hey everyone. As per the articles on the enlightened states website say, that we should focus on our final goal or think conceptually about the final goal but by reading the description of morphic fields of many creaters, almost everyone who goes in much detail about what the field do, why they mention that it increases that certain/this/that hormone or whatever in our body which makes me feel confused as It indicates that the concept embedded in that morphic field is not of the final goal but rather of the process which will lead us to the final goal.
my another question is that, if someone makes a morphic field for not themselves but others, then wouldnt the concept hold by the maker of morphic field affect themself as well. Or if not, then how they hold the concept while making morphic field so that it only affects to the intended person who is listening/wearing?
It’s simply take on going to the goal state, going through the process, which can be many of possible ways, will lead to the goal.
The idea of focusing only on the goal serves not only one purpose, importantly it removes overthinking on the process which if done thoroughly will make it more and more automatic being a focused intent of thought and will, all on its own or with external help.
Also generally goal state is partial, so infinitely many ways and complete goal states are present.
Note that focus on the process is extremely hard if not impossible to avoid when performing actionable planning and execution. Goal-oriented reasoning (deductive process from goal to current state to build a plan) is a common trope, but per se it’s equivalent from most generalist perspective to forward way of planning (in strict mathematical sense) and humans inevitably seem to switch to forward (“how”, process) thinking.
Focusing on the goal is vital. Let’s say you want to become a champion golfer, that’s your goal.
Do you think that picking up a golf club from time to time might be helpful?
Of course.
Life is a continuum from where you are to where you want to be, or do you want to be a champion golfer without ever having picked up a golf club?
The details in the description are necessary to know which components interact in each field and so there are no clashes or overlaps with other fields.
but it doesnt quite relate to my question. Lets change the example of golf to chess as golf is something im not even a bit familiar with. I can manifest the extraordinary abilities but still I would have to practice the game. While manifesting, I am not gonna/shouldnt manifest playing the game like I desire but rather should manifest the outcome I desire. And practicing is an external effort which is not involved during conceptually thinking about the goal and it has to be done after focusing and setting mind on the goal but not during it.
It’s far more straightforward to go through practice instead of “automating” it somehow, currently there’s not substantial enough body of knowledge on ability to implant muscle memory directly. Or implanting memory about any other process.
maybe this gave me a bit of clarity. I guess the maker makes the field intended to the final goal but some process must happen to make the goal happen and with the help of biology we can know the process which results in a certain outcome so its safe for the user.
I hope dream or psychic uni reply to this as they do this art
Also consider the part of focusing on a goal as a guidance, while many ways lead to it, some are optimal or better than others, some are tedious and slow, some are “Dragon Paths”. Focus on goal guides one through the process via more optimal ways, also allows to eliminate unnecessary steps that aren’t needed to achieve the goal.
Because action and becoming that certain thing you’ve created in your mind is the art of “prayer”.
You’re communicating on various levels what you desire and the energy and frequency you’re vibrating on will ensure it’s manifestation.
Want to be a millionaire or something, then learn, move, and think like one on all fronts.