Introducing the Self Mastery Collective

Welcome to the Mastery Guild, a sanctuary for those dedicated to self-improvement and transcending their limits. Here, we embark on a journey of comprehensive self-mastery, aiming to elevate every aspect of our being.

Our Focus Areas:

  • Self-Esteem: Cultivating unshakeable confidence.
  • Sexuality: Embracing and enhancing your sexual energy.
  • Physical Health: Achieving peak physical condition.
  • Social/Charisma: Developing magnetic charisma and social skills.
  • Personality Growth: Becoming more intriguing and engaging.
  • Focus/Willpower: Sharpening your mental fortitude.
  • Beliefs: Refining your belief systems.
  • Intuition: Trusting and honing your inner guidance.
  • Energy Control: Mastering your energetic presence.
  • Negativity Neutralization: Transforming negative energies into positive outcomes.
  • Goal Realization: Manifesting your dreams and ambitions.

Our Unique Approach:

Every field we explore is supplemented by practical exercises, ensuring that our unique sets of morphic fields translate into tangible growth. While you can gain benefits from listening alone, integrating these practices will solidify your progress and enhance your development. As we formulate new fields together, we will also find practices that best supplement them.

We provide a structured path to mastery for each practice, with clear milestones and levels. For instance, Level 1 in pranayama involves completing 30 sets, with each level listing the typical benefits you get when you do that amount (e.g., more mental clarity, better breath control, etc.). As you progress, the benefits multiply, guaranteeing mastery at higher levels. The goal is to provide a clear path to mastery with all these practices, and the fields we create will ensure mastery is achieved more efficiently.

For example, a social field would be supplemented by practices involving actual conversation exercises, constructed using tools and tactics we’ve developed. Thus, a major component of this guild is working together to create transformative fields and finding the best practices that supplement them. Another part is leveling up our mastery in these aspects with a tangible path forward.

Path to Mastery:

Advancing in rank requires demonstrating your capabilities through achieving difficult feats. Since we can easily lie about our progress, we will level up by recording specific feats to confirm our advancement. For instance, a level 1 physical attribute might involve a rigorous exercise routine that only someone who followed through the level 1 path could complete, and the recording would serve as confirmation.

Achieving higher levels not only boosts your status but also grants access to discounts, and referral opportunities. The ultimate aim is to foster self-sufficient masters who can support and uplift others. In essence, we will be leveling up our attributes like characters in an RPG game.

Eventually, we will create a new program open to the public, allowing masters to uplift others and gain income from it.

Our guild is like a gym for the soul, where our practices are our exercises and fields act as the diet and supplements. Our goal is not just to improve but to master all facets of ourselves—physically, socially, energetically, and beyond.

Collaborative Innovation:

We will work together to form new fields that supplement self-mastery in all these forms and beyond. We will ensure that whatever we create is unique and transformative, unlike anything made before. We do not seek to remake what has already been made, and we will choose practices that cohesively supplement the fields.

Join me in this adventure of self-discovery and empowerment. Without practice, I wouldn’t have grown to where I am today. The work is what integrates morphic fields and creates new neural pathways in the brain that lead to permanent, actualized change. Let’s bridge that gap together and ensure we get the most out of these fields and reach full self-mastery.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in this thread.

I am currently recruiting so submit your interest to me via DM. Tell me about your goals and the areas you wish to conquer.

Embrace the path of mastery. Elevate yourself. Become more.


First field we will work on as I’m hoping to get the ball rolling as soon as possible is that of sexual energy mastery. We will doing one for men and one for women as well. This is following the previous posts from the semen retention thread. Already have schematics for this field but looking for even more input.


Looks badass.


So you’re building an all purpose life coach guild with genuine qualifications to achieve the next levels?

Best part, you’ll know, certifiably, that the coaches started in the same place as, and did the same things they’re asking of, their clients.

That’s pretty awesome, I look forward to seeing your public offerings!


Excellence at it’s Finest is one phrase that I have in mind, regarding this Guild.


Yes and no. I’ll still leave my door open for several people more interested in creation of fields. And not everyone has to become a life coach either. Focusing on self mastery is the main goal.

But becoming a master and guiding others is just an extra option for extra income that will come in the future when you achieve mastery. It’s also a pretty simple system and not too hands on or full of effort either. Mostly effortless really. But more info on that later.

So for the most part, yeah I’m looking to see people progress and tangibly grow. I’ve been personally growing a lot more ever since I’ve gamified my life lol. Just much easier seeing all the quests (tasks) ahead and knowing how to get to my goals and feel like im achieving gains on the path.

I do plan to bring this system I’ve been working on to a wider scale in the future. But it would be to difficult to do it all on my own. So it’d be great to potentially grow a few masters to join in.

If not, then its fine as well. In its essence, this is a self mastery guild where we create fields together and mesh it with practices that combone to produce the greatest results possible.


One of my dreams is to help others become masters of themselves, but I don’t feel ready yet because I still have work to do on myself.
I’ve been thinking about how I could take the first steps in this activity, and what I would need to start it and feel comfortable in this role.

This project seems to be exactly what I’m looking for! :eyes:


Hi Sammy,

I am curious about how guild members would be able to prove their levels of progress to other guild members? Especially with non-tangible things.

For example with Sexual Energy Mastery, the only way to prove progress would be for someone else, who is a super psychic energy sensitive person, to psychicaly check the person’s aura and how much energy they have accumulated in their Dan Tien’s etc…?


I put in my app. This is about as similar to one I would want to start up if it didn’t already exist.


I have a good friend in Norway that runs a lab that we can send our fluids to. They have vibration harmonizer machines that can measure the vibration of your fluids and depending on the vibration, we can level you up like that.

JK :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: For things like that, there won’t be any ranking. There’s no tangible way to really measure progress for things like that. Same with the energy control, not something we can reliably determine ranking for.

So ranking will be for what we can measure. Even creativity for example can be measured.

The whole ranking thing is also something that you can choose to or not participate in. But I do find it to be a very motivating thing to follow as it gives you a very clear path towards mastery and has you feeling like you are growing through the process, instead of just working at something without any perception of progress.


Now the question is, are you just kidding that you’d be willing to do that or is the whole scenario a joke protects his fluids from Sammy just in case :rofl:


Great idea,

I and my friends were pondering about some Self-improvement guild, lol, nice surprise


If think we might actually have the same friend lol.
In 2007 he injected something into me and since then, the half time of radioactive elements inside my body is twice as long.

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lmfao :laughing: No no I don’t know such a person or lab haha.

lmao haha yo, get us in touch with that friend!




Hello @SammyG,

Thanks a lot for this project. Since it popped up from the SR thread, I would like to express my interest since I’m in this journey of abstinence 3 years ago, with many streaks, many fails and many successes.

Right now, I’m in a 130+ days streak. So why not transmuting some of the energy to help out in this project.


Will there be a guild mascot ? Like the zen lion for the monk guild, the phoenix sage for the Esoteric Arts Guild, etc?


I like this idea for a guild. It’s like the goal is to become the ultimate all-rounder renaissance man.


Love this. I liked the other guilds but none was really vibing strongly. I’m glad I waited, I will dm you.


I love to join this one :relaxed: This sounds very encouraging and having a community to uplift one another is a must for self-growth. Sometimes, it can get lonely doing everything by yourself.

I do need some accountability in some areas of my life. Maybe an accountability support buddy system in place for the guild? It can be a separate thread for that.