Is anyone else feeling sick and fatigued today?

:rofl: omg

err … so… cough cough. When’s that Shielding Protection 3.0 coming out?


They are…they understand the metaphysics of the Trimurti of Hinduism, which is why they have a statue of Shiva outside of their building and did a dance together- the Shiva dance of destruction. Of course anyone who understands metaphysics knows what the creative and destructive aspect of Shiva signifies and that it’s not some “evil” destruction. But it doesn’t mean they have good intentions either. They also have Aramaic incantations near the LHC.


I don’t think their intentions are evil…I just think they’re metaphysical scientists that are playing with fire. We don’t know what these kind of experiments can bring.
And that machine is def powerful enough to energetically affect the world, IMHO


Now that you mention that, I recall seeing this weird video filmed secretly at CERN of a ritual involving what seemed to be a fake human sacrifice in front of the dancing Shiva, some years ago…

edit: I’ve found a version of that still on YT, a shorter one, but pretty much self-explanatory… Horror-Hinrichtung aus Spaß - Vermummte am CERN - YouTube


Yep I’ve seen it too. Thats the one. Idk what their intentions are. But it could be the money that funds CERN comes from the deep pockets of the usual “Globalist” suspects. I think I recall the Rockefeller Foundation funding some of it.


Yup! Yeah this is a complicated topic…but the nature of Shiva and the similar archetype of the religions (Shiva in Christianity is The Holy Spirit), is of a dual nature. When it becomes denser and polarizes it becomes the archetype of Lucifer/Satan…it’s basically the “shadow of God.” The opposite pole of the same nature…and these forces can be used for good or evil, depending on your will.

So who knows what they’re using them for.

Of course, from a non dual perspective, there is no good or evil…it’s just high and low vibrations, matter/density vs. spirit/light, entropy vs negentropy, etc.

But from the normie perspective of good and evil, they could be trying to open a portal to bring in evil entities…or they do simply just want to find out the nature of Creation.


Not all non-dualists are normies. That is a false dualism in and of itself.

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I was calling dualists normies…in the sense they don’t perceive phenomena from a non dual nature.

I know. Don’t worry about it. Just voicing another perspective.


Shiva makes sense though on a purely allegorical level since he also represents the latent power of the atom (and the destructive force of that unbridled energy). No better place to put a statue of him than on a Hadron collider if you think about it… :sweat_smile:


I’m including myself…I see things from a dual nature and non dual nature. It’s not a diss. LOL

My ego usually automatically sees it from duality until I contemplate on it more.

Oh 100%. That is why they put Him out there. They def understand these things.

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I wasn’t thinking of it being a diss. I wasn’t thinking of it from a personal level. Just wanted to point out that I don’t believe in that paradigm. Not everyone does. Non-dualist or normie is not the only worldview held by very thoughtful and well studied people. If no one ever mentions that, then people reading these threads over time might just think that’s what everyone here believes. Not everyone would but some might.


Oh ok I get you. All I was saying is there is the non dual and dual perception of all phenomenon. Even when trying to describe non dual concepts, language still expresses duality because all manifested things are dual.
So of course describing non dual and dual perception is duality LOL.
I guess the better wording would be “beyond good and evil.” Seeing things as “just is.” Nature and it’s polarities for what they are.

Just not understanding you here. Not sure how this is a worldview…there only is duality and non duality…all manifested things are dual. We live in a world of duality. Other than non-duality, what is there? That we know of?
Also, don’t know what studying has to do with anything.

Things “just are.” Their nature is their nature and the minute we try to label anything, it’s a limit; Conditioning which filters the truth of the nature of something. And this is literally the whole path of ascension itself, figuring out the true nature of reality without filter.
Just like the spectrum of light is a “spectrum”, so are all phenomenon…you can go across the whole thing and look at it from all aspects from one pole to the other, but you’re still on the spectrum of duality. No matter where you are on the pole. Til we transcend this world of matter, energy, and consciousness. It’s all boggles the logical mind.
Btw I’m not arguing with you, I’m just throwing out what’s coming to me about the topic. It’s interesting.


No. I’m not arguing with you.

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I know. Just didn’t want you to think I was either. I love these convos. They stimulate the consciousness.

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I have been having moments also.
This is so strange. I am on another forum (David Icke) and a lot of members mentioned this too.
Some concluded chemicals were being sprayed, or some kind of invisible weaponry to weaken us.
None of us on that forum (bar one person), have been vaccinated. So I don’t think it’s due to that…something attacking the collective, it feels.


I agree it’s collective. Oh wow David Icke has a forum? I love him! Can you link?