Introducing the Self Mastery Collective

yippee i love this guild idea, i would like to join

the brain guild is ravenclaw, this is hufflepuff


The Self-Mastery Guild is giving me a lot of Solo-Levelling manhwa Vibes for sure, in a good way ofcourse.


I wanted to know Can We join 2 guilds>
My goal is to be limitless in all areas I can think of.


Thats Awesome!

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Hello, I would like to join you in this project.

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I am interested to join this guildšŸ™

Are there fields required to be purchased to join?

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This Project is basically focusing on what i believe to be is biggest strength of Captainā€¦Unlike other creators who attempt on accessing energy from ā€œhigher dimensionā€ to ascend you forcefully, Captainā€™s field feels more like guided mastering current dimension in order to move to next one effortlessly through most authentic steps practiced by legit yogis, monks etc lol.

Also, you mentioned not wanting to implement something already done before but, wouldnā€™t adding mechanism from STAND NFT, where your stand will experience any practical situation for you in the future to guide you in the present be Extremely effective for this project?
Sorry if it makes no sense since i only read about STAND NFT not actually bought it, although what i read about that NFT made me believe that Captain is easily strongest energy worker in humanity :joy:


I added people who were interested to the guild. If I didnā€™t add you for some reason, send me a dm. I might have missed your name.


I am interested @SammyG

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@SammyG I wasnā€™t added. Shot you a DM

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@SammyG I think Iā€™m not added to the guild.

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I feel that this guild could create the largest self-esteem and self-love field of all time, it is even among its objectives, fascinating šŸŖ“ā›©ļø


Surely ā€¦ thatā€™s the reason I chose this guild! Self growth is what we are here for. Self love is what leads to spiritual growth as well.


I am interested as currently focused on improving my self-esteem and redefining my beliefs that stem from childhood experiences, count me in sir ! @SammyG


Hey Sammy, can I be added to the guild? This guild really is what Iā€™m looking for. Thanks :)

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Can u add me

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how to join the guild?

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I would like to join

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Is that the next field?


I am interested