Intercession audio questions

with quarantine still going on, i thought it might be fun to explore the intercession audios.

i’ve always been alright with isolation and solitude, but the added restriction of limited to no physical contact with anyone is getting to me. would non-physical beings want to just hang out and be friends?

how would one go about exploring each audio? i have the most familiarity with ‘angels’ so should i focus on strengthening my connection with them? i’ve slept with the angel intercession audio on loop once and nothing really happened besides personally feeling safe. i also like singing along with the audio and find myself singing with their style throughout the day.

do you necessarily have to ask for help when listening to the audios? do they get along or would i be opening some sort of lobby for all the different entities to mingle?

what if i find that i don’t want their connection anymore? can they be awkward like us humans when meeting strangers?

i have very limited experience with non-earthly things but i’ve been interested with the discussions here on them so please excuse my naivety. any resources outside of the audios would be welcome as well!


First of all, let me tag @Samurai. This is about my own reading tastes (coughs, giggles, etc.), but I also know that he might give very insightful info.

As well as other experienced forum members, of course.

I’m only “working” with the Devic one and so far, I doubt that I can be helpful about that… Big mess going on lol.

My general understanding is that as with almost any other thing, each person’s experience remains unique…

… and that Devas, Aliens, Angels… know more than us about what we’re looking for, even if don’t specify our request, etc.


hahaha yes i’ve been reading their discussions with michael and thor!

big mess you say? care to share? simply out of curiousity!

i love that everyone has their own unique experiences as they provide everyone else with more information to work with.

it could be true that they would know what we want and how to get it, but i am still hesitant. i see this situation like playing an RPG such as Life Is Strange. i could choose to provide the best option to help out the protagonist, or i could have some fun and completely de-rail the story for a bit. i’m personally still trying to build trust with spirituality as a whole and staying safe (or maybe that’s my ego?).

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Oxytocin is also good if you’re by yourself a lot. It’s the hormone your brain naturally releases when someone gives you a hug.

I’ve never had an angel take it personal when I stopped working with them or stopped asking for their help. I did have one let me know that they are a lot busier than I thought they were, so not to ask for more help than I actually need.

I’ve gotten much better results after making a specific request than when only wearing the mandala or listening to the audio. A clear, specific request goes a long way.

My best results have come from addressing the proper Archangel for the area I need help with and their angels like this, “Archangel Michael and his angels, I request your help with ______. Please do this if you are willing and able. Thank you”

It helps to address the Archangel most likely to help with the area you need help with. It looks like Archangel Chamuel is your best bet.

He may be able to find an angel to provide you with good comforting company if you ask for that.


thank you for the tip! i’ll try asking chamuel for intercession.

asking may help clear my past conditioning which told me not to ask for help and do it yourself.

does it only take a few minutes? for some reason i feel like these things should take an hour of meditation or something grandiose to feel like it worked. i’m also doing my best to clear doubtful thoughts that come up.


Your’e not doing Solomonic or Enochian magic so there’s no reason it should take a long time. Remember, you may think it’s shows more respect to take a long time but you would be taking not only more of your time but more of theirs also. Imagine getting a 1 hour long phone call from a friend where you only listened to their request.

Think through what you want to ask first so the wording comes across clear when you address them. And you sound like you know exactly what you want or need. It helps. You don’t want to sound like you are guessing when you address them.

Clearing doubtful thoughts… now days I take it for granted that of course I’ll be heard but I’ve had some experience. Just think of this. Even though it doesn’t seem normal to you, there are people out there who have had so many experiences with angels that it feels completely normal to them to fully expect to be heard when they make a request. It’s not even a question for them. Doubt is not even an issue for them. And… These people are absolutely no different from you in any way.

So if you can’t expect it based on your experience, you can expect it based off their experience.


You don’t have to ask for anything.

If you ask you’re more likely to get what you ask for.

If you shut up and just be you’re more likely to get what you need.

Thor will give you what you ask for. Michael will give you what you need.


Sure, I’ll try, but more briefly than in another post where I spat it literally out lol. But first:

I don’t believe that I have spiritual abilities, if you see what I mean. That is, big ego resistance and also ego ignorance, most likely.

So consistency has been the key for me with Devic Intercession and I guess that this is how it goes for many other people. It took a very long time to “establish the connection” (on my side, and maybe on theirs as well).

About the request, I was like “hey guys, seriously, am I the one who’s supposed to ask the questions here?? Come on, YOU are the zen masters, you must know better than me!”

So, even if I agree that clear or elaborated requests can work well, in my case I just chose to be lazy lol.

About the mess: it’s been a few days already, that I’ve started getting “clues” about maybe my origins, homeland, etc. I don’t know for sure yet.

Then, yesterday, another field (amygdala) has sort of overstimulated me and I did get a sort of massive “collective compassion” overdose afterwards lol. But you know, a kind of twisted compassion which says “hey, we deserve better than this, let’s get the hell out of here”.

Conclusion: it’s a long, long way to go lol


People get very excited about forcing their path without knowing what their path is.

Maybe you’re supposed to be a healer. Maybe you’re supposed to shoot lightning out of your fingertips. Maybe you’re supposed to become overwhelmed with anger to the point you break the space-time continuum, go back in time, and kill baby Netanyahu. Maybe you’re supposed to be the person who stops someone else from doing that. Or maybe you’re supposed to live an energetically simple life and just raise goats and shoe horses or something.

Loop Ego Dissolution, all the Intercession stuff, and Negative Energy and Entity 2.0 or whatever it is. And Environmental Energy Accumulator. Then sit there, in the field, and just get stoned. If you don’t get stoned (you really should), drink. And meditate. Getting a “head change” in an energy field allows you to absorb it, and you might get some downloads along with it. You don’t have to get super drunk. A beer or a shot or a glass or wine will do it. Maybe some mead, some of that Magick beer, or Absinthe ideally. But it really all works - I’ve charged cheap wine with absolutely amazing energy before. Obviously any psychedelic will work. I’ve even used ice for a legit psychedelic trip once that wound up with me doing some really amazing energy work - if you can handle it and aren’t embracing the junkie mentality, there’s nothing that can’t be a growth experience…

I’ve had a smoke, a toke, and a drink with many spirits considered traditionally light and dark. It’s all good.

And then you might get some super awesome downloads. Speaking of, loop Animal Empathy/Telepathy in there too - you need to be able to get the downloads, as they will be conceptual. Spirits don’t speak English, so if they DO talk to you, it’s your own subconscious doing the translation. Better to just “get it.”


i get what you mean! i’ve had many spiritual experiences and yet there are still doubtful thoughts that clung to my mind. this forum has helped a ton with believing in my own power and self-esteem.

good luck with sorting all that out! hopefully it helps with what you’re doing here and now. :sunflower: i think it would be very cool to have friends from different energies like how we can have human friends from different backgrounds and cultures.

spiritual inner work is definitely a long long journey! i usually have to tell myself to have some fun to balance myself out with how serious i get with my meditations and introspection.


i will definitely try your recommendations out this weekend! it has been more than a year since using marijuana and alcohol for an altered perspective. i’m going to start slow with this because i’m very intimately acquainted with my addictive side.

i think a hangup i have to get over is the fact that i value physical results more than mental results. i started to feel stuck in a loop with my heavy use of marijuana, but to be honest i feel stuck in a loop now so who knows what i need to do to start seeing results. i surely don’t (im joking just a little bit of self-deprivative humour) :sweat_smile:

i’m hoping my intentions will be seen as sincere when it comes to meditating with the intercession audios. going to continue with the angelic intercession for now until i really feel an established connection however that develops.

another question! does higher self count as an intercession? or is that conceptually different?

Once again, Devas are the best.

You can chill with them anytime, but make sure you appreciate nature.

We owe everything to the earth, most people seem to forget that, so be grateful.

Devas are generally chill but if youre one of those people that hates animals and outdoor life, dont bother.

This calls on the good Devas, although I personally dont believe bad Devas exist, but some of them can be sinister against people who dont respect nature.

Angels are cool, but they are like those people who , for some reason, love to give advice, all the time.

Its cute, but also annoying.

Aliens, meh, you might come across some awesome rogue alien, you might also come across some that think they know whats best for you, the more “strict adult” type (ew).

Dont know about dragons, although it should be fun with them.

Edit ; This is only if you want to legit “chill” with them, the actual entities.

You can play angelic just for the energy of them for example, and for help, any will work.


hahaha yeahhh i have a tendency to start becoming philosophical and give my own advice i didn’t know angels were like that too.

maybe i’ll try out devas then because i need a little more fun in my life right now than guidance. i have my best path in life dogtag for that!

i definitely fell in love with nature during my first hiking experience and im hoping to start hiking again before it starts getting too cold and snowy. i also have a dog and it’s fun trying to use animal telepathy audio with him.


If you’re not sure what to ask, especially when working with the higher beings, be that aliens, angels, Father/Mother God, then I’d suggest asking this. “What do YOU think I need?”

If you have a pretty good idea of what you want, then say something to the effect of “I would like to have xxxx, or better”

The idea here is that you are working with beings with vastly more consciousness than you have, and it’s a good idea to leverage that in your work with them.

Asking them what they think you need opens all the doors and allows them to flood you with all the things you didn’t even realize you were lacking.

In the same sense, asking for what you want, or better, allows you to get the best help possible, because maybe they were eager to give you “amazing” but you only gave permission to receive “yeah, that’s okay I guess”.

I came across a parable that does an amazing job of teaching this perspective. If you’re curious to learn more of this line of thinking, let me know and I’ll dig it up.


Here’s an expanded list:

yes please share the parable when you can. i love learning through metaphors as well.

now with your advice it sounds interesting to me to see what other beings think of my life and how they’d go about improving it!

i do have my wants, but i’m always open to better ideas!

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Yes please :pray:

Here ya go:


thank you @MasterOfYellow this has genuinely helped me prepare! i relate easiest with video games so this parable feels like the question is “where is the tutorial and what features are in this game called life?”. i feel like i can create my own purpose and goals with that information.

Perhaps even better, where to meet the right people or find the right things for your future. Some of these who you may meet may be sitting here [in the seminar], but you haven’t really met them or listened to them yet. There is a lot of knowledge carried by lightworkers in these groups, dear ones. I sit before many Old Souls.

i really like this passage! i relate it similar to how i’m in this forum and interacting with all of you!


I need some kind of super-like button for this!