Indra's Jewelled Neural Net

Indrajala In Sanskrit means Magician Art, Deception. This and Hua’yen school intend different meaning or same?

Indrajala (Sanskrit: इन्द्रजाल) is a Sanskrit word common to most Indian languages that means Indra’s net, magic, deception, fraud, illusion, conjuring, jugglery, sorcery etc.[1]

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The artwork to the field has only one word coming to my mind: Sophisticated. It has this sophisticated feeling to it. Like the skies are bejeweled. Just a cosmic display of sophistication. It is making me feel different the more I gaze into it. And I just see myself inside this net. I’m not sure. But It’s a great feeling.


First meditation with it
Coming out of the meditation, I was absolutely convinced that all my furniture has moved and been rearranged. Perhaps the wave function was temporarily activated and collapsed back into particles right after


Dang that’s cool


Exactly what I thought, what if you enter a timeline where people don’t remember you? :joy:


It is not so many, if you look at the concept, it is just one thing becoming many, same idea said in different words and sentences.

@Jen May be Captain did create something to glimpse into other timelines without getting lost from your original timeline. It may sound cool but there is a high chance to lose grip on reality if you constantly see your reality changes. So, all precautionary measures must be in place.


From a wikipedia article, it has this quote:
"As is the case with this jewel, this is furthermore the case with all the rest of the jewels–each and every jewel simultaneously and immediately reflects each and every other jewel, ad infinitum. The image of each of these limitless jewels is within one jewel, appearing brilliantly. None of the other jewels interfere with this. When one sits within one jewel, one is simultaneously sitting in all the infinite jewels in all ten directions. How is this so? Because within each jewel are present all jewels. If all jewels are present within each jewel, it is also the case that if you sit in one jewel you sit in all jewels at the same time. The inverse is also understood in the same way. Just as one goes into one jewel and thus enters every other jewel while never leaving this one jewel, so too one enters any jewel while never leaving this particular jewel.[9] "

which reminds me a bit of this…

But a bit different


I missed your post, interesting you brought this up and yes Indrajala means magic, trickery, etc but if you split it, it Is Indra and jala means net, so Indra’s net is the magic or illusion that covers our daily waking reality.

The Buddhist idea could have been the same but the source of it the Vedic idea is exactly the same.

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Ok just musing here a little bit…:

The realization of this pervasive interconnectedness for instance will enable you to never feel loneliness - ever. Also it makes you acutely aware of you as an individual playing a much bigger role than you imagine in the world, as everything you do affects not only your noded jewel but all the others as well.

This could explain any sort of synchronicity. Im thinking quantum entanglement, where even lightspeed wasnt fast enough to possibly have transmitted information between two entangled particles, implying that they are somehow connected in another way.

God / source / the universe permeating everything and everyone. Its realization could make one feel supported at all times regardless of the circumstances.

The other points I haven’t been thinking enough time about yet.
I do know Jaaj @JAAJ would be particularly interested in:

Translating this into daily life, I liken it a little bit to translating the benefits of meditation into daily life. For instance, skeptics of meditation might be saying “Oh you just sitting there doing nothing? how useless! etc…”. Yet anyone who has been meditating for lets say even only a month will have already noticed things in their daily life changing. For instance, naturally being more patient in stressful situations, the ability of showing more compassion and empathy towards other people that are going through troubling times, an ability to introspect, etc. Plus also benefits directly on the brain and body.

What Im saying is, I believe the understanding and realizations from this net will, like meditation, also slowly seep into your daily life, even though at first it might seem like nothing is happening.

Thats how I see it, at least. Hope it makes sense


I think everything is different, completely.

This is named Indra’s Jewelled Net.
Not indrajala

This is really clear to me.


Excellent explanation thank you for breaking it down



(hence it makes sense for all of us here to become absolute super beings as we affect anyone on the grid) :wink:


Do you feel it is similar to primordial spark which is also interconnectedness? Is it more mathematical than emotional?


Awesome :smiley:

Well that is why I asked


Under what category is this field under?


Spiritual, Self-Improvement, Cognitive Enhancement, Health and Wellness?
I think it is spiritual. Please confirm friends as I’d then like to purchase it along with Light and Vibrational Guidance!!


I’m not an expert by any means but I’d agree with you that the most fitting category is spiritual


Any testimonials on this one?


Yes, any more timline change experience?

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