Increased Psychic Functioning (Classic Version)

Why you even bothered buying it in the first place if it’s placebo

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you need to clear your chakras and listen to some self love fields :joy:

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You know having psychic abilities need to keep train the ability itself. Even if you born naturally one with it. You can’t expect field to just give you all that. With enough practice. It will give you the ability.

What kind of practice you even implement while using this? You cant just use this and hope you see random shadows appearing. That’s not how it works. The astral world is not the same as what Hollywood depict.


Explain to me how at the time in all 27 years of my life I was single and then got married within 5 months of using vibration of divine love?

Come on now. Explain it. I was literally attracting only trash but it stopped.


The reviews are not fake. They are not paid.

There are criticisms posted from time to time on the forum and they either had to be moved due to them being off-topic or they were mainly posts without evidence and only slander

Also …your posts are completely off topic. Multiple violations of the forum policy

Also posts being ‘removed’ is not always the case. It’s the forum members flagging innappropriate content to keep the forum safe from harassment and trolling so it’s hidden. Sometimes approval for removal gets done


Ok yeah I know you’re going to @me with oh, she’s a cultist

Be that as it may. The fields are more than real and they absolutely help.

It would help you to avoid making such snap judgments about them because they do work

Sometimes you need some time with them.

Sometimes some fields don’t mesh well with your energy system for the time being.

But they absolutely work


@Kchannar are you still using this field?

As a general comment to the thread I’d like to say that half of what I think of seems to comes to pass within 48hrs or so it seems. That raises the question for me…. Is this precognition? Or am I influencing reality?
Probably a little bit of both— which is both fascinating and trippy

I’ve been using this once a day for a couple weeks now


NOT using this anymore.But I think I would like to come back to it

Hi Kchannar! Nice to see you again


thank you Rosechalice

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Since I’ve seen so many people looping this field for hours. I am gonna try that as well
My night stack will look something like this
3X - Psychic Consciousness Repair by PU
4hr- IPF
6X- Psychic Refinement and Expansion by PU
And then 1X Imaginarium Divine in the morning

I’ll keep you guys updated
Wish me luck lol


Has anybody tried coupling Psychic tag with this?

How had I not seen this?

Obviously I…

I will be talking about the process… because you have abandoned this a little bit and I feel like it should be honored :star_struck:

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Anyone gets sexual dreams sleeping with the tag in the night but not using round the clock? I get it every single time.

The question you should be asking is what is your subconscious trying to communicate to you? Look at your waking life, see the patterns within these dreams. don’t take them literally but understand them for what they can be.

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Ok got it.

Ok i got a strong feeling around the heart area with the first listen. As if some old/separated part is coming back to me. Feels little overwhelming and a lot of energy to integrate, but also powerful. Don’t know for sure if it’s exactly this field, since i’m experimenting a lot, but i’m 95% sure.