If I listen Too Many Audio than I feel Pressure here

it’s like pressure on there left side of head ,
I’d marked exact position on there left back side of skull,
Is it energy overwhelming ?
Do you guys FEELING same ??
If yes than What does it mean ???`

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Yeah, same thing with me.

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is it on there left back side in the skull?

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with me.

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lol and I’f I listen aura purification and emotional release than that pressure go out and Iafter that I get results from fields easily

Unfortunately unless you expand your energy system you may have to limit your fields intake.

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Yeah exactly where u pointed, somtimes its more further back but same height


yes it’s behind of ear , I’d pointed in hurry :joy:

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Quasi Kinetic Aura is great for increasing your ability to handle more fields


yes I’m thinking this too, as Im also easily overwhelmed by listening 2 or 3 audios


is it kinetic quasi crystal?

how can I expand my energy system?

That happened to me the first few times when I discovered the morphic fields, although lower in the neck, but listening to jing, chi and microcosmic orbit every day, with time you endure more and you don’t feel the overload.

also do some grounding work regularly

And energy blockeage removal

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Kinetic Quasi Aura, it’s different than the crystal one. There are two, Crystal and Aura.

I’m so used to discomfort, minor pains and aches all my life that I couldn’t and didn’t notice any signs of overload or overwhelm with the audios. :grimacing:

Ever since I started, it’s full stacks throughout the day and sleep stacks overnight. (my life was quite messed up. :D)

Even with the energy course, I’m on round 3 and I could barely feel much.