Is blueprint of life really needed?

I’m seeing loads of people on the forum saying its a must have, but I’m overall pretty content with life the way it is atm, yeah I’m on the path of self improvement but I don’t really need a “reset” more like I could get rid of some limiting beliefs and stop self sabotaging behaviour. thats about it really, I do love myself and I’ve gotten over all of my past traumas b4 I found about fields so is this field really a must have?

Apparently it changes your personality and your genetics? I aint really tryna change that though so opnions? Maybe a better purchase would be Ponr ?


You would be surprised how much buried traumas are stored within your subconscious mind. I used to think so too, but then after using trauma fields so much popped up.

As for BOL, I would recommend it, but it is honestly up to you. I would advise you to read the threads and gather your conclusion from there.


You don´t need to buy Blueprint of Life.

But would it greatly benefit you? Most likely!

Everything you need to heal and more, was provided by Dream for free.
If you want to take things to the next level, you can do so with paid fields.

Matter of fact you don´t “need” any field. The question is more if it makes sense for you.

It´s not only about if something works, but how efficient and fast it works.

Incarnational time being a limited resource, many of us choose to reduce the time we have to spend on healing, by buying tools that are able to reduce the time we need for it.

But it´s really about what you want, and how to get there in a way that fits you the best.

99,99% chance that you aren´t. Self sabotage is usually rooted in trauma, same goes for a lot of limiting beliefs.

Anyways, if you just want to focus on removal of limiting beliefs, the Ponr field or stack will do the job.


BpoL focuses on the physical body healing.

That, as a result of healing yourself your mental and spirit changes is a secondary effect

Or if whatever illness or not working well in your body is maybe the result of stress, traumas, negative feelings etc then of course BoLP by trying to reverse that and bring harmony triggers an emotional/mental detox as well

But if you feel like you dont need it now then yes go for PONR specially based on what you mentioned


If you don’t really need this, PONR will serve you even less, because it’s for those people who should do a hard reset, the exact opposite of what you wrote, in my opinion.

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just bought ponr, think ill just buy bol when i get paid next month lmao or maybe voc, gotta researxh more

no, not really, it could be for those that need a hard reset at first but then after it just clears daily the debris we all accumulate at different levels throughout the day.

and actually very very focused on:

@Mouldytea you can read through this post which is the one we all chimed in to build up a field idea for Dream to make and the result was PONR so you can get an idea of what you can expect from it, and of course it does not mean that all the elements have to work on you, if you dont need some of the points then it wont just do anything to you, but what you mentioned is def something this fields works on, so much that a lot of people play it at the start of the day or at the begining of the stacks, to kinda prime your mind, aura, spirit etc to have a great day, and integrate better and deeper fields etc which most of the times is obstructed by precisely limiting believes and self sabotaging

Point of No Return Public Project


However, I still prefer BoL, which with 2 and a half years of development now has enormous potential; until last week it was the field that opened every day, now I play it immediately after The Expanse, by PU.

oh well, i was not even comparing, i was just going along what he felt he didnt want thats all

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No prob dear Lunita :wink:

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Adhere to the unobservable truth, based on what feels right and true to you.

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