The Requests and Fields

hope you find the one for you soon.

I know I will find one better.
What’s is holding you back in IT?
Are you into programming?

I think you should not rush things.
Go slowly, focus on improve 1% every day.
I have read Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc follow that rule.
Maybe you won’t get your job next week but imagine what you will learn in a year.


Thank you Daniel. All the best.

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I was meditating yesterday and I realized that I don’t take really advantage of the power of the Sapien`s Audios.
For example, in the second interview In that job experience I detailed above, I used the anxiety removal and extremely confidence audio, the interview was really well (I even commented this on a thread).
But then I didnt’ use them later when the fear/the doubts or whatever appeared.
But now I’m aware of that, so I will have a better approach to use all these gifts for the future.


Insect repellents bed bugs, termites, ants, cockcroaches, mosquitos, flies

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Gene Inhibition - HLA-DR gene prevents the clearing of mycotoxins


Synergetic Element Charger :)


Not a request but throwing an idea out there.

I had already shared the idea of a partnership with Kip Mazuy (beautiful Shakti music for meditation).

I felt today that a paid album “feat Quadible” would be quite interesting & amazing as well.

You two are very complementary, instead of competing, and that would make quite a beautiful creation.

Not feeling it would disperse your fan-base Captain. But I may be biased here :grin:

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Sovereignty Tag

  • Being absolute sovereign of himself
  • Freedom to move without limit
  • Will Power field
  • Powerful Good Luck Energy field
  • Build the life you want
  • With Armour of Light and The Spear of Destiny field, inside
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too bad I can’t command it now
thank you though :slight_smile:

Plasmafied eye regen with added negentropy combined with eye regen 2.0 and dark circle audio

Something that brings eye to its original blueprint as it should be without any flaw (simillar to blueprint of life but only targeted to eye for rapid eye regen )
For healing any type of eye problem imaginable
So anything that’s not the natural part of eye will be removed automatically based on Intelligence of the field… (any scar, spot, damage, conjunctival nevas , puffy eye, dark circle, eye bag or eye related illness)


Does anyone know if someone has made a frequency or field for the 12 tissue or cell salts?


Never heard of it so i googled it. Found this , very interesting :thinking: maybe this could be moved to Request Field so Captain can see it? @AkiraTheWild

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You can check


Please make a legendary height next @Captain_Nemo


Hello, i would like to request if possible for the future REopening of the shop, the following items:

A comeback of the “Timelessness - Mindfulness tag” & “The True Self of Others - The Interconnection Of Everything tag”, they were offered back in teespring store once upon a time.
Then would be cool to have the old “meditation” advanced field remade for tag. And another even cooler thing would be a tag version of imaginarium divine.
Even cooler cooler would be a brief return of the custom requests like last summer :-))


Complete pheromone series for male & female, pick your poison. All the main male pheromone types in existence & the main female pheromones types in existence. Additionally, a revamped masculine energy & feminine energy audios.




they gonna have hundreds of requests :slight_smile::rofl: