Iron Oil (Black) of Mars

100% confirm, almost painful… That’s how much blood flow is occurring.


So… I don’t even know who to tag other than the captain o.O

I’m not well versed in alchemy, and that’s an understatement.
Its difficult to find quality resource by googling because I can’t tell what’s legit/what makes sense and what does not.

I don’t want to enhance “masculine” or “mars-like” qualities in me in general, because I’m a woman and if I need to enhance anything it’s the opposite.
But, there are certain conditions listed that this would be useful for for me.

My question is,
I’m not sure how these alchemical fields work - would this sort of “balance” the qualities and work somewhat targeted to the physical, or can it cause excess?

Any girls who got it?


Mars rules blood and private area both male and female. Along with anal area. I think this oil can be good for people who suffer from to much sexual energy. To a perfect balance. It goes with bone marrow as well. I think this oil can help with people with hemorrhoids as well :eyes:


This one seems to be helping with anxiety, just bought it! Excited to see its effects

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Yes! This how I feel. I was questioning why i feel so you know calm and grounded.


Take a break after 40 days?

This seems like it enhances testosterone. My shoulder seem broader and muscles fuller. Very potent. I think I’ll listen less next time.


Also just feel different… More Alive, more present, more active,…


What about libido/sex drive ?

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Id say its actually lower

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Oh this Audio lowers libido ? Intriguing

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After reading all the comments I don’t think it lowers it. It sounds like it balances it; lowers if for some and increases it for others based on if they have too much or too little to start with.


I don’t usually purchase audios from gumroad but this one caught my attention. I am trying to get off of using inhalers for asthma. I’ve tried the lung antioxidant as well as the lung restoration audios for several days and haven’t noticed any difference yet. The description says it’s good for asthma and the bronchial tubes so I’m giving this one a go.


I’ve just got it, as The Enigma of Black Martian Jing (Iron Oil (Black) + Life Force + Jing).
I couldn’t resist getting it for the last two, exactly what I was searching for at that hour.

Iron Oil (Black) indeed has some useful interesting properties that I am very looking forward to observe… Seems to be related to root chakra / virgo -type issues.

Only used it once (2x), in the morning.
Upon first impression…

Right off the bat, in combination, I’ve noticed it to be very grounding. I only remember having felt similarly grounded 1-3 times in my life. Got out of bed with a sense of calm strength. I had a sort of unheavy weight about me, inside me, the whole day, like a magnetic pull keeping me grounded. Like I would imagine a well-developed male would be. Focus. No anxiety. These are quite bold claims, coming from someone who’s tried all pharmaceuticals to aid with this, and has been meditating for a while. It seems to provide strength, physical. Not just ‘energy’, but a sense of your own, internal, deep, rooted, ‘Power’.
Mana Circuits might have contributed also, but I’ve noticed these new, unusual things upon just adding this. I am looking forward to seeing how this field develops.

While both fields’ pictures indicate a catering to men, if all goes well, it actually seems like a good balancer for unhealthy feminine energies (not feeling strong, physically, emotionally…) or unbalanced/ungrounded spiritual energies (e.g., overdevelopment of higher chakras without a strong root).

I do have an instinct to balance it with perhaps something solar, or Venus, or Garnet. I don’t sense that the field calls for it, yet, might just be my personal needs or artistic taste.
But this is far from my domain of expertise, perhaps someone might have an experienced opinion on complements.

You can also check the thread below, perhaps more reviews at a later time. For the additions of Life Force and Jing… you might consider switching threads :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Which, by the way, can anyone tell for sure-ish if this is Negentropic Jing?
  • Also, if I use this after Plasma Flaunt, would I still need to ground? What about this and/or Jindan after Plasma?

The Enigma of the Black Martian Jing


This one is a super underrated gem that’s for sure


ChatGPT Iron Oil (Black) of Mars: Iron Oil of Mars (also known as Black Iron Oil or Oil of Iron) is a substance in alchemical tradition that is associated with the planet Mars. It is said to be a potent elixir that has the power to impart strength, courage, and vitality.

The process of creating Iron Oil of Mars involves combining iron filings with vinegar or other acidic substances and heating them until the iron dissolves. The resulting solution is then distilled and combined with other ingredients, such as alcohol, to create the final elixir.

According to alchemical texts, Iron Oil of Mars is believed to have a range of benefits, including:

  1. Increased physical strength and stamina: Iron is an essential mineral that is important for maintaining healthy blood and muscles. Iron Oil of Mars is said to help boost physical strength and endurance, making it a popular supplement among athletes and bodybuilders.
  2. Increased courage and willpower: Mars is associated with qualities like courage, willpower, and assertiveness. Iron Oil of Mars is said to help imbue these qualities in individuals who take it, helping them to be more assertive, confident, and brave.
  3. Protection and defense: Mars is also associated with the qualities of protection and defense. Iron Oil of Mars is said to have a protective effect on the body and mind, helping to ward off negative energies and protect against psychic attacks.
  4. Improved digestion and assimilation: Iron is an important mineral for digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Iron Oil of Mars is said to help improve digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to improved overall health and vitality.
  5. Improved blood circulation: Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron Oil of Mars is said to help improve blood circulation, which can lead to improved energy levels and overall health.
  6. Increased sexual potency: Mars is associated with sexual energy and vitality. Iron Oil of Mars is said to help increase sexual potency and improve overall sexual health.
  7. Improved mental clarity and focus: Mars is also associated with mental clarity and focus. Iron Oil of Mars is said to help improve mental acuity and concentration, leading to better cognitive function.
  8. Increased spiritual awareness: Iron Oil of Mars is also said to have spiritual benefits, helping to increase spiritual awareness and connect individuals with their higher selves.
  9. Immune system support: Iron is an important mineral for immune function, and Iron Oil of Mars is said to help support a healthy immune system. This can help to protect against illness and disease.
  10. Anti-inflammatory effects: Mars is associated with the element of fire, and Iron Oil of Mars is said to have anti-inflammatory effects that can help to reduce inflammation and pain in the body.
  11. Skin health: Iron is an important mineral for skin health, and Iron Oil of Mars is said to help improve the appearance of the skin and reduce signs of aging.
  12. Improved mood and emotional balance: Mars is associated with the qualities of passion, drive, and ambition. Iron Oil of Mars is said to help improve mood and emotional balance, helping individuals to feel more energized, motivated, and focused.
  13. Bone health: Iron is an important mineral for bone health, and Iron Oil of Mars is said to help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.
  14. Improved fertility: Iron is important for reproductive health, and Iron Oil of Mars is said to help improve fertility and reproductive function.
  15. Anti-aging effects: Mars is associated with the qualities of strength, vitality, and youthfulness. Iron Oil of Mars is said to have anti-aging effects, helping individuals to maintain their strength, vitality, and youthful appearance as they age.
  16. Spiritual purification: Iron Oil of Mars is also said to have spiritual purification properties, helping to purify the body and mind of negative energies and impurities.

It’s important to note that the benefits of Iron Oil of Mars are largely based on traditional wisdom and there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims. Additionally, as with any supplement, Iron Oil of Mars should be used with caution and under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional.


So, I am facing issues with nutrient assimilation of many foods and digestion issues. I have low iron levels and hemoglobin. Also, I have wounded Mar’s energies like anger etc. I am a girl and thinking if this field would help me ! Any suggestions or feedbacks please !! Thank you.

I don’t own this field. Maybe someone else can help you by providing input. I -personally- did get some results with the hydrogen accumulation, i.e. better processing of foods.


Thank you …

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Incredible, Thanks for this creation

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