Immunity (Patreon)

How many timesI have to listen “the clot dissolver?”

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2-3 times as mentioned in the description.


We need a field that brings the world back to the old state of normalcy…ie; how we were sans Covid.
That should be the next release!:blush::two_hearts::balloon:


Can anyone tell me when can I get an anti body test to see the efficacy of this sapien medicine vaccine?

Sign me up ;D


I think I’ll just stick to good old vitamin C, D, Zinc and… Garlic! All you need for a robust immune system. Also theres probably plenty of fields on Sapiens and Dreams channel that will give you a solid immune system against the worst virus known to man.



Will this protect against STDs and STIs? Just curious



Around the third week perhaps. That’s what they say for the actual shot…that it takes two to three weeks for the antibodies to develop

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Since it’s a new field, I doubt anyone has the personal experience :joy::joy:

I will take the test after 1 month, weekly use 2x

U gonna use it twice a week or one day a week 2 times.

I follow instructions, so certainly not daily :laughing:
Either weekly or bi-weekly one time x2

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Me too​:joy::joy:

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Lmao I’m getting confused now. The description says once every few weeks or months. Wouldn’t using it every week be overuse?

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Yeah I’ve read it again, I haven’t started yet :D


Using it every week is considerate an overuse. Please stick to the guidelines. To stay safe


I cannot find it! Did @Captain_Nemo delete it?

There’s a link on the bottom of the email that Patreon sent out as well as links further up in this thread.

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I got covid 3 months ago. Now I am going through post or long Covid. The doctor thinks I should get the vaccine but I prefer to wait, because I might feel slightly ill again. Should I use this audio?