I'm beginning to see angel wings on my back

Anyone having an experience like this? It’s so cool, like an etheric part of your body stretching out


No. But I always see flicks of light. Especially when I call them. Sometimes they just do it and I just say hello (:


I didn’t notice the angel wings until I had more sessions with brenda from twistedsage. She really helps me grow spiritually. Next thing I’m asking for is a chalice bangle+ heart of gaia energy placed over my kundalini and 18 chakras. I have a feeling I may spiritually mature a lot from that session I’m having next

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Had my mom comment once ‘you almost look like you have wings like that’ referring to looking like an angel.


I see energy and thought forms auras energy radiating from people hands and I see chakras with my third eye etc. Even saw loads of entities in the past with my third eye and pineal gland. I’m asking brenda if i can have a session to see archangel Michael or metatron with my bare eyes. As a way of getting fearless inspiration


Report back with results if you will :sunglasses:


The more you develop your communication with your angel. The more they will show you more signs. Just pay more attention to what really resonate to you. It could be from numbers or blink of lights. Or maybe a feather. Or a bird. You can also ask your angel to show itself to you. But be more specific of what you want to see with. The signs can be with anything really.


Real Angels don’t have wings, that’s an old belief from human mythology and religion.

Instead astral matter can take on any shape and form of what we believe that it should look like and/or Angels do take a certain form to make it easier for us humans to understand them.

That of course means, that you cannot rely on the fact that some entity has wings on them is automatically an angel, you also have to feel their energy with ALL of your chakras. Demons and astral tricksters very often disguise themselves in the shape of angels or try to brainwash humans into their agenda, e.g. what happens with most so-called “Lightworkers”, who get deceived by only listening to theit heart chakra. Demons and malign aliens are very good at manipulating the heart chakra – you always also have to feel what your third eyes and crown chakra and higher self are telling you about an enitity!
Never rely on an entity’s shape alone and do not get deceived by the heart chakra manipulation.


Isn’t it possible that there are humanoid angel beings with your normal Angel Wings? :thinking:
I mean we got a big ass universe with who knows how many dimensions, universes and how many entitys, or did you see it all ?


Angels are home in a much higher dimension than your usual astral levels. Most people on earth struggle to even see the etheric or lower astral level. It is the angels who have to project down into our low levels of frequency in order to intervene in our lives. On the very high level were angels are home there is no such thing as “shape”, “form” or “body” and hence nothing that could look “humanoid”.

When you speak about physical universe level and astral levels only, then of course, there a Billions of humanoid type beings living here.


Don’t get me wrong, you are right, theres some bullshit out there you better keep away from.
And thanks for reminding me of key elements again

Here is a very good and long series of articles how one can differ between positive and negative Aliens by the way: Alien Agenda | Transcending the Matrix Control System

It is a long series of 6 parts with several intros and outros.
Understanding Aliens is a good portion of understanding at least a part of the beings who are out there and also how they differ from real angels.

PS: I would totally trust Sapien’s Angelic Intercession audio and Michael mandala – they all feel very pure :-)


Brian described a similar experience when he and Brenda first started working with the energy of the Chalice Rings. @shawn492, have you read the story about his experience?

I am pretty sure I’ve encountered “beings” with wing like appendages. They have mostly been nice/quiet/curious (my guardians are very fierce and for the most part block any non-beneficial entities). But at this point, I am re-evaluating my understanding of which of them are angels (if we can really even say there is a distinct class of beings called angels) vs aliens vs evolved humans from future timelines. Not really easy for a person of limited faculties like myself, and preconceived notions make it harder to arrive at conclusions.


Yo! I don’t “feel” them per se… but I do “see” them in my mind’s eye quite often lately! Rad


Most direct “Guardian Angels” who are there with us throughout most of our incarnational lives are usually our “Other Selves” which the Higher Self sends as guides and helpers for us. The Higher Self knows best how to help himself/herself more than most other entities. This is also outlined and explained in Robert Monroe’s books where he learns that his astral guide is another self-fragment of his own Higher Self. So it is really us helping out ourselves in most cases :wink:

And if the “Guardian Angel” is not one of our other selves, it often is at least someone from the same Soul Family (a small group of Higher Selves friends) or Soul Monad (a larger group of Higher Selves friends).


I have never come across my “guardian angel” so to speak. I think soul groups, monads - may be or may not be true as these generalizations seem to stem from New Age culture? I am not saying these are correct or incorrect, but I don’t personally resonate with him based on my current life experience.

When I speak of guardians/guides, these are specific entities and not a vague energetic presence. They are very specific individuals who contribute to my well-being in specific ways and have often revealed their historical/future details. One of my earliest guides was a Lama from Tibet who said he lived in 1600s and then proceeded to one of the Pure Land realms where he currently revels. I was supposedly his student then, and hence he looks out for me.

Another guardian is a Dragon who was assigned to me my teacher from the Maoshan sect of sorcery, which is one of my main practices (who incidentally loves Brenda from Twistedsage and pops up whenever I speak with her).

Also, the guardians that come to me often are Sekhmet (for some unknown reason, perhaps due to my long association with Goddess Kali), Narasimha who I have recited and worked to make contact for a decade (who by the way likes Dream a lot) and another Sumerian deity (who does not like her name disclosed) - and these are very specific deities with a long historical record of presence, so I would not call them fragments of my self?


How do you find these things out ?

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Well, when I mean “Other Selves” then these actually are your other incarnations which do happen right now at this very moment in parallel (since time is an illusion) and these incarnations have real own identities and personalities, just like you have here on earth. For the Higher Self it is impossible to experience everything on the earth playground with just one single “personality setup”, so every incarnation (from the many thousands that your Higher Self has) is different in order collect maximum amount of experiences and perspectives. For each incarnation the Higher Self defines a set of personality traits etc. (just like when it chooses the time, the country, the parents for the incarnation).
Since time is an illusion that we only experience on physical plane, literally all your incarnations happen at the same time and also at the same time are already done with the incarnations. That’s how your other selves (from different earth times) can help you out with their experience right now – because they already finished their incarnations.
And vice-versa, when you sleep at night, a part of your consciousness helps out your other selves with the experience that you are collecting here right now on 21st Century earth. It think it is easy to understand when you forget the concept of linear time and just imagine that everything takes place at the same time…

This concept is perfectly outlined in the very esoteric book “Matrix V Gold” by Val Valerian (who is the publisher for the anonymous author). I highly recommend this book to anyone who has already some experience with astral travel and the earth matrix game. It basically starts where Robert Monroe’s and William Buhlmann’s most advanced stuff ends.


This is so wrong, I don’t even know where to begin.

Also, I’m heading out :wave: