In need of Wizard help/advice for body healing

Hi, Hello, Howdily-doodily
_i guess i’ll just start and try to explain best, so you can hopefully understand what i’m trying to get across. I don’t know where else to turn to. I can’t discuss this with the people around me, I’ve lost hope on most of the medical care and carrying this “problem” within me, alone, is becoming a burden. So i’ve decided to try my luck here and if i get nothing, i’ll try reddit and lastly a QHHT session (hypnosis by Dolores Cannon).

[long story short: I need a wizard to help me with returning my perineum to it’s original, optimal position]

I know that each one of us can heal our own body. I know that each one of us can bring forth/shift to a reality we want, which includes our body and the state it’s in.

I know that the essence of this is intention. With intention we put life/energy into motion, into creation. Everything that exists here, exists because of intention. Intention is the basis; words and visualisation can be used to get veeery specific with the end result. And for best results, you need to be able to be grounded in beingness/present moment/a field of awareness and at the same time use intent + mind (words, visualisation) authoritatively (meaning, you straight up say what must happen, like an order, and you must mean it fully).

I know how to do it, but I can only manage doing it for a moment, because I don’t have enough spaciousness within me and enough experience with willing something into what i want.

Now the problem that i’ve been having in my body is a descent of the perineum. One day in February it kind of popped out, like it herniated and it doesn’t want to go back in. It also hurts because it’s pulling on the skin and muscles and it seems to be getting kinda worse, because i can feel deeper muscles getting tugged in my pelvis. I tried to understand how and why this happened and i think it might’ve happened to create a situtation for me where i would have the opportunity to study and conquer fear. To observe, meditate and go beyond it; as a point on my path towards a non-dual realisation. I’ve been trying my best to do so, but i’ve had enough. Enough is enough. I’m saying fuck off and taking action towards what i want.

So, if you yourself are a wizard, someone who has experience with this and knows how to do it, or know someone who can, please help me out, if you can and if you care. I’m happy to pay for the service. Also, if one of you will be able to intuitively recognise that this indeed is so that i can conquer fear and learn/gain experience how to heal my body&bring forth a desired reality - OK! - i just want some confirmation, some help or guidance so that i’m not totally in the dark about it. Because it feels shit to be alone in the dark and i’ve had enough of it.

(when it comes to morphic fields, i’ve been using sapiens “core strenghtening”, because the pelvis is connected to the core muscles, it helps keep it and pelvic organs in position. There’s also one for kegels, but i don’t think that one would help in this case)


that does sound like a hernia or a prolapse.
you need to get it medically checked out.