Immunity (Patreon)

I already got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. However, the protection rate of that vaccine is around like 75%. Would listening to this audio bring me close to 100% protection rate? Is it harmful to listen to it if I already have the vaccine? @Captain_Nemo


no it should not be harmful


Likely someone could report it as innapropiate saying itā€™s a fake covid resource.

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So this would useful for anyone who arenā€™t have covid but might get a change to be infected?

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I donā€™t think I do.

Would there be any issues using this if you have a autoimmune disease?

But, the question becomes what if I did have covid and was just asymptomatic and used this? Some people never get any symptoms and never know if they have it.

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Yea I think he made it with good intentions but then there so many factors involved probably thats why he took it down.

If youre concerned take a covid test beforehand to make sure


Yeah thatā€™s what I think Iā€™m going to do. Because Iā€™m around covid patients everyday at work. Iā€™m more likely to get it than most.


@Captain_Nemo is it safe for those who will get vaccinated in future?


I could not download it, it was removed :confused:

check your email from patreon, download link under attachments


I just did it, great it works! thank you for this precious audio :slightly_smiling_face::pray::sunny:


It is very likely that any type of anti-covid vaccine will need to be repeated periodically

Thanks for this @Captain_Nemo

I heard today that the first people vaccinated may need a booster in September


Thanks a lot!!!

Thank you so much for this, Captain! :pray: :pray: :pray:

This audio should give you the antibodies.

Iā€™ll take an antibody test before listening to this when Iā€™m back home (I think I already have, but the test gives you a %), then another one after using it for a few weeks.
In my country they donā€™t vaccinate you when you have antibodies, but itā€™s one of the more reasonable countries :D I know in the country where I am from they vaccinate everyone regardless.


I wouldnā€™t go near the field if I a person has an autoimmune disease but only @Captain_Nemo can confirm if there is some sort of protection in place for such cases!