Iodine balance

Is there an audio that would help someone’s body balance iodine and protect the thyroid? My friend apparently thought the dropper said “1 dropper” not “1 drop” and has been doing that for months…

For the thyroid, Thyroid field itself.

That’s where we were headed first but I wondered if there was a “mineral balancing” of some sort?

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Dont know if theres anything directly like that.

But fields for homeostasis return, like Plasma flaunt, Plasma stuff.

Healing fields so the nutrients get used quicker, idk tho about iodine, its only used in thyroid?

Maybe there is some antagonists or like any mineral can be taken to counteract it.

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The homeostasis is clever, I’ll dig that out of my downloaded audios. And plasma.

Far as I can tell the only thing remotely an antagonist is silica? But even that, it just binds to free iodine, not whatever is in the thyroid.

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I have “Induced and Enhanced Plasmalogen Production” downloaded but not sure exactly which one this is.

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Here’s description if that helps:

Plasmalogens are membrane components involved with neurotransmitter release. Very critical and found in high concentrations in the heart and brain, also very important for proper nerve functioning and myelin creation. They help cells communicate and function. Several scientific studies show plasmalogen levels are low in people with neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis. Here in this field, the process of its creation in enhanced via direct nutrient absorption and stimulation of the Biosynthesis pathways involved. This targets, brain, heart, liver, pancreas and nervous system. Use 2 - 3 times per use for best results.


Here’s a possibility


Looks like I don’t have anything that explicitly says homeostasis downloaded, don’t have plasma flaunt or plasma stuff (assuming those are the names). I do have plasma light drinker though?

I’ll have to reread the torsion field again.

Plasma Light*
Plasma flaunt is a paid field, was in gumroad.
When i said Homeostasis, i meant fields which helps gets in healthy Homeostasis.

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Thank you!


I just read that excess iodine does not always affect the thyroid glands, although some people are more prone to it. It is recommended that your friend stop consuming iodine, even iodized salt, so that he does not continue to increase his intake and naturally his levels will decrease over time.

Flower of Life and plasma are good balancers

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Definitely. We did all that and mostly she’s fine. Just had skin rashes (autoimmune or detox).

I’ve got flower of life also. Will add that. Thanks!


Friend of mine suggested the Endocrine System field. Also a good option if anyone sees this looking for similar.

Going to do plasma beach every day, endocrine system every other, and get her to do 5 elements for the hell of it.

Thanks fam!


Update: The others were fine but the endocrine system field made her super nauseated and she popped out of her body (she’s an oracular clairsentient). So she’s doing grounding things and keeps telling me her “eyes aren’t her eyes”. Ooops!