Indra's Jewelled Neural Net

Then you are enlightened

Edit; Actually, not quite. But you are definitely no regular human

You can experience all the things on that list to varying degrees without being enlightened, especially if you already own a lot of the fields that have come before

You can also experience those things on your own.

As it has been pointed out, this field should make experiencing those things easier. Testimonials will reveal more


The other day walking back home, I again had this distinct feeling that things were not in the same place anymore, certain houses moved to the other side of the road, cigarette vending machines appearing out of nowhere, streets didn’t seem the same anymore.

So yeah.
I wonder if it’s that and then I wonder what’s the purpose lol


Yes you are right, those things dont mean you are enlightened though

Being actually conscious and fully aware of those things is completely different than getting glimpses here and there throughout the day or during a spiritual practice.

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What are you trying to say here exactly

idk lol, just felt like saying it.

I didnt read this but I hope thats the case


Then it is official, now it is my most favourite field! Time to experiment.


Looking forward ;)
Don’t forget the sales code


No :joy:

Sorry man, burnt close to 500, also bought the course, will keep the net hanging for the next sale. :smiley:

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Any testimonials please?

Any testimonials about timelines?


I did quite a bit of research on the historical and metaphysical properties of Indra’s Net. While I was studying I looped the audio non-stop. Today I was feeling it emotionally. I felt like I was being grasped around the middle from behind. My heart was heavy and my solar plexus hurt. Now these might sound like a detox from looping it too long, but when I saw your questions, @King, I began to wonder. Did I get picked up from one place and set down in another? Similar enough but just slightly different enough that I did not recognize it?

Whatever I tried to correct the “detox” wasn’t working. A friend had to point me toward the fields to set me right. :pray:

I have been on the path (what is that, btw?) for awhile now, and have many tools to get back in my body properly when I’ve been taken for a ride. This was different.

If I have the supposition that I was set down in an alternate timeline, the most important thing would be experimentation to get back in one where I could function properly.

What I think about this fielded Indra’s Net is simple, but complex. The most obvious is that it is what is called an Antakharana, a term that was used in the metaphysical church I used to belong to, so I was familiar with the concept.

Everyone has a place in the Net. Each faceted jewel is the resting place of an identity, our place in the universe. But it is not static. Information can be communicated from one jewel to another. Blessings fan out from the offeror to every place on the net. We learn through it, we are blessed by it, and no doubt we feel/experience energetically everything that goes on throughout it.

Through the brilliance of the fielded Net (thanks, Captain!), I am guessing that the experience minimizes the entropic and makes it a more negentropic experience.

How can we use it proactively? That I think is the key. Yes there is passive receiving, but what if we employ a phase conjugate-type action?

What if, by meditating on the mandala while playing the audio, we actively claim whatever it is we are seeking? I for one love information, so I might tap into Napoleon Hill and his use of a mastermind alliance to gain knowledge of persons past and future, and more importantly, how to use that knowledge (= wisdom).

We are all connected, aren’t we? Their knowledge passes to us as fellow jewels in the Net. But I want it actively rather than passively. If that knowledge is mine, why didn’t I know it consciously already?

Now all the things that make fellowship so lovely - companionship, comaraderie, storytelling, teaching/learning through sharing of experience - become available on a global scale.

  • The net was one of the weapons of the sky-god Indra, used to snare, entangle, and conquer his enemies.
  • The net also signifies magic or illusion.

To me, this means that we become magical beings, changing the matrix by use of the force, lol. With the Net as protector from anything that might affect us.

Everything that exists or has ever existed,
Every idea that can be thought about,
Every piece of information that is true (every dharma)
is a jewel in Indra’s net

After that, it is all up to experimentation. What do you want to know? Who do you want to question? What blessing can you access by exploring the jewels of enlightened wisdom?

But it makes me think . . .
Don’t sleep on this one, ppl. Explorers, take heart! :slight_smile:


Hello @Rosechalice i know it is hard to generalize things in a few simple words. But what does this field actually help the meditator on? To realize emptiness? To see the Indra pearl (the shiny balls that is talked in the article)?

I look into it and is still clueless thanks


I think approaching this field is like approaching any new field. It is a path of exploration and insight.

I suggest trying the empty way first. Meditate on the field while listening to the audio. Having no intention will allow you to receive inspiration from the field. Choosing an intention will assist in downloading the information that you are seeking.

I think the key is in first realizing in yourself the potential of the field = its unlimited and fluid nature. The net/antakharana is something that we have always been connected to, just not aware of.

Allow yourself to be open to receiving. Then as you become more familiar with the vibration of the Net begin to ask a question and then sit for an answer. The more you bask in the field, the more you will become attuned to its presence and awareness of what it can mean to you. It’s like anything new. It’s okay to be clueless when beginning any adventure, but after just allowing yourself to be present with the field, begin introducing your intention.

Also, be patient with the process and with your exploration of the Net.


Are you assuming that the new timeline in case you slipped into is somewhere you could not function properly? My experience says people slip into alternate timelines a lot but it takes some awareness to know that it happened.

What would be your hook or something to pivot around to go back to original timeline? Let’s say you are back to your timeline but do you know for sure? It may feel like everything is same, your room and furniture are same, there are no new buildings near by or new signs but what if there is some minute detail which is out of place?


It isn’t the specific place I was concerned with, but the absence of the stimuli. Timelines are only one way to view it. Any change in awareness might lead to a different one. I often use releasing or Neville Goddard’s work to find a “new place” to reside energetically. Also I tend to navigate by feelings and not by visuals. After that just being aware of what seems different.


Is that what teleportation means? Or is it something different?

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Something different. Teleportation implies moving of the physical body through dematerialization from one place and reappearance at another. Whereas that might be the matrix through which jumping timelines is accomplished, teleportation implies a conscious act.

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truthfully I think there is more to it, so i will make another attempt to clarify. to be continued lol

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