IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey - Animated Short Film


came across this and oh my.


Oh My what is this?!

At 1st i loved it, the music made me feel at home lol

But then just at minute 2+ my eyes started twitching more and more until i was squinting and i had to stop.

Lol you know that channel well?

What is it about? (This video)


Scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it.

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I do not, I just came across it and after they started to put on the fake smiles I started to feel a bit weird / understanding.

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That ending was beautiful…

This video doesn’t have bad energy. But it does intentionally disturb you. The music used are dissonant and the visuals are also of darker tones. Humans look creepy. But it’s all intentional.

It’s all showing how lost we are as people these days. The level of disconnect. The shadows cast by the masks we wear. It’s not subtle at all but very well done.

But yeah… it’s disorienting on purpose. The truth is disorienting and the visuals hold up the stained mirror to our faces. And it just goes on and on for quite a while until…

That ending. Man, that was beautiful and made it worth the watch.

Could’ve gone 2 or 3 minutes less of same themes shown over and over again but who am I to judge art. At the end of the day, it was quite an experience. Nice recommend :ok_hand:

Not for everyone though. As mentioned, it is intentionally disorienting so not quite the uplift, unless you have the patience to wait til the end which is actually uplifting.


Ah cool thank you.

Then i shall go through the whole hell till the end :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::muscle:


I agree, this video feels like hidden brainwashing and propaganda.

While it shows all the sick stuff of humanity, it implies that only white men in suits are to blame for everything, while EVERYONE is in charge.

Then it also implies that an EXTERNAL force will come and save everyone from their misery, while people need to do the INTERNAL work by THEMSELVES.

By relying on being saved by external forces, one gives away their own power = what the system wants.

Also if one looks closely at 8:53, the “ray of liberation” is coming from the bottom (Ascending earth? The pits of hell? Lucifer?) instead from above (Higher Self) :thinking:

Just some stuff I noticed, not claiming I understood everything…


Ok phew.

After a while like at 6th minutes i started fast-forwarding because it was too much of the same I already know further more… as a Vegan part of it as well, and im glad i ffwd.

The concept is great and the art is magnificent, cant get better than that.

But again, its like when Vegans post the horror the animals go through, i cant stand that. I dont need to see that. Thats for the non Vegans lol

Same i felt with this.

The end was beautiful and how i envision that new earth.

Still I believe the video has a pull in very strong energy and one that literally cracks open the blind subconscious of the masses watching it so they actually get DISTURBED.

The more spiritual advanced the less “emotionally” disturbed youd get by this video. Youd get just like ewww i dont really need to see all of that, because that awful reality i well know, its why i keep pushing to evolve from.

However, i am thankful i carry my Empath Shield pendant which now i understand why i felt like pulling away from the 2 minute mark, because as an Empath i was still going to absorb the awful energy of a reality that hurts seeing around inserted in that video.

Conclusion = i didnt need to see it haha

And a warning for the highly sensitive Empaths here, proceed with caution or simply dont watch it.

No need to go through it to see what we already know. And the end as we hope and work for.

Phew ok. Need some loving uplifiting hopeful audios now lol


It’s definitely open to interpretation so your guess is as good as mine. I interpeted the end when the masked guy shoots his mask off, as signifying ego death. And then we see the awakening of the individual. Becoming one with the universe. Then the interconnection of the divine and masculine energy, binded by love and spreading light above and below the tree of life. Which symbolizes the microcosm abd macrocosm, heavens and the earth… everything.

And the the eyes of the universe awaken in the very end. And I interpreted it as that. Awakening beyond the illusions we find ourselves in in this day and age. I don’t think it implies some external force is going to come and save everyone.

I definitely agree that the artist put too much an emphasis on the powers that be. Of course they have quite a part in all this but we are to blame to. I think in the beginning, our personal blame was shown quite a bit but it just went far too into the territory of everything wrong sources back is the powers that be.

I personally dail to see the brainwashing or propaganda here. In my opinion, it’s just some artists intepretation of reality and awakening past this. A bit extreme I think and a bit too black and white but I think it was a fun exploration.


I guess that’s the main reason I finished it. I also felt discomfort while watching it. And thought it was getting very repititive. Then I figured I should let go of my aversion to the discomfort and experience the art for what it is. Feel what it wants me to feel.

I’ve also made it a mission this year to become comftorable with discomfort. So I gave in. And felt like :poop: for a few minutes and then the ending turned that poop into :rainbow: So I appreciated that feeling of darkness going into light. It’s a pleasant transmutation.

But yes, this video isn’t for everyone. I enjoyed it cause I’m a masochist on a mission to find peace with darkness :new_moon_with_face: Everywhere I turn in this world, there are things that should disturb me or annoy me and I personally think true peace requires resilience to all such things.


Well if anything, this vid makes for fun discussion!


I don’t believe I’m more spiritually advanced than you but I did feel like this, a sort of understanding… Weird yes but still understanding.

The animal part was not welcome, a sense of disgust came upon me.

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I agree with you.

I guess I can still choose what kind of discomfort I embrace to level up, for instance… a new form of discomfort but not a known one. Lol

I get to interact with this discomfort for what is shown in the video more or less every single day and it hurts. I personally would feel like trying to embrace a well known discomfort its being masochist lol but im a risker just like you and i push myself further than i should sometimes hence why i went to watch it whole or almost whole.

My real problem with this video is the energy it uses to pull you in and hold you in disturbed.

Does that energy is dark or bad? No, as you said and i fully believe in your judgment.

But nonetheless its a forceful powerful energy i wasnt aware before hand It was there, that i didnt get to choose or know until i was already locked in.


I just realized the problem is more of that energy used in the video.

If it wasnt in it. I would have watched it fully and enjoy the art.

And just feel like ugh yeah yeah this is all true…


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Oh for sure. Life can already be a drag itself. Why force feed ourselves more of the darkness that is everywhere around us lol. That’s usually why I tend to stray away from gloomy shows just for the sake of being gloomy.

(Although some are awesome like 1st season of true detective. Technically the sopranos, one of my fave shows ever too was gloomy as heck. I had to take breaks sometimes cause my god, the drama there could be so heavy sometimes)

As for energy, you’re right. It’s energy. As in the vibe. There’s deff nothing programmed in it though. But still, visuals and sounds can be mixed in a way to invoke feelings in you. So it’s kinda the same when you think about it!


Hahahah i was thinking of that remembering the ONLY episode i watched going like wth is all this drama jesus.

I thought i had chosen the wrong episode to start watching but now you confirmed :grin:

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Hmmm… dont know.

Because its at the beginning when i felt it.

But anyway i now think it was more my chicken empath self lol

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Hahaha :laughing: I can only imagine what you caught on that episode.

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Like when everybody was all talking about The Walking Dead for months and me of course hadnt watched 1 episode, i was like but what is it so good about it with that theme :grimacing: maybe im missing something real fun with preconceptions.

So i decided to watch it.

The show started… so i went to the kitchen to grab something quickly to eat and then all i could hear was firing arms, people shouting, screaming i was like WTH is that, i kid you not… i was afraid to enter my room and look at the tv :sweat_smile:

I did. And was


How people like this?? hahaha

Never - again.