Indra's Jewelled Neural Net

If I may chime in?

One pretty self-evident thing I have noticed I started doing more frequently automatically (I was going to make a separate thread about this actually) is that I keep wishing well for everything and everyone. Whether I’m on the train, at work or taking a walk, I feel like I am blessing even inanimate objects. I tend to go down to the atom even (and we know there is 99% space in an atom?), so I should also bless that space as well. Basically I let my blessings seep through and merge with everything and everyone. I found I am also blessing those whom I perceive to have wronged me in my life.

I have been doing this over the past week or more, only roughly 5 minutes each morning, and after each time there is this incredible sense of relief experienced as if it is an energetic super cord cutter. The problems dissolving, my mind clearer and my life feels generally easier with previously perceived tedious tasks now appearing as easy-to-do and normal things to do. There is an air of excitement for future possibilities not only being attainable but also a fun journey and process to witness.

The image of the jewelled net and the newfound knowledge that my blessings appear on my jewel and also mirrored on all the other jewels like an instantaneous ripple effect make me personally feel very calm and grounded. The question is: didn’t I already have this awareness? And the answer would of course be yes, but only to a certain extent. This audio seems to have amplified this awareness.

A note on blessings btw:
To me blessing someone or something encompasses gratitude for the being or item, there is also love in the form of well-wishing, there is respect for the existence of them, plus an intrinsic sense of awe and wonder that we as an individual are able to affect all others. So a blessing to me, for example, is stronger than gratitude alone.

Regarding the timelines jumping, I really need to experiment more… It is very interesting and feels like an adventure. It makes a whole lot of sense though, considering the above understanding that we can affect everyone and everything else. The concept is intriguing and worth exploring imo.

I was also inspired to play WWmagic again after quite a while and it seems to match very well with this. Lets see…



@Nice2knowU I remember requesting for an upgrade of Ego Dissolution, seems like Captain delivered it with added features.


I just bought it and I’m in my second loop and I feel like seeing images of distorted images inside my mind, like if they were made of liquid,
Phisically I feel like dizzy but not in a bad way, I feel good but things flows nice in my mind.
But it’s my first day with this so I should try this for more time


Nice report, Unbreakable! Seems like you are making conscious contact for sure. It’s so amazing that this is a mechanism we have always been a part of, but now with the ability to interact consciously, it truly becomes a blessed opportunity.


that does sum it up quite well haha


Very nice share, Nice. :slight_smile:
Giving that amplifies the good of all becomes even more evident with this field. The idea of blessing also increases the awareness of the sacred, and our sacred opportunities.

It reminds me of Kahlil Gibran’s “On Giving”:

Then said a rich man, Speak to us of Giving.
And he answered:
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding;
. . . in truth it is life that gives unto life—while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.
And you receivers—and you are all receivers—assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives.
Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings;


Since I listened to this until a couple hours after I listened other fields and sort of the effects went off I feel calmer, like I don’t have urges, accept things naturally like they are, more patient.


Thanks for sharing, Unbreakable! Seems like a nice outcome. :slight_smile:


@Nice2knowU I bought it, it is hard to say what is happening with this. Will see for few days and then make out.


@Kalacakra got some updates?

I finally had printed it out today. For a meditation, I lay down and had both the image and the audio playing on and near my heart area (thx to @Luke for the recommendation). I tried to completely let go and just observe what was going to happen. Well, with eyes closed, at some point I could see the net projected onto the ceiling. I kept “poking” for answers to revealing its purpose, etc, but eventually gave up and just went with the flow. There was one instance of realization hitting me quite hard regarding thinking badly about others and these thoughts holographically appearing on the entire net into infinity. Kind of the awareness that we are able to do bad - but also able to do good, even if only in thought. And that thought in itself is obviously tremendously powerful.


No, it is hard for me to make out what is happening.


Question for you @Unbreakable. You mentioned receiving images and also @Nice2knowU mentioned images. I wonder if it’s possible that the net is tied into clairvoyance in some way. When I think about the concept of a net where we are all connected I first think about empathy because it allows us to be more aware of our connection with the whole and how our actions, thoughts and feelings toward life radiate out and is received by all. But now introducing visions/pictures/clairvoyance into this gives it a new twist. Perhaps the net amplifies the ability to see into the energy field that connects us. I think this is an expansion of psy-abilities that I wouldn’t have thought would be part of this. Thanks for reporting.


Anyone got some updates?

I have been using it on and off recently…


After a long gap I used 3 times before going to bed, I dreamt about my old friends with whom I have not been in touch in decades.


Wow, nice. I hope that was a comfort for you.


not sure but mildly suprising.


Indra’s Net symbolizes the universe as a web of connections and interdependencies among all its members, wherein every member is both a manifestation of the whole and inseparable from the whole.

As we use our fields daily we add to this net of blessing for all of life. The compelling nature of a morphic field of compassion, health, positive outlook, abundance and joy enhances the essence of that light which is then radiated to all who are on this earth journey with us. Some are on the journey unconsciously and fewer, consciously. This field supports our ability to consciously assist those who are in need of help and love, just to make it through a day. My heart goes out to all who need this support, and I am grateful for this field, which has given me a new realization of the connection and how we can use it.


Love this quote:

A change in one jewel—or person—produces a change, however slight, in every other. Realize, too, that the infinite reflections speak to the illusory nature of appearances. Appearances are not, in fact, reality, but only a reflection; the true nature of a thing is not to be captured in its appearance. However powerful that appearance might be, it is yet only a reflection of what is real.

There are some fields that are a conundrum to me. Like this one, and Blueprint of Blueprints. I am determined to peek behind the veil and make these fields real and applicable. Appearances are, in fact, only a reflection of what is real. There is so much to be gained by a community of like-minded, open-hearted beings. Thanks, Dreamweaver, our beloved ship’s captain, for giving us these blessed opportunities.


In short your empathy towards others increases with this field?