While I can’t give medical advice, it has been used to help other people, so sure. There are no guarantees though, and it’s best not to be attached to a certain outcome. I find it best to allow the Universe to work, and it usually will surprise you.
I mean for another person in general the health was just an example. It can be to give her luck or anything.
(@_OM only if she asks though :P)
You would have to try and see. The code is free to modify, so change it as you desire.
Though be careful as it may overwhelm you if the energy isn’t regulated.
I don’t call on Metatron, but Metatron’s Cube, which is the underlying geometry of all reality.
Also, if you want to modify the intention processing statement, and want to use an apostrophe (’), you will need to make it a double apostrophe (’’). Not double-quotes but two single quotes side by side.
use pydroid3 -idle for python 3 it should work without problem
im using it right now intention repeater with no problems
@AnthroTeacher - another question. I left the programming statement (the big one in bold letters) as is, but changed where you had “OM” to another mantra I use (which also has OM in it) - so now - every time my affirmation is repeated, does this ‘intentionval +’ also repeat? Or this is more like an underlying intention behind the affirmation? Thanks
Yes, everything that is assigned to the process_energy_statement string will run each iteration. They are more housekeeping operations.
Also, I updated the python and web versions on the website to include INTELLIGENT INFINITY, which is pretty much where its ability comes from. It makes a big difference to put it first.
Sure, you can make the changes to the OM statement as you see fit.
Yes, it will repeat your custom OM mantra 1+ million times per second.
It’s not just repeating either. It has each second 1+ million copies of your intention in memory at the same time before clearing the list. This was more powerful than writing to a variable.
This video describes the 0010110 portal/algorithm/platform that I use in the Repeater, in case you were wondering:
If you’re also curious about why I am so keen on using Intelligent Infinity, here is information on it from the Law of One:
Yep. No worries there.
Law of One is one of the very few (like 3) “channeled” materials hasn’t been completely corrupted by the channeler’s ego or the source itself being less than benevolent in some way.
How would you describe your intentions running from your program?
Is this some sort of silent subliminal affirmations repeated or some sort like of prayer energy, prayer?
As I understand it can tap in quantum field where all possibilities are already existing, and change our reality to the extent?
Prayer would probably be the closest. Like repeating an affirmation, and how those work.
According to Bashar, we are already shifting through billions of static parallel realities per second. It may help you to shift to the parallel reality you prefer. So it might not actually do anything directly, but help you shift to the parallel reality you prefer, which is already existing.
When using android python version, and when I want to run some affirmations/intentions from some PDF or document file or when I want to use some picture… should I then copy and paste that document or that picture in the same directory where is find intention_repeater.py ? And then later in commanding of intention should I put name of that “file” and that enough??
Let say I have some file.docx where I have put my affirmations. Should I copy and paste it in directory where is intention_repeater.py file is too? And when I want to run it in program should I put intention command as “name of file”.docx and that’s it? And same process with pictures like “picture.jpg” is blessed and fulfilled etc ?
Is this correct process? Anyone?
Yes. That’s correct
The file.docx doesn’t have to be in the same folder as the intention_repeater.py. It is just more optimal. It works with intent mostly. Though having in the same folder would be optimal. Yes, process is same with any type of file. You could also have a path to the file like c:\path\to\file\file.docx on Windows or /path/to/file/file.docx on Linux.
Also, capitalization and spelling are more a guideline, as it doesn’t access the file on the harddrive. I have spelled a filename/intent wrong before and it still worked. But having them match would only enhance efficiency.
The reason I use the same folder is because if you have two versions of the same filename on your computer, it may run parts of both if you aren’t clear on your intent. Also, there is a possibility it could run other versions on other computers you may know about.
I am not sure if it will run intents from another file with same name that you don’t know about, but if your intent is clear, that shouldn’t be an issue. That is why I recommend putting it in the same folder. I also recommend using a unique filename, though I don’t always do that myself, and it still works.
For anyone who wants to gut the process_energy_statement and build from scratch, I highly recommend keeping REGULATE AND BALANCE THE ENERGY at a minimum.
It is very important to regulate and balance the energy, because repeating intent 1+ million times per second is VERY strong. You definitely want to regulate it.
Everyone, I updated to v5.1 which allows Y/N for using the Akashic Records. Usage for automation is in the usage page. https://www.intentionrepeater.com/usage.html
When you use Akashic Records, they can be infinitely expansive and hard to focus down. Though the option is there if anyone wants to use it.
You may need to clear your cache before downloading the new version from the main page, if you are still showing the old version.
Thanks to @SovereignSubliminals for the idea on using the Akashic Records.
Sorry this is all new to me, so I would like some answers if possible:
Can you please explain this Gut/Heart/Mind conherence? Why is it important while running this intention app and why is it so exhausting?
And also clearing of energetic interference, why is it so exhausting too, and why is it important in this process?
I really have noticed using these two options on (as yes), I get exhausted even running this app less than 10 minutes. Also I noticed change of my energy field is drastically, it’s maybe exhausting experience but there’s also peace and some kind bliss idk.
So because of this exhausting part, now I usually put these two options off (as no), and now only akashic option is on, although I am not sure what it also does? Does it clear even something from our past lives maybe? Cause I don’t know why it’s also important for this process, but nevertheless I am using it, that option