Increased Psychic Functioning (Classic Version)

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Yes, this is a significant modification of the audio, likely you won’t get the results if you listen to your version.

Am I the only one that believes this audio is not amounting to get rich quick money schemes, or even money directly?

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I think it could lead you to that quick scheme, like cross-passing with it.

how so?

by keeping emotions in control of the mind, hence whenever the fear kicks in, your mind simply stating "fear not, head on"would be enough to go ahead and experience the benefit without screwing up due to panicking.

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Just use this music player:

Load the original audio and set the starting point(A) to the end part where the thunder sound is not present, or any section you are comfortable listening to. Would work just fine.


cool, thank you for the tip :wink:.

it’s ok now i got used to the thunder sound, it doesn’t bother me anymore.

I listen to the field about 2-3 times a day. It is a wonderful field that has amplified my psychic abilities, I can know answers to questions, very accurate, before listening to this field I had no mental ability or I did not know, now my subconscious gives me all the answers I need sapien is a wonderful man who makes our life much more beautiful and healthy



how long have you been using it?


approximately, 35, days, 2-3, per, days


Keep it going :+1:


Received the tag today :partying_face:

Have these been updated cause I feel it quite strong?


anyone else has results that they’d like to share?

Fear is your ego

Sitting meditation - Raise your vibration with vibration series and conceptual relization

Another phone or computer open repel negative energy

then use your subconcious follow the track

When the negative sound somewhere touch you

Know that then tell yourself with subconcious that because your ego affect that

It will raise to the super higher state quickly

Its so hard to close the perception if you are empath

Should have shielding tag 2.0 in daily life

Or if you can choose to live in a better environment you should do

Grounding with plasma flower

I can close my perception when I listen to plasma protocol track 2

It feels like heal internal and brain that work too much(feel like smoking indica weed but stay high with no sleep)

When I medtation normally it opens naturally again

Cause i listen channel beyond placebo on youtube and get in the cousre of hynosis to connect higher self


I bought the audio yesterday, listened today first time and like it.
I think my psychic abilities are above average but not great.
I have a feeling this is what my life is missing.


2,5 months of daily use (twice a day). A bunch of effects, including this:

Some significant people from the “past” have restarted popping up in my dreams. When I say “past”, it’s like those I haven’t seen/communicated with at least for 10 years. With no apparent regret or nostalgia.

I used to dream of them sometimes but always in a silent/ignoring mode. They were not talking to me.

In the recent dreams, we chat and have a good time together.

I guess IPF combined with the Torsion field (+ probably some others) has allowed us to meet on another level and to wipe off unfinished businesses.


Can show your stack? Thanks


I have a day stack too, with fields related to time perception, anti-aging help, subconscious removal, ego, environment etc.

I also listen to my cat friend’s fields in the evening :))

The current night stack with IPF is highly inspired by forum members’ inputs (especially _OM, Philip Weiss, Maoshan Wanderer, Uial) and goes like this (those played once are usually also in my day stack):

  • Torsion Field x3
  • Plasma Beach x2
  • Flower of Life x1
  • Silence aka Corona Silent x2 (I use other virus fields during the day)

  • Teeth Regeneration x2
  • Gum Regeneration x1
  • Fat to Stem Cells (face, neck, scalp) x1
  • Scar Removal & Stem Cells x1
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen x1 (not every night)
  • Some Mstates x2 each (not every night)
  • Silence/Corona x2

  • Million Dollar Empire Mindset x2
  • Emotional Release x1

  • ISIRB & RBM3 x2
  • Autism x1
  • ENPP Enzyme x2
  • Permanent Brain Enhancement x2
  • IPF x2
  • Brain Regeneration x2
  • Silence/Corona x2

In order to wrap up with gratitude and integrate the new patterns:

  • Love, Gratitude, Appreciation x2
  • Quasi Crystal x4

Finally, in order to wake up in a good mood/environment (these seem to help also against the effects of the “night build up” on one’s mood, phenomenon recently discussed on the forum):

  • Anger Management x2
  • Hope & Happiness x2
  • Environmental Energy Accumulator x1
  • Atmospheric Rise x1
  • Powerful Positive Vibes x2

So, a very massive stack but I’m doing fine with it.


Nice! Very well thought out!