Immunity (Patreon)

@lilo I also remember @Maoshan_Wanderer saying Alchemical Holy Light helped with his girl’s side effects after the vaccine.


Blood Clot Dissolver: only one.

Description says 3-4 times it could last (2.2 days as Captain explained last time “if used properly”) just the needed time after using the immunity to stabilize the immune system.


Captain, can you please tell us something regarding autoimmune diseases and this field?
Usually, we’re advised not to use anything related to immune system…

I honestly think it should be okay

but if you have concerns its better to be cautious.


Just some overall prep, then aftercare to ease any discomfort.

Mito is a good one, thanks, I usually have it in the mornings.:blush:

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Oh I guess I misunderstood the play “once” I thought one time, but maybe what was meant was “one round” which is 3-4 times.

Thank you for helping humanity :sparkling_heart:


Oh okay sorry my mistake thought about one listen. :)

Yes, extremely mild in nature tho.

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I listened yesterday around 7 pm

Blood clot 3x
Followed by this 2x

By around 11 pm I was coughing a lot more than what I had been the past few days, but didn’t last much seem to only happen when I spoke to someone.

Today I woke up and felt normal… other than that I haven’t noticed anything else also haven’t been coughing anymore.


Nothing really. I didn’t feel any effect. Just a little warm while using it but that’s it


Great question!

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I’m fine guys and not at risk at all @GianLee @Zen . I haven’t felt any foul play from the vaccine nor has everyone else I know that has taken it. That being said, some people have certainly had some complications from the vaccines. So I’m not saying they are 100% safe either.

I also don’t want to spread misinformation…as I’ve been seeing a lot of theories on the vaccine being pulled out of thin air.

Like a few days ago my friend was telling me that I got microchipped and to test this, to put a magnet on my arm… that it would stick cause of the metal chip. I tried it and uh, magnet fell right off lol. I suspect it stuck to some people’s arms due to some stickiness remaining from the bandaid.

Then I’m hearing things about gene manipulation but with no scientific evidence to support it. I’ve even heard that vaccinated people can spread whatever poison was injected in them to other people so you better start wearing masks now lol.

Look, I’m open to the possibility that anything can be true. But as much as I don’t trust the government’s words on things, I also don’t trust random people on social media making grandoise claims with no facts or evidence to back it up.

I personally think it’s important to maintain rational mind in times like these and not just believe anything people tell you. All that is going to do is instill you with fear and make you vulnerable… by increasing anxiety and susceptiblity to all kinds of claims. Think for yourself and don’t let anyone think for you.

Regardless, this field is a great way to dispel of any such fears and protect yourself against covid. If you don’t trust the vaccines, then perhaps this energetic vaccine that properly instructs the immune system to create the antibodies necessary to protect you against these viruses, will do you justice. We believe it shall.

I hope this field brings security and peace to those who listen.




+1 :pray:
Thanks guys


I am so happy to read this message brother @SammyG :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: !!! Thank you very much for this valuable tool, thank you for providing encouraging messages. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


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Btw, does the covid test show a negative result once you have antibodies? Or is there more to it?

There are a lot of conspiracy theories and misinformation out there but my Doctor (an MD) is concerned about long term neurodegeneration with the mRNA “vaccine” (it’s experimental gene therapy) as its highly experimental and she says studies show this is a possibility.

And my higher self as someone else up there has said, has been very clear “NO” do not get it. No question about it. Regardless if it’s unhealthy physically, it can’t be good for the Soul or Spirit (in my opinion).