I'm dying to hear Dream's opinion on this

The ‘wrathful big guy’ you refer to is not God, it’s his opponent who was one of the most powerful spirits but choose to rebel against God n was removed from being able to interfere with other entities that was loyal to God. This evil minded spirit had already gained a massive amount of followers, these are commonly referred to as ‘demons’ n yesh they ARE powerful n they HAVE power over y’alls minds to control you, that’s the reason why the world looks like it does nowadays n it’ll get thousandfold worse before this farce is over n these evil entities are being confined so that they cannot interfere with humans, for a thousand years, after that they’ll be let loose, but the difference THEN is that humanity will have been restored, ‘ascended’ if you so will, n these evil entities will be removed n completely annihilated for eternity.

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