Immunity (Patreon)

This doesn’t need to be used everyday right? Just twice today and then once every couple of weeks or months right?


Usage is in the mail.

I’m using it twice today. Then a couple of months or weeks later.


It’s very smart to have added and deleted this from patreon. Nowadays it appears only a mention of any alternative to a vaccine is already deemed a conspiracy theory


Can someone pls clarify that using it just twice today will make sufficient anti bodies or not?

Just like the description said. Good for you!

Thanks @Captain_Nemo .

Guys, in case you haven’t done it yet and want to, this precautionary audio can be downloaded for free here:


As @Shivy-SzN has put it
Use it twice once
Then after a couple of weeks/months…till the virus is active.
Pls read the description at the beginning…and Captain’s warnings too.


Captain, can you please tell us something regarding autoimmune diseases and this field?
Usually, we’re advised not to use anything related to immune system…

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Is it advisable to listen to the corona disruption field after I’ve listened to this or the immune system supercharger? I’m a little confused as to when can I expect the anti bodies to be made. I want to avoid putting that vaccine shit in my body real bad. I’ll just get an anti body test done and if they are there my parents won’t force me into vaccination I think.

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Yes, twice today and then once every few weeks or even months depending on how much threat the virus is to your environment.

For example if you’re in India where the cases are high at the moment maybe once every few weeks if you are near the virus.


Has anyone used this yet and if so have you gotten a fever or side effects?

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Yes, I’m feeling weak rn. Have heaviness in arms, legs and chest. I also listened to the plasma light field 3 times. Idk what exactly is causing this.

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Haven’t tried yet, still fine tuning my stack, would welcome your suggestions:

  1. Clot Dissolver x2-3
  2. Covid Immunity x2
  3. Enhanced Blood Circulation x2
  4. Alchemical Jing Charged Blood x3
  5. Blueprint of Life x1
  6. Acu-Automaton x2

Yeah I’m so grateful that @Captain_Nemo made this for us but I’m scared…lol. I hope you feel better. I’m sure it’ll pass. Keep us updated.


How was sam at risk exactly?

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I mean, idk what you’re trying to accomplish but personally if I use it, I will just use Blood Clot Dissolver first and prob Plasma Light before and after too. Maybe Plasma Charged Mitochondria too.

This normal its the effect of creating the antibodies give it a couple days.

Yeah I agree. I’m going to use tomorrow when I have 2 days off work.


(i dont even think sammy knows it was out :thinking:
and deleted now)

Should I have told him before?
I am not aware of him risking something.