to us. It’s a mix of experience and intuition. We have outlined a rough draft of what life can and will look like for us in the future. Depending on our outlook, the draft may look gloomy or shiny.

As we follow along this path, more and more variables are introduced. Life becomes exceedingly complicated, even when we do not actively seek out new variables.

We go on and on.

At this point, we get an inkling that it simply might be too much. We have accumulated so many experiences over so much time. So many lessons appeared. We don’t know if we want more, or if we want less.

This is a story about identity.
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Have you found yourself in this story?

I most certainly have…
I’ve come to realize that since being born, I have effectively been seeking out identities. Up to a certain point, that is. Since encountering Sapien Medicine, or perhaps a while before to a smaller extent, I’ve been more or less seeking the opposite. What’s the opposite of identity though?

For me, it’s simply the beingness, being oneself, a person’s uniqueness, perhaps you could say a person’s soul. None of these words can quite fully capture what I intend to say, but all of them together can paint a picture. And there is something to it.

Simply being - flowing with life - going hand in hand with the universe. I’m sure you know those special kind of people. You see them, and they’re like a feather in the wind. They seem to be floating on life itself. There’s a sense of positivity and joy radiating out. There’s fun, lots of fun.

This to me is a celebration of life, a love that extends outwards in waves of largest magnitudes. There’s a sense of gratitude that permeates even tiniest quantum particles. There’s mindfulness. There’s detached focus. There’s beauty. There’s joy.

This is what life is about.

We tend to say that we are this, or we are not that. We are able to do that, but not this. We like to do this, and not that. But how often are we honestly just being, even for a moment?

Being oneself then suddenly turns from thinking we are just a tiny individual on a vast plain into the potential for being everything and connecting everywhere. Omnipresence, if you will. Godlike (Hey, Omni-God Tour haha ;)).

SammyG repeatedly reminds us;
“Nothing is true, everything is possible”


Why am I writing all of this?
I simply believe there’s astounding potential through enabling these realisations. I have no one specific field or NFT to recommend you. I think they can all help. It surely helped me in all aspects of my life.

Where does this leave us?
I would say, keep growing, until you reach a point where you are so utterly satisfied about yourself that you simply wanna smile, naturally, unexpectedly, because you are so utterly proud of yourself.

Now, let’s go and celebrate life together. After all, it’s quite a beauty, isn’t it?


Thank you for writing this!

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identity seems like a bug in the matrix that keeps us from experiencing stuff through our senses without iteration and repetition.

it’s like we seek repetition to create safety and avoid uncertainty.

kids are usually open to uncertainty and less identified, that’s why they’re so immersed in the present moment. until they grow up and identities and structures becomes more and more solid.