sorry for creating so many posts. I was on scribd (great platform btw.) and stumbled upon this
To make it short, it’s about a person in a forum who claims to be the member of an elite family and answers questions people ask.
The answer given by this person are highly interesting and because Dream has much more experience regarding these things I’d love to hear his opinion on it, although I recognize he may not have the time for it. That’s okay. I’d just like to have a general conversation about it
(You can read the document by signing up for a free 30 day period btw)
The link to the thread, although I must say I have no idea how this thread works, looks pretty disorganized.
I read it all, pretty interesting read. Also pretty depressing actually.
Once I had this idea “What if we are the demons and this is hell?”
Yeah… I don’t know if it was such a good idea to read this.
In the end, I will have to ask god, or the One, as he called it, myself to be sure.
What intrigued me though is when he said to one of the questioners that he just extended his reincarnation-schedule on Earth by one more lifetime after he said “well I´d have to say your divine law has fucked up this planet and its people very well!”
Why exactly? Judging from how he talked about “The Divine” it sounded like he was very careful not to insult it in any way. Is the consequence of insulting The Divine another reincarnation on Earth, what he called “worse than prison”?
Your energy is put to better use than being led and stopped on a regular basis by this so called insider with so called answers. Useless consumption of your time IMHO.
Well you know, you read this and that and in the end you got to make your own experiences and come to your own conclusion.
One of my takeaways from this is to not come to a conclusion until you had “The Talk” with god and when the answers are self-evident.
There was something else I wanted to say but forgot.
Will add when I remember
Ah, now it’s back. When I read this I thought he referred to Ra and The Law Of One because of the Divine Law. The thing is, I haven’t read the Law Of One or any other of Ra’s material, so I have no proof for that
I have no idea.
What I don’t get tho is why he did it on a platform that seems to be rather small.
There are many other things I don’t understand about it, this is one of the top.
He said in the beginning he is doing his duty and it has it’s own rules in the grander scheme and everyone, even the people commonly referred to as “elite” just do their duty, but following that logic you could just kill someone and say “well, I just did my duty.”
This very same behaviour I saw from the machine elves, doing nasty things and justifying it with “well, we all live in symbiosis and you do the same to animals, so who cares?”
I must say the idea of the universe being somewhat evil really triggers a sense of existential sadness/emptiness.
I’m with you on that, normally I wouldn’t do this it is just… Sometimes I came across material which literally haunts me. And I keep thinking and thinking and thinking about it because there is just something. I sense it. And then bang something in me connects the dots and I see the larger picture. The same happened with me and the machine elves.
And it usually changes my view on the universe in a very profound way
True, the sad thing is though that what you see heavily depends on how you interpret it.
I am going to be honest, lately I’ve been thinking a lot that Earth and life on earth is hell.
Other times I think it is paradise. My conclusion is to come to no conclusion until I get to make more profound and direct experiences with the divine.
I think so too, in general. I think in the end it will all make sense, I guess.
The only thing I am actually afraid of is that life after death is so boring that just to pass time we incarnate here. And then it gets too boring here aswell and we invent television.
Interesting question. To be honest, most of the time I don’t care about it too much, but lately, and especially since the recent death of a friend of mine I realized that my life span is limited and therefore I don’t need to fear anything on earth because it all loses meaning when you consider that you are going to die some day.
And yes, there is eternal life on earth and yes you can prolong your life span but… do you really want that?
For many years I was eager to, now I am not anymore. I am glad it will be all over one day and until then I enjoy my time here and do something meaningful.
When I read things like these then, this thought creeps into my mind “Well, what if it just starts all over again because who knows why and you have to do this now for all eternity?”
You know, generally speaking I’d like to get to a level where I can decide on my own when to leave the body behind. Like Buddha did. I don’t want to hang around here feeling like I am being forced to be here and I have no choice etc.
@Jonno Kindly don’t be so, afraid of life after death being boring. I had a spiritual experience once which changed the perceptive towards many things. We don’t know what we can expect life after death. At this physical body we perceive the life as enjoyable here on Our Earth. Even on earth and even before death we can gain more wonderful stuffs which keeps us engaging and develop ourselves, like music or spirituality and gain spiritual experiences. Its fun and also knowledgeable. The only thing I feel is boring here on Earth, is the transfer of knowledge. Even though we are developed in Internet and stuffs, The methods taught on Ancient times or practiced on Ancient times are not widely taught to many people. They are gone or atleast difficult to find. As people had different opinions or intentions, people wrote different books which in turn passed down to different generations in a different means with different stuffs. Uff !! lots of differences here.
Imagine kids are moved into spirituality or taught ancient medicine, or other kinds of ancient arts as it was taught over the ancient times. We would have a world productive in a rapid manner. Imagine people gain guidance whenever they want. Imagine when they are in high vibration state and can be productive in many ways. It will be fun along with lots of other inventions invented which may even does not belong to our physical world. Fun! Fun! Fun!
I always think that people fail to realize what they can do as a whole. Imagine a Complicated organ as Brain and & billion of them, the work they put. A wonderful whole new world with constantly improving lives . But then, If people are conscious enough.
Ah now I get it. Well, it was more of a joke actually.
My point was more about our life here. Yes, all these things you are saying are true and worth striving for, which I am doing, in my way. But that doesn’t change the nature of life. There will always be someone who doesn’t think this way and causes suffering for others.
There will always be these times when you misinterpret someone’s intentions.
There will always be disappointment in discovering your friends aren’t your friend.
And at the core you will always feel like you are a stranger on this planet and you don’t belong.
At least that’s what I discovered. Again, not my final conclusion because I can always be wrong, just explaining why I said what I said. There will always be a certain degree of suffering.
Thank you.
This was meant in a general sense btw. He wanted to leave and he did. I hope he is happier now whereever he is and I hope he won’t have to go through the same or any pain again.