I'm beginning to see angel wings on my back

Some things, we may never find out :slight_smile:

Other things - the more you develop energetic abilities, a whole wide world opens up haha


Very interesting! I will check this out.


Why not find out man, I dont get it, humans get born, humans die, sorry to cry to you right now but idk, its seeking seeking seeking and seeking, I take your advice and work on myself and my abillities more yeah, but in the end, whats the point of it all
more powerful beings here and there and then you have humans, looking around like lost fish in a sea they cant see
whatever, just my ego crying and being whatever it is right now

Thank you for answering


I hear you :slight_smile:

It is all individual perspective right?

I have friends who say - why bother with meditation, energy, etc.? Eat, drink, work, live well and die. That works perfectly well for most people!
There are also others who say - no matter what healthy diet, exercise you do, we all die, so why really bother? I can empathize sometimes with their perspective too.

I have personally found my spiritual journey fulfilling. My goal is not to find answers, it is to find peace, bliss and oneness, and I think I have found it to a degree. Not everyone needs to pursue spirituality, or is qualified for it either, and it’s perfectly okay! We all have our own perspective and no one perspective is better than the other.

Not sure if what I said makes sense? :slight_smile: A lot of spiritual seekers “seek” - this and that, and get frustrated because of endless seeking. My spiritual goal is to not to seek more, but to not “need” things as much. I can certainly say that my needs and wants have reduced greatly with spiritual practice, or more accurately, my mind’s dependence on “things” as the source of happiness and fulfillment has significantly reduced and that is the biggest benefit I’ve found from my practice.

Also, spirituality is not all the same - not all techniques are same, not all approaches are the same and as much as we like to believe it, not everything leads to that one grand, happy place (which there is none?). That is why in Buddhism, the “right view” is greatly emphasized.

So, just take it easy, and do what your heart wants!


free will huh


Ooh I won’t get into that slippery discussion haha… There is a long, fiery discussion on that some place (which I’ve ignored so can’t see).


Nah I know what Deja Vu’s are, we good, but thank you :pray:


This is a great stack that calms the heart and mind, and replaces “seeking” part of the self with “resting” one :slight_smile: Rumi says, “While I was busy seeking, I missed my beloved that was trying to find me. I stopped, and rested, and my beloved found me in a minute”.


Thank you :pray:
tho seeking is part of the whole journey as well isnt it
I will find answer on my own, if not, well thats okay too so I try not to ask to much

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I’m asking brenda if she can remove ALL energy of all kinds from my apartment and from the car. Including thought forms or any energetic programming Only energy to keep is the heart based high vibrating light connected to the heart of the earth in the apartment. Cool thing I am asking brenda to do recently after all energy is removed. You know the Stonehenge portal and Sedona portal? Well I am asking brenda if she can place those portals from sapien med over the entire apartment and land permanently, via connection with the vibrations of the earth. So I will have those two and the heart of gaia flowing through the electricity

I keep seeing 1234 1212 1111 444 333 all the time. I see them on the coffee maker. I see them on the time my mom sends me text messages. For example my mom sent me a message at the time 1234. And the message before that was 333… I see 1111 when I turn on the phone when I wake up very often. I see it at work on the clock of the worksite job vehicle. I see light strands with my eyes when I go outside. They are shaped like numbers sometimes. I don’t know exactly 100% why I an seeing these things but they don’t stop appearing to me lol it’s a constant thing in my life and I feel like I need to know what messages I am being sent. I look online with the numbers but I cannot be totally sure if it’s my situation. Basically today I just saw 1212 on phone and I looked it up on Google . I wonder… what do you guys think about finding each others twin flames over the community here?

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I think it’s possible.

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The so-called angel numbers, but also mirror numbers are a sign of spirituality. It is difficult to decipher them, but it is likely that for each person they have a different meaning, perhaps a customized coding.


I get these a lot when I listen to the guided path or probability and synchronicities, even got them for some time on mulitply occasions without knowing of dreams fields at all. It just means prolly everything goes as planned