Important Question

Yeah bro I tried to buy the audios with gift cards and stuff asked my parents and friends and they all didn’t work, but I am grateful for all free audios


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It works instantly, broo. I think u are listening to too much audios :innocent:


i listen to about 15. 5 of them are boosters such as sub limits dissolver, ego dissolution, aura cleaning, exorcism rite and energy blockage removal.

You should then I’f you want to grow taller

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And do you get results? I had ringing ears once and then thoughts of how I should use 6-7 audios to get better results and thats what I use… more than 7 and it seems i cant handle it.
+energy audios ofc

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tbh not really. I guess i will cut about 5 audios and see where i am at.

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Have you used Dreams psychic card Attunement?

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no I really should though. How do you use? how long do the effects last?

Boost it and use it once. And then see, if you need again. Uhm, you probably wont feel any effects, but you might feel the results from audios etc.

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I just hold the card on my hand and say “attunement Activate” right?

Yes. And wait for an hour, dont use any fields. And then wait 24 hours and then see if you feel any difference from fields.

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Thanks for advice buddy :innocent:

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also do i need to hold the card with me 24/7 for it to be active?

Where does it say that activating the Attunement card more than once increases its effectiveness?
Where does it say that the Attunement card increases the effectiveness of morphic fields other than the ones in the card system?
Where does it say that boosting cards have any effect on them? (I have been told it does not)

Are these just assumptions or actual statements by Dream or Sammy?

Nop. You dont need to.

nice! just activate it for 1 hr and then can go about for the rest of the day :smile:

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It doesnt say anywhere. But you need to follow logic, your intuition and your feelings to decide, if you need to do attunement again.

Well, this experienced being gave a good information!

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That’s obvious, what I’m saying is that I have read many times people recommending to activate the Attunement card multiple times over a period of weeks as if this would make it more effective.

I know, that is why I’m asking if this was a statement by either Sammy or Dream.
I have asked sammyg by email before and he told me it doesn’t really work, maybe he misinterpretated but I don’t think so.

Well, then it doesnt hurt to try boosting it…:tipping_hand_man: :rofl:

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