Inspirational pictures


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Wasnt that the reach for the stars tag? :thinking:

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"He thaught her about passion and learned about love!"

"The fires of their passion burned hotter than the sun!"

"She defied him, she denied him – until passion freed her soul…"


Jaaj i wanted to tell you that you are on to something here in your post. Its my belief we are here for beauty, this is just my belief. We already had high spiritual things before. Now we are in a place of vanity? no?

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I am not sure whether I understand what you mean?

yea sorry i dont know what im trying to say. I just feel like pursuing beauty rather than focusing too much on ‘enlightenment’ is an okay way to go while alive. im still new here havent tried these other spiritual audios

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They both, “pursuing beauty” and “pursuing enlightenment”, lead into the same direction in my opinion.

With both of these, you will learn and realize the “nice” and the “ugly” sides of things.

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I saw it, it gave me goosebumps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yes, because you are a pure soul.

I can’t help but cry every time I rewatch it :woman_shrugging:t2::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Ah haha we are so damn sensitive :laughing: my throat got clogged up as well

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For what is worth:

Omni-consideration implies the practice of considering the impacts of one’s actions and decisions on all stakeholders, including but not limited to oneself, other people, other species, future generations, and the environment. It also prohibits externalising harm somewhere else for the benefit of a narrowly defined group or outcome. To truly live this, decision-making would need to take into account the interconnectedness of living systems and n-th-order consequences. As elaborated by complexity science with its understanding of non-linear dynamics, we need profound humility when judging what effects any action may have. In terms of moral reasoning, this humility implies a parallax between utilitarianism, virtue ethics, and deontology.



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The 2 become 1