The thing about 'Entities' & Curses

How do you suppose we address complete isolation of those who cannot and were not raised with support? Trafficking, slavery, abandonment, etc

At that point we are talking DNA level, collective consciousness, microbes (and possibly more big picture things i havnt thought of yet) it’s a loop / cycle

I feel as if us as a whole, together is like this only with a whole humanoid figure instead of hands

Like so

Image was shared in this article: “Can Beings Exist Solely as Electricity and Light?” (found via reverse image search Tineye)

(Carl Sagan talked about our life on Earth in the vast universe and “Demon Haunted World”(saved my life))

And Alan Wats addressing “Who are you?”

Afterskool also uploaded in regards to this with artistic takes

The power of “I”


Will there be a recording of the webinar?


more or less the root cause of it are…enteties, microbes, bad air even…bad influence…

it is just different parts of the globe affected from the same energies and paterns…

also affecting different kinds of people. and those people react differently to those hm… stimuli.

there is also the social conditioning.

one, raised somewehere in the world where you treat women as a tool will have greater freedom to do harm under bad influence than one, raised somewhere where laws and tradition respect women.

absolute the same with torture of animals and the lot.

same energies provoke the havoc, but the subjects worked upon come from places with different norms and have different genetic potential.

Moral is almost so virtual as the money we use today. Good guidance and real virtues are something else…

in short: one entety influences/attacks a humble in character male from lets say Western Europe: result : emotional outbursts and perhaps heavy depression. seldom violence.

same entety goes for play in Iran/Iraq to a brute alpha male raised to dominate women: result: carnage.

same example can be used for any incident including suffering and violence.


The question i have in regards to this is if it’s entities, where did they come from originally? Who or what are they? How did they come into (“rather came out of”) being? How were they and us influenced? What’s the ‘source?’


well you ask where the root of all evil is?

i have no idea. or more so i dont like to have an idea… idont want to know…to dig…cos, when you dig, it smells badly and you should somehow clense it…which requires more energy than to dig it and leave it barried…

but it is perhaps in the deep past of todays men.

or something new entirely that came with the 2000s

or a combination of both.

anyway it is as felt nearing one end soon. it allways so, that things get dynamic and things get known before the end of a phase.

allways darkest before the dawn, remember?


In essence how did we get the idea of good vs evil? The idea(s) of the concepts/suchness of ‘duality’ and ‘non-duality?’ Just a thought. To sit by idly or taking action?

but also understanding or questioning about being ‘grey’ with things (subjective meaning)… that can be confused with apathy

Big debate of beliefs in relation to “good” vs “evil”


Since you like to chew on big meaty ideas,

to sit by idly is taking an action. Isn’t that interesting? :thinking:


So it can be interpreted as making a choice? Or "be"ing? (I swear it came out that way it’s unintentional lol!) Im also in some ways asking and questioning and seeking for some guidance for what’s true and what’s just - if anything?

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I might get off-topic (or not) here, but I’ll continue with this idea of mine, just a thought …

I think that “Evil” is just a program or an idea, a way of being, just like “Good” and I think Evil is a POSSIBILITY; between good and evil, some entities choose to align to one more than another and even if there was a “Fallen One” (or something like that), if that event didn’t happen, I think ‘Evil’ would have been slightly different, since it would have been someone else / an entirely different entity who would have been “the fallen one” …

In essence, I think (perhaps it’s a false belief) that Evil is eternal, it will find a way to exist, through one entity or another, through one species or other, in one Universe or another, in one dimension or another …, in that sense I can compare evil to a virus, it’s persevering as fu** …
EDIT: again, evil might be more illusory than real, but I’m not the expert, what I perceive as evil is perhaps because of my limited view, because of my human ego who thinks suffering = evil and also anything that is malevolent (which wants to produce suffering or to gain from the suffering of others) I identify as evil…

EDIT: Captain, I also gave like the most extreme/extraordinary examples, when I said that some fields don’t work for some people, usually, as in/since for the vast majority, they work really well. The last thing that I want is for me to sound like I’m complaining about your fields, since they have helped me so much!
I think we all appreciate and love your work, you are the best, Captain!

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I was just giving you some more food for thought, because I know you like that.

I think your questions and your pondering are important, but I don’t want to derail Sammy’s thread away from the topics he wants to discuss. So, I’ll be brief here.

Let me start off by saying that I do like that " 'be’ing" of yours. You might call it “unintentional” and I understand that. I’m calling it “inspired.” :wink:

And I’m starting there because, in addition to taking advantage of sharing a heartfelt compliment with you, it also takes me to another important point: these–“choice”, “sit by idly”, “taking action”, “good”, “evil”, “inspired”, “true”, etc.–these all are labels. That’s all they really are.

So, this takes us to that thing-that-I-do (which seems to aggravate some of our forum friends) of examining what we’re meaning with our labels and how are we using our labels. I share @SammyG’s attitude that it’s become sort of a common thing where we (and I’m including myself in this “we”) give away more of our power than is helpful to us. So, I try to be mindful (with myself and with others) about the labels being used and will encourage us (myself included) towards labels which seem to me to take back and wield our power, rather than give it away.

I understand that. I’ll just say that, although I have some opinions about these important questions, that’s all they are. They’re my opinions. And during my time on this planet, I’ve come to discover that there are many, many, many other opinions (some which agree, some which markedly differ from my opinions) on these important topics. And for the most part, all of these are simply opinions. I don’t know anyone who has The One Universal Objective Master List of Truth (although there are many who claim to have such a list).

Nor do I know of any objective and empirical way of verifying the list of any other, or even my own own, because I also have an opinion that we see it (and the “evidence” supporting it) when we believe it. If I believe that there’s a source of Evil and there are evil things out there to get me (I don’t, FWIW), then I’m going to see “evidence” to support my beliefs. And thanks to this opinion of mine, I’ve seen pleny of “evidence” to support my opinion that we see it when we believe it, you see? :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello @WellBeing !

Which labels do you fathom are giving our energy back and not taking it away?

in my reality i took too much time believing what i saw especially as a child and a teenager…

then again we really have different paths.

mine shows me i should be alittle like the character of Moody from the Harry Potter series. “Allways vigilant !!!” and the scenario is almost identical to a Stephen Kings Novel from the Rank of “IT”. i am talking especially the ignorance shown in this Novel and not the Clown and the killings. the atmosphere is same.

but on a more positive note: no known to me negative entety can come and bug a group of people who are connected through love and believe in this same love.

it is the most powerful of shields and i had the pleasure to experience it in the past.

the “fun” begins when one of the parties begin to doubt the love and begins to have thoughts. then all goes down. unsalvigable.

in short: there is not a better protection from curses and enteties than a loving relationship no matter to which of the sexes. this happens not so often today…love and believe in its power.


If we are talking about evil thennnn I wanna say a thing or two about that

as I said in another thread ^^^

Everybody is literally acting in the same way. Literally. We act in a self biased manner to fulfill our own agenda. It’s just as simple as that, it’s people being selfish. The opposite of selfless. We just don’t want to admit we do probably thousands of evil things everyday.

Not everybody is equally selfish, the more ignorant and selfish a person is, the more evil they are. But fundamentally it’s just all the same thing… People tryna preserve their skewed worldview.

Another thing about evil… We created that concept so that we can point to something out there, call it evil without self-reflecting then completely exterminate that thing without having to feel guilty, because of course, it’s “evil”.

Interested in what you have to say bro @SammyG


It’s more than likely going to be a pop up event. Sometime tomorrow night (EST time) most likely. I’ll just post it on the forum and whoever comes, comes. And no, it won’t be recorded. I’m okay with not making a big thing of it. What I share there, I’ll share here eventually too.


the servant is an entity

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I mean, entity that is not created by human themselves like servitor.
Real living entities, like animals thing.

even those created by humans

Nice! I approve this message


I mean it’s a little fun to see you rant a bit


You can speak your mind

You speak, we learn


I was gonna say, i’m sleep deprived rn but I was smiling so hard jajaja

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