Introducing the Virtus Victoriam Legion

Will these new brain fields get their own threads so we can discuss them individually?



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Bro Have you used opulentia field personally for Trading?What were the results.? For me Aureus Fortuna looks better than opulentia for Trading.? That’s my opinion . @Dr_Manhattan

Skewing the probability in your favour it is a great thing, but I think you must also know what you are doing

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I see it as fortuna is force/pressure/energy, opulentia it’s aim/direction/control/guidance of that force.

There’s an old cartoon with two prisoners using tools to break boulders. One of them is massive and uses all his strength and a pick axe to break slightly large chunks off. The other is a third his size with large glasses; he measures the boulder, does some quick calculations, marks an x on the boulder and then lightly taps a chisel with a mallet to turn the whole thing to dust.

Imagine if you could be a blend of the two.


So That Means opulentia is not good for speculative trading right? Is that what you are saying?

hey there @Creator_of_future

You seem to have had reservations and doubts about this conflicting with your strong desire to improve your trading. That’s perfectly fine and you should listen to your instinct, move on without looking back at opportunity cost that aren’t established in your minds. Be cautious and trust your mindset, method. This creation wasn’t made specifically for you and so if you feel that it’s not worth the exploration, move on, no one is expecting you to purchase it.

I think reading the description of Opulentia makes its benefits obvious. If it doesn’t resonate with you, that’s fine.

I believe that if you already have a portfolio and gains, how would being able to tap into market sentiments, estimating values correctly, tapping into cost and reward psychically not be helpful one way or another ? Or the rest of Opulentia’s benefits ? It doesn’t need much more informations.

But you don’t have to get it. All the informations are out there. Just like trading. You have incomplete, not perfect informations and you have to slice.

I will respect your decision, whatever it is. But I would rather not have the same discussion every month about the same question for the same unchanged set of information. As you can imagine it is not very entertaining. You haven’t gotten it because you aren’t convinced. That’s ok.


So you are telling me that I will become a master at marketing using Opulentia? This is surely an overpowered field for people who want to start a business and understand their target audience or even any audience they are selling to for their clients (copywriters, sales, etc) no? If this field does what I think it does, like understanding every market and what the customers truly want then this looks like a no brainer.

My wallet is hating me now with all the brain fields I am buying :sob:

It will thank me later I know it :rofl:

are you able to share some experiences on this point? thx

Not yet, bought it a day ago. Will do when I start seeing results :slight_smile:

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Animus Luminis Radiantem

I feel this energy electrifying every atom of my being, signaling the dawn of a new era for superhuman evolution


I know im late and i feel Kinda dumb, but how can i join this guild?

When enrollment opens you can apply. It is not open right now.

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