Point of No Return Public Project

Hello ladies and gents, I’d like to propose a public project we can all chip in on. It might already be half done since we are all familiar with the Point of No Return Stack. But we can modify it a bit and add some new ideas to make a all in one NFT Field that pushes you past the Point of No Return. What is the Point of No Return to those who may not know?

It’s when you’ve hit the lowest low in life and no matter what you do to rise above your problems, you just keep running into more problems. Your efforts to change aren’t rewarded. The universe seems to be against you. The baggage you carry from the past weighs like 150 pound bag strapped to your back. This is a point where people feel stuck. And it might not be so dramatic for some people… they might just feel stuck and like nothing they do works at all.

And the truth is that this aura of negativity we carry at these low points actively work against our efforts to progress and overcome a situation. So, what to do? Well, the point of no return stack was created to clear and depattern the energies/patterns keeping you stuck so that you can work on yourself and finally get the results that are being blocked from your path. So what did the original stack consist of?

The original stack was:

Energy Clearing
Subconscious Limits Clearing
Love Gratitude & Appreciation
(several audios depending on your situation such as trauma release, forgiveness release, emotional release)

There have also been so many awesome fields that have released since then would compliment the stack perfectly such as amygdala healing + Internal Alchemical Crucible. Outlook Retrainer. Positive Power Waves. Nullify negative planetary effects. And so on.

Now, I don’t want to take this thread to just discuss fields that could compliment eachother very well when combined to make for the ultimate cleansing/restabilizing field. I would like to discuss more specifics such as:

How do reach such low points in our lives?
What keeps us stuck in these low points?
What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives?
What are some external factors that affect us in such cases?
What are some practical ways to fix these situations?
What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations?

No need to answer em all. Just what you have some insight on. I have a few ideas to share here but would prefer to hear everyone’s thoughts first. I don’t want this to seem done off the cuff. I’d love to hear all your input.

Cause after all, this doesn’t just serve people at their lowest low. But it will pretty much be an ultimate cleansing/restabilizing field by the end of it. So look forward to hearing from you all!


Heading off to a meeting but I wanted to get these in real quick…

How do reach such low points in our lives? Bad luck, bad decisions
What keeps us stuck in these low points? Habit, mindset, environment, programming, neurology/biology, family patterns
What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives? Lack of vitality, lack of vision
What are some external factors that affect us in such cases? Habit, mindset, environment, programming, neurology/biology, family patterns
What are some practical ways to fix these situations? Tenacity/Persistence/Commitment/Focus
What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations? Trust


How do we reach such low points in our lives? Our energy gets more compromised than it does transmuted
What keeps us stuck in these low points? The illusion that we are the body/mind
What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives? Resistance to the truth of our being plus buying into the illusion
What are some external factors that affect us in such cases? Opinions of others, negative self-talk, negative media/social media, seeing “the past” as fact rather than energy that can be healed
What are some practical ways to fix these situations? Overcome resistance via letting go, using fields, allowing that there is always a way up, mastermind for solutions
What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations? Opening to source energy, Mantras, meditation, yoga


How do we reach such low points in our lives? Not Aligning with the Divine and over-indulging low vibrational ego based choices.
What keeps us stuck in these low points? Not being able to reconnect with Divine and see beyond the illusion, things for what they truly are.
What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives? Not being able to see through the illusion or even if seeing it, not being able to resist ego choices/not knowing any other options
What are some external factors that affect us in such cases? Others and environment.
What are some practical ways to fix these situations? Ask your Higher Self/Spiritual Guardian for help/guidance. It is always given.
What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations? I don’t like seperating practical and spiritual - there is no different solution. You either try to fix it on your own, which is usually harder or doesn’t even work…or you go to what is within you, that which has already seen what will be.



Im gonna get busy now but i quickly want to add something.

Being an Empath High Sensitive Person and or Introvert, can get us or keep us there a lot of times.

Its a constant battle to keep ourselves free and uplifted

So within that NFT considering a strong protection for Empaths would be great (but not just empaths everybody is vulnerable to be dragged down when surrounded by that vibration, specially when is the parents, significant other etc because of the loyalty bonds we accept sharing their misery and thus staying longer in that state)

We do have tools for Empaths and they are great, but there are many many empaths out there that have no idea they are empaths and therefore dont be using the tools, having that in the NFT will help them automatically


Yeah for that one, Luna. :pray:


To my simplest observation it’s mindset. Cuz the problem itself is not the problem most of the time but how we react to it. We all react to different things in different way. So mindfulness and having the right mindset is the key to overcome all trouble. in the end of the day reality happens all in our head and based on how we see things. One can only make a change if they are willing to but those who doesn’t have the right mindset and gives up too easily falls into darkness and self blaming. After all reality is neutral. It reflects your own emotions back at you. Nothing more or nothing less. So what’s inside is reflected outwards. So a positive outlook is very crucial to overcome whatever issue may arise. Many crumbles in critical situations cuz they mostly don’t have a positive outlook towards life and lacks mental strength and willingness to change at a subconscious level so their subconscious mind considers such a state of being as their comfort zone and pushes them to have such experience over and over as it’s the direct shaper of one’s reality. Simply be so strong mentally that you can even shatter mountains if you set your mind to it and then no person, environment or whatever can affect you as long as you don’t give yourself any excuse to self sabotage and suffer.


How do reach such low points in our lives?

For myself it was past trauma and mistakes that had piled up and not been taken care of. They reared their ugly head and I had no knowledge of their existence.

What keeps us stuck in these low points?

Inability to see a life past your low point. It can feel all consuming.

What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives?

You simply don’t see the point. Why do more work when it likely won’t work out?

What are some external factors that affect us in such cases?

Drugs, friends and family. Even when well intentioned, their views can sometimes be counterproductive.

What are some practical ways to fix these situations?

Exercise is a big one for myself. Writing down what I want, what my fears are and what I’m feeling is another.

What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations?

Sapien’s fields :slight_smile:


@SammyG This is a great idea for an NFT! This will help so many people.

How do reach such low points in our lives?

  • There are many factors. It can be a certain mindsets, health issues, emotional, mental, physical traumas, outside influences, psychic attacks, curses etc

What keeps us stuck in these low points?

  • Mindsets, PTSD, lack of willpower, no hope, no energy to move in any direction, severe depression

What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives?

  • Same as above I feel

What are some external factors that affect us in such cases?

  • Terrible relationships, bad working conditions, bad living conditions, drinking/drugs, etc

What are some practical ways to fix these situations?

  • Awareness of the issues, therapy, exercising, eating healthy, taking small steps towards getting better

What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations?

  • Gain energy (jing) to move, gain willpower, clear blocks, remove entities and curses, meditate, work with morphic fields ;)

How do reach such low points in our lives? Probably because our aura gets damaged by some factors (for example bad mental health,low vibrations etc), therefore we are attracting negativity into our lives

What keeps us stuck in these low points? Ourselves and overall negative thinking

What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives? Self limitations (I’m not good, I don’t have experience, I’m not confident etc)

What are some external factors that affect us in such cases? People and media (we can see many negative stuff on media right now and it highly impacts our lives and how we think)

What are some practical ways to fix these situations? Working on ourselves, asking others for help, using fields.

What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations? Don’t really know :(


Six Key Points I would like to mention:

  1. Self Love and Self Worth – the basis, but also the upper maximum for everything of what you believe you deserve and get in life. Lack of self-love = #1 reason for not getting results.

  2. Deep Trauma that leads to massive Self Sabotage as the subconcious mind tries to protect the waking self from these painful experiences. Being in a constant state of waking traumatized hypno trance is how 99% of people go through the world and why they fail to love themselves because of the above mentioned self-sabotage. Trauma is the 2nd biggest reason for not getting results.

  3. Fear, Shame, Guilt and Anger – similar to trauma and in most cases part of any self-sabotage mechanism

  4. Personal Vibration seems to be the key factor that sums everything up.
    So raising one’s vibration is absolute key for getting results in all areas.

  5. Behavior of Chasing Negative Dopamine:
    A.k.a. constant self-inflicted negative brainwashing by watching news, hollywood, TV, Netflix, porn, social media, radio, YouTube trash etc.
    When the subconscious mind sees the world as dangerous, negative and you as powerless – it will co-manifest that reality with all the self-sabotage that comes with it.

  6. Asking for Help!
    We are never alone – but we need to ask!
    People forget that all the time because the ego believes “it can do all alone”.
    Angelic and Alien Intercession, as well as Conceptual Realizations and Imaginarium Divine come to mind here…


Rogue plushies, dolls and toys.

They are like totems of strong curses and psychic attacks when they become rogue.

A way to fix this? Hmm maybe a servitor editing their egregores to work like Sapien Medicine’s servitors.


Could be a test run to the print on demand NFT


What are some external factors that affect us in such cases?

Rejection: Rejection can cause us to feel a slew of emotions, ranging from confusion to sadness to rage . Oftentimes, people don’t understand exactly why they’ve been rejected, which can lead to a downward spiral of negative introspection and an overall sense of not feeling good enough.

Envy and Jealousy: Envy is more likely to cause feelings of sadness and a desire to change. Meanwhile, jealousy is more likely to provoke anger and resentment . Sometimes jealousy and envy occur together. When someone feels jealous, they may also envy the person who is causing them to feel jealous in the first place. (These two affect an empath energetically and you feel it immediately)

Indifferences: Indifference affects people as individuals and as a society because when you allow certain people rights and freedoms that you don’t allow for other genders, and races, you are then separating people and making one of them more superior than the other.


How do reach such low points in our lives?

What keeps us stuck in these low points?

Indeed, there are internal and external factors to this. We could be in this scenario because of our decisions, or because of the decisions of others. We can be kept in this state because of our perspectives or the ambient we’re in.

But sometimes a ‘why’ is important to be questioned. These low points could be where our best paths lead, depending on our current incarnation. If there are hardships, I think its natural to try to change them as soon as possible, but being aware of why these things may be happening is a important piece of the puzzle. “What lead us here?”

What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives?

It can be a matter of approach, or a matter of timing. We may lack the view of the full picture of the situation we’re currently in, so there may be unknown important factors that enter conflict with the approach we’re using. Or we are already doing things in a way in accordance with our best path and just have to keep on going.

If the latter is the case, then there’s just so much that willpower can do, or is the efficient way to go about it. I find that all things should be easy, unless there’s a reason for them not to be. If that’s what happening, then it can be really hard. So, it could be interesting to develop other fuels to our actions and mindsets that work together with our wills. One of them is Faith. Even feelings like guilt or shame can be useful if channeled in the right way.

What are some practical ways to fix these situations?

Money really helps in most cases.

What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations?

I’d center my approach in mindfulness, love and faith. It may not change the current situation, but it should at least help with the negativity.

On that note:

Integrity comes a long way.

By the way, the Serenity prayer is quite nice:

“Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.”


Due to a culmination of both naivety and suboptimal decisions

Hope that everything will get better one day, or that someone, something will come for our rescue. Also negative habits that stem from the above mentioned suboptimal decisions

Fear of the unknown and of the changes. Are we up for the task? Do we lose anything once we walk path X instead of path Y? Isn’t it much easier to remain in the comfort zone? Etc…

It could be the people you interact with day to day. Or the workplace. Or the living place. Or the country. Or all of them combined.

1.) Utmost importance is the first initial step which is a very determined, almost aggressive decision to never ever look back at the life it once was. This could be one choice for one major obstacle, or several choices for multiple issues.

2.) Further, to actively move away and transition to the life one really wishes to experiences. The caveat here being that this adds tremendous responsibility, it could be a big burden for many who’ve remained comfortable for too long.

3.) There should be an active constant curiosity, trying out new things and not caring whether they work out or not; this is just to acquire the new open mindsets required to move on.

4.) Reflecting on the past - reflecting but not regretting. Taking the past as it is, absorbing and implementing the lessons learned and cherishing the knowledge gained.

Once out of the initial slump, things are starting to look brighter and life becomes easier again. Note though that one could get stuck again, but it’s usually not in the same area of life that one had experienced problems with before.

This will be a period of time in which one is very eager to consume more spiritually related stuff. In my opinion, whatever it is, just try to apply everything in life that you resonate with. No obsessing, no stressing out. If you enjoy it, do it. The absolute cornerstone I’d say it’s meditation.


Physical illness with no help, low point! Starting life believing that low is all there is…not knowing there’s anything else… being naive…oh I could go on!


If I feel low and stuck, the two thoughts that give me the energy to change are

  1. We are not alone ; and
  2. Reality can be shaped by out thoughts and actions.

I note these because when people interrogated (and tortured) people, they focus on isolating them from others and controlling their environment in order to control their minds. Some people who survived such situations, or worse, credit their having done so to some version of the two beliefs I stated above.

The Sapien Medicine team actually produces products that confirm these beliefs and that has has been far more important to me than any particular field. Finding this “place” was a “Land Ahoy” experience. But when I examine my life, I realize that there were similar confirmations that I lacked the confidence to properly categorize.


Perceived failure in most things in life.

Professional life- not able to work in what we love
Financial- always at the edge of making ends meet
Friends and family- lack of love, positivity, just don’t get you. Loneliness

Karma- some don’t believe. Wish there is way to get out of that tangle.
Health- you just can’t think of anything else when body and mind are sick.

Just can’t fit into society. Kinda feel like an alien.
Love- we just can’t love ourselves.

Also, feeling of lows and highs come in bouts.

Spiritual ascension symptoms. The more we are spiritually inclined, more we feel as a misfit.
We may have hell amount of will power- but don’t feel like applying it to seek remedy. The dilemma of Should I accept or fight back?

The wait for good times: somewhere we feel that we gonna be better at future. That makes us push ourselves with life a little further. But The wait comes with longing, frustration.

We just can’t love ourselves. Just can’t appreciate.

The time deadline we have for ourselves and set by society: earn good, settle , have a family by 30 etc.,
We just don’t do anything we love or enjoy in life.