Immunity (Patreon)

What a gift. I was scared to take the vaccine myself not because i fear anything physically but i fear anything affecting my soul/mind. I am not conspiring but this has been a gift of gold. Thank you @Captain_Nemo




whatā€™s unfortunate are the lack of options
as some other vaccines follow the normal way of making the vaccine.
a severely weakened to mostly dead virus.

Its really up to your government or what they make you do.


Thatā€™s the scary thing though. The government should never have the right to make anyone put anything in their bodies they donā€™t want to. Iā€™m just glad that hasnā€™t happened here yet in the US


:rofl: :rofl:


Yes my doctor mentions this in the convo too. Some experts are saying this. Itā€™s not just a civilian made tin foil hat conspiracy theory. No one really knows yet whatā€™s going to happen.


This video indicates that there may be something more to the whole magnet on the arm thing. It might be something, it could be nothing and could be a complete hoax. shrugs

Use your own judgement and discernment.


I feel super tired today upon waking up in the morning. I layed in bed for a good 45 mins because I didnā€™t have the strength to get up. I feel like Iā€™m gonna just faint or something.


I have recovered. Itā€™s been 28 days now. How soon can I use this

i think thats fine enough man
but remember you can feel sick again.


Yes, Cap. Unfortunately, people are at the mercy of their respective governments, countries. The top ranking officials and other health institutions are not disclosing all the vax facts to the people and I have not yet applied online to be vaccinated even if itā€™s already open for our city residents for weeks now. What I only rely for now is your audio.

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Uā€™lll b fine soon.
It means this energetic jab that u took is working.:grinning: Itā€™s equally potent. Hope u listened to the clot dissolver in advance as Captain instructed.


After thinking a lot and doing reading in this thread and online sites, I used the Blood Clot audio 2x and Immunity audio 2x
Feel light bubbling sensations in my chest, very strong pressure on my 3rd eye, as if a thumb is pushing on it. My head hurts a bit too and strange feeling in my nose when l breathe.

Tomorrow Iā€™ll report anything that i feel during the night

Edit: I woke up in the morning a bit tired but after having a shower I feel good. No symptoms or anything! Thank you @Captain_Nemo for looking out for us!


Lord! We all react differently to the vaccine. You will be fine. :blush:


Even if we are energetically vaccinated, howā€™re we going to deal with vax passports? Iā€™m sorry but this about so much more than a virus. We need a field to see past fear mongering and main stream manipulation.


I think Conceptual Realizations might be what youā€™re asking for?

Sam. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :expressionless: :joy: :rofl:

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There have been people forging vaccination certificates (also because they just use a batch number making it so easy to forge smh).

I tried this x2 yesterday at night

Blood Clot dissolver x1 (like I wasnā€™t sure if my clotting is even normal to begin with, so I just listened once)
Immunity x2
Enhanced Blood circulation x2
Full body detox x1
Lymphatic drainage x1
Crucible x1

Honestly donā€™t think I got side effects, at least not yet. But I used this before sleeping, maybe it has passed.


I also listened to immune system supercharger after this and forgot to listen to the clot dissolver. :sweat_smile:

their real effectiveness is very low, according to a study published in The Lancet