Introducing the Eternal Avatars

The Eternal Avatars is a prestigious guild dedicated to the mastery of mystical martial arts, healing, the elements, and spiritual energies. Members embark on a profound journey to achieve strength, balance, health and enlightenment, embodying the spirit of their own Avatar.


The Eternal Avatars guild was inspired by legendary mystics who achieved enlightenment. These avatars discovered the secrets of the healing, martial arts, elemental manipulation and energy mastery, passing down this knowledge through generations. The guild has since grown into a sanctuary for those seeking to explore their spiritual potential and connect with the ancient practices.

Guild Philosophy

The guild believes in the balance of body, mind, and spirit. Members strive to achieve harmony with their physical forms, elemental forces, and inner selves. The journey of mastering these aspects is seen as a path to spiritual enlightenment. Think of the body as the car, the energy as the fuel, the soul as the driver, and the destination as the divine. Any imbalance can hinder and slow your journey.

Sacred Grounds

The guild’s fortress is located in a secluded, mystical area, surrounded by natural beauty and elemental forces. Sacred training grounds are dedicated to each element, and a central temple serves as the heart of spiritual and martial training.

Quests and Activities

Unique Title

Show your Honorable title from Eternal Avatars
Along your journey it shall reflect your mastery

Private Discussions and Q&A

Enjoy a private forum space accessible to members only
Gain knowledge and share experiences

Emblems of Honor

Upon their journey, members will gain prestigious emblems of honor such as Mystical Rings, or Sacred Scrolls. These tokens reflect their spiritual achievements and dedication to the guild’s path of mastery.

Training Sessions

Training sessions. These sessions include bio-energy awareness, healing, and energetic control.
Learn higher techniques, about the applications of energy.

Spiritual Journeys

Advanced members can undertake spiritual journeys to “ancient sites” of power, seeking deeper understanding and connection with the elements and their own souls. These journeys may explore mantras, deities, higher realizations, and attainments.

The Eternal Avatars guild offers members a rich and engaging experience, blending healing & martial arts, physical and mental mastery, with spiritual growth.

Experience profound unity and oneness with the universe…



very cool!


Very interesting :blush::heartpulse:

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Sounds interesting.


I like it :sunglasses:

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When I think of how the Mascot of this guild is going to be

Does one have to actually practice martial arts to join this guild?

1 Like

Good question, no. We explore the body, mind, and spirit. Physical Arts, Healing & Energy Mastery, Spiritual growth, new paths etc.


How does one join?


The Avatars guild is open for membership, but requires a chat with me to determine what your skills and desires are. You may DM me.


This feels like my new Mojo Dojo Casa House.