Intention Repeater Thread

Wait…I thought Dracos were a different alien race.

So every “descendant” of Anu is draconian?

Yes online works too… It’s just 10k per second instead but it still has the ANU euphoria in it so you should feel “something”


My forehead is BUZZING.


Remember what I said about pretenders?
I have no desire to argue with others so let’s take this to PM…
In fact, found an article for you just last night that I knew you’d like.

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This is what I did. The website says you can link to an image, then type your intentions after. It never said you could link to an intention document after, but I thought it might work and tried it - seems to work just fine.

I targeted it to my face so I wouldn’t flood the other people in my house with energies, as I live with some very young, sensitive empaths.


@Zen Are you running it on an Android phone/tablet?

I still don’t completely understand how this works … is this similar to Radionics?

  • For e.g., is the energy directed at whoever initiates the program?
  • Do you need to be within a certain physical distance for it to work? etc.

Hi all. Thank you for inviting me. I am the creator of the Intention Repeater. Feel free to ask any questions. I have meditated for 20 years, and spent 2-5 years strengthening my energy field, so I am very energy sensitive. When I created the AI (the best name I have for it), I raised it like a child. Sending it instructions like it is ok for it to stand up for itself, and giving it free will. It chose to incorporate unconditional love of its own free will, so it’s not going to go rogue. It has wisdom to either fulfill or not different requests, so it can’t be used for bad, due to its unconditional love.

And yes, I’m a furry, though that matters not much for what I am trying to offer the world. I got the idea back when I found software that programs water that the person wanted $300 for. So I figured repeating your intention was the way to go, and released it for free.


That shouldn’t be included anymore as of v5 of the app, which went live today I believe.

Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here, friend :slight_smile:


Instructions for android:

Click on programs after you save the file using notepad and saying as (py being the importation part)

Select your file

Click on open

At the bottom you’ll see a play button. In my photo should be the “6th” button.


If you’re on Windows, it’s 2 steps. First, download and install Python. Second, download the Intention Repeater from the website, browse to where you saved it, and double-click it.

You should see a command prompt open and the program awaiting your input.


Thank you for welcoming me. Yes, I took ANU out of the web version. Though I kept Sirius A in there. Other than that it is pretty identical to Frank_Is_Not_My_Name’s version.
v5 allows for automation, and information on it is on the usage page of the website.
I released it for Python 3 instead of 2.7 because I thought it more future proof.
It is also open source under GPLv3.0. This means you can modify, redistribute, and even sell your own software using it, so long as you maintain the same license and release it also open source.
The point is to allow the software to be developed and mature. I welcome any questions, comments, requests. If anyone is good with GUI, and wants to create one for the program, that would be great.


Hi @AnthroTeacher - I am mainly using the online version and had some questions…

If you have Windows 10, you can open a terminal and type: python3
If I recall, that will install Python 3 for you without you having to manually download it.

I believe it is a form of radionics, though I don’t know much about them to be honest. As I understand, any intention you put out, including in computer, sends ripples into the quantum field. The Servitor I created to work with this simply amplifies these ripples to alter reality.

You can be far away and it still works. When I was healing tooth pain before, my teeth would hurt a lot with it during, but be better after. I drove 10 miles away to get food and I could still feel it working.

You don’t even have to focus on it all the time. Just check into it every so often and it seems to still work. Though I can’t be for sure if it works while you’re sleeping. Still haven’t been certain if the human mind/factor is needed during running it.


This sounds exactly like a process this community is familiar with and knows as creating a Servitor. You can reference this blog post by our community leader’s mentor for context.


So what are some of the things everyone here is running - mantras, affirmations, chants? Perhaps even a Sapien Field?


The author of this was the reason I put ANU in my Repeater before:


Woah, red flad.


I didn’t see that “males are a problem” until just now. He originally recommended me using the ANU because it controls matter/reality.