Indra's Jewelled Neural Net

I would agree with that. It has gone from an abstract concept to a clear connection. We are one.




I thank you, sometimes a little information is needed to make a decision. :grinning: I have to wait for my paycheck to buy everything I want. So much temptation in Sapien store and gumroad! :sob:


I completely understand, I had to make that choice between this and the brain fields and it was a difficult choice haha


Amazing quote.


just a quick update:

I have been meditating more again recently with indra’s net…
it is quite fascinating to see those geometric patterns and structures.

today i also had sth peculiar:
while nearing the end of my meditation and on the “way back” to normal waking life, I could hear the field playing, but there was sth else, another voice layered beneath, or rather, between the field’s music itself. It sounded like a continuous soft chant, though I don’t know which word or language that was. The more I returned from meditation, the more that layered voice faded.

Quite weird!
But very interesting!


This great mystery continues to elude me, therefore I continue to pursue its wisdom.

Indra’s Net and Buddhism:

In the words of Sir Charles Eliot:

In the Heaven of Indra, there is said to be a network of pearls, so arranged that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it.

In the same way each object in the world:

  • is not merely itself,
  • but involves every other object
  • and in fact IS everything else.

“In every particle of dust, there are present Buddhas without number.”

Indra’s Net and Capture of Enemies:

According to Rajiv Malhotra, the earliest reference to a net belonging to Indra is in the Atharva Veda (c. 1000 BCE). Verse 8.8.6. says:

Vast indeed is the tactical net of great Indra, mighty of action and tempestuous of great speed. By that net, O Indra, pounce upon all the enemies so that none of the enemies may escape the arrest and punishment.

And verse 8.8.8. says:

This great world is the power net of mighty Indra, greater than the great. By that Indra-net of boundless reach, I hold all those enemies with the dark cover of vision, mind and senses.

The net was one of the weapons of the sky-god Indra, used to snare and entangle enemies.

Indra’s Net and Magic:

The net also signifies magic or illusion. According to Teun Goudriaan, Indra is conceived in the Rig Veda as a great magician, tricking his enemies with their own weapons, thereby continuing human life and prosperity on earth. Indra became associated with earthly magic, as reflected in the term indrajal, “Indra’s Net”, the name given to the occult practices (of) magicians.


did you end up getting this eventually?

anyone who has been using it for a while and has experience to share? @anon73693188 maybe? @JAAJ ? @Rosechalice are you using the field/did you get it?

it sounds like an amazing field


It’s a beautiful field. It acts like noded fields do = we get to share in the experience of our collective wisdom and blessings.


Oh I have recently not used it all that much.
I’ll give it a play later on


Thanks guys
I have been having problems with gumroad for a long time, but im hoping to do a shopping round now, maybe i’ll buy half the fields i want now (if i can get through to the payment lol) and half of them when there is a sale :D :D

This is def on my list :)


I still did not :slight_smile:

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Ah no girl i dont have it yet. But i will def get it. I cant put in words what it makes me feel just when i see its name of read about it.

Must be seriously beautiful bringing profound changes. Unexpected even.



I wholeheartedly took the advice of a certain lovely soul, in regards to this field.

The first night I closed my eyes while picturing the breathtaking artwork, lay down in a comfortable dark room, and cleared my mind while listening to the field for approximately fifteen minutes. The initial intention/experiment was to meditate, and then do some writing freehand and see what I came up with. I spent a few weeks upon this particular piece of poetry, ten lines of simple beauty, feeling as though this the best thing I’ve written all year. It is this field, and the resulting piece of writing, that has given me the kick in the rear that I’ve needed to begin writing regularly again. That is a wonderful thing, because writing is one of my greatest joys in life.

Athough I went into this initially with no expectations of the topic itself I wished to write about, the writing ended up being influenced in a way that reflects interconnectedness itself. I know that there is so much more to explore, with patience and an open mind. I look forward to spending some more quality time within the net. :woman_in_lotus_position:t4:


Beautiful - gratz! :slight_smile:



Would you say that this field is like an advanced version of the “The Interconnection Of Everything - Self Realization Series Pt 1” field?

If yes, what would be the next step after conceptually realizing universal interconnectedness?
Using these realizations in order to have a more constructive dialogue with one’s ego?
And also see the ripple effects of your own actions in this net?
And then see everyone’s role and develop compassion for them?
And with that, this simply being one of many ways for learning compassion?

I guess this field is probably best used with Conceptual Conglomerate and Blueprint of Psychic Mastery NFT.

Have you or anyone else experimented downloading pieces of wisdom and realizations from other jewels in the net (i.e. other souls)?


I haven’t used that one in quite some time. Just tried it again and it is quite a strong and beautiful field… This Indra’s net field feels vastly different and both at the same time more complex yet subtle. Its like an entirely new mindset of sorts. A different way of life and an entirely new path

I would say, probably bringing more compassion and love to everyone.

Certainly can help.

For sure.

“Simply” - yes, perhaps simple to understand but not easy to implement.

Yes and maybe Malleable Ego.

Don’t think so, although I have never tried it either.