Point of No Return Public Project

What keeps us at these low points?
Low energy level, as a result, indignantly appears, the problem situation seems very large and there is no understanding how to solve it. background excitation of the nervous system (constant stress),

What hinders our efforts to make any changes in our lives?
lack of support/help, self-doubt, low energy


How do reach such low points in our lives?

Lack of experience to avoid getting into the low points.

What keeps us stuck in these low points?

Lack of experience to get out of these low points.

What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives?

Not realizing what the problem is.

What are some external factors that affect us in such cases?

It’s all internal.

What are some practical ways to fix these situations?

Asking thyself what am I doing. Who have I became.

What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations?

Accepting the situation and trying to improve yourself in every situation. Seeing the problem and then work on it, no matter how hard it is.


So far… Some multiple ideas apply to certain concepts (such as ego). This is a hefty but great start.

Things in the way:

bad luck, bad decisions, compromised energy, rejection, disconnect from divine/higher self, lost to desires, past traumas, psychic attacks, damaged auras, lack of self love,
bad habits/mindset, environment, ego, opinions of others, past as fact, lack of energy, lack of awareness,

belief that things won’t change, low vibration, discomfort being a weight, lack of income/not enjoying work, loneliness, helplessness, vices, unhealthy relationships, ascension symptoms, lack of support, fear/shame/guilt/anger, jealousy, chasing dopamine, physical illness with no solution, etheric cords,

Ways to overcome:

persistence, self love, trust, connecting to source, mantras, meditation, yoga, DBT therapy, Fields process/release emotions, exercise, travel, spending time in nature, psychedelic therapy, breathwork, empath shield (against people also connected by etheric cord), positive mindset/positive perspective, writing down wants and fears, acceptance and embrace of past, gaining energy such as jing, removing entities/curses, clearing blockages, active curiosity/novelty,


Thanks to all the responses so far. This gives a really great general overview of the bigger picture. This is why these projects are awesome. A collective perspective is fuller than one. Gonna be fun to piece this together.


That was beautifully sum up!

Its gonna be an epic release. I mean, this can save us so much time energy and cut stacks lol and turn into our daily 24/7 best friend.

I hope a lot of copies get minted :grimacing::heart:


Me too. Because we and a lot of other people are going to need it… :sweat_smile:


How do reach such low points in our lives?
Part of the Journey(some say Karma), Bad Choices, feeling of Loneliness, Physical(accidents) and Mental(Incidents) challenges, Genetics or Birth defects, Attachments, Astrological effects

What keeps us stuck in these low points?
one doesn’t takes responsibility, Incorrect understanding of situation, buiding worry and fear, blaming god or universe or others, feeling helpless and thus form core beliefs on low confidence, failure and traps within circling.

What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives?
One can’t even can think that something better is possible. They feel like stuck in a maze. They wouldn’t even try for help. Lack of perspective or knowledge that things can change for better. Lack of faith or hope !

What are some external factors that affect us in such cases?
Most of the time, lack of support from family, or friends or the universe. Mostly they are isolated from society. Things get more worse with avoidance.

What are some practical ways to fix these situations?
Exercise, Physical/ Mental/ Financial Goals, New Hobbies, Yoga and Pranayama’s, visiting Therapist, Involving in more social activity, making new friends, working for charities and social causes

What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations?
Visiting temples or holy places daily (have seen life transformations), Self- enquiry into being, deep questioning and contemplation, Satsang (spiritual discourses), Opening up & discussing with closed ones


Things in the way:

Yeah things like negative past failures and experiences tend to re-manifest itself as a person will think of it again and bring up/ re-live those negative emotions and energy which your subconscious uses as fuel to handicap oneself.
Fear could be a big factor


Totally true

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How do reach such low points in our lives?
I feel like often it’s a result of a disconnect between expectation and authenticity within ourselves. This can manifest in different ways, like being ‘forced’ into a specific career that does not align with your own values and is a constant source of frustration and unhappiness. It could also be a cultural thing, where you happen to be born in a place that doesn’t recognize and celebrate who you are as a person, which makes you feel disconnected from others. It’s a constant uphill battle, forced to face certain circumstances without knowing any better, and not having the awareness yet to recognize it for what it is and make a change that suits you best.

What keeps us stuck in these low points?
Not knowing any better/not having the awareness to recognize certain recurring patterns. Feeling like the world is supposed to be a certain way and instead of finding our own way, we adapt and try to fit a square peg in a round hole.

What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives?
Self-blame, guilt and the tendency to please others around you, resulting in self-sacrificing behavior to accommodate the world around you and people close to you. In the long term this could lead to lack of self-confidence and self-esteem.

What are some external factors that affect us in such cases?
Culture, religious institutions, perhaps a certain tribe mentality that’s present in the environment you happen to grow up in. When you’re still impressionable you can get pulled in so many different directions and before you have the awareness to make deliberate choices, there could already be some deep limiting beliefs instilled in you.

What are some practical ways to fix these situations?
Honest self-assessment, be inquisitive and read as much as you can about the world. Deliberately look up opposing viewpoints with an open mind to get the full picture and see what is possible in the world.

What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations?
Meditation, mindfulness and opening yourself up to higher guidance. Learn to trust and indulge in sparks of intuitive impulses, because they can tell you a lot about yourself that you maybe are not aware of yet.


How do we reach such low points in our lives?
No extra effort necessary here. It just happens in each and every life at some point.

What keeps us stuck in these low points?
Genetic programming; lack of awareness; sinking into old negative patterns; education focused on competing and repetition rather than on critical thinking (or thinking at all), authenticity and individuation.

What stops our efforts from making any change in our lives?
Not realizing that other peoples’ solutions (regarding anything) are very rarely or not at all applicable on our lives.

What are some external factors that affect us in such cases?
Friends, family, school, curch, community and all the other well-meaning beings who care for us the best way they know (and they don’t know).

What are some practical ways to fix these situations?
Speak your mind. Stop looking for approval. Stop taking responsibility for other healthy adults (no exeptions). Stop trying to control what cannot be controlled. Be mindful of others and yourself. Exercise, walk in the nature, dance, listen to music (do whatever makes you happy). Once you are feeling better you will be able to solutions you wolud never have thought of, if you weren’t happy.

What are some spiritual ways to fix these situations?
Look inside for a solution, rather than outside. Accept your part of the responsibility for what is going on in your life.

I think this might be best as an audio. As a constant, it might not be the best. Since the field will have clearing elements.

I think the audio should be split in two, mixed in a way that one goes into the other. The first audio being the clearing element. The second audio being the repatterning element. (Both mixed in one audio file though)

The clearing element goes into clearing away bad luck, consistent negative energy patterns within and external (and energy blockages in general), any entities feeding off of you or influencing you, psychic attacks or just negative energy directed towards you from others (most psychic attacks are unintentional and just spawned from pure hatred/jealousy/ext…), built up emotions and even any emotions caught from others. (some of these overlap)

Also clearing unhealthy patterns from connections to others, neutralizing negative built up emotions such as fear/shame/guilt/anger, neutralizing overly strong pattern of desire. Clearing up subconscious limiting beliefs and neutralizing negative self esteem. I think ego dissolution, amygdala healing and brain reset could be included in this as well as they can both reset the brain. Clearing the other things to reset the energy and consciousness.

The first segment is basically a hard reset. It would be like dreamseed’s energy clearing audio but a neutralizing of many different blockages at once. It should work at setting someone into a temporary neutral state of being which is ideal for change.

(Temporary because old patterns and whatnot, generally return after the subconscious/energy system returns to it’s usual functioning. That’s why people get back to their old patterns after getting energy clearings from healers or even using our audios. A clearing doesn’t fully fix problems. It clears the negative energy that problems create)

The repatterning element will take advantage of the temporary neutral state that the clearing sets you into. The field will reconnect you to the divine (higher self/god/universe). Perhaps also to that universal aspect of unconditional love so that the feeling of loneliness and helplessness can fade away.

Although the focus is not too much on chakras, this can also ground the chakras and set them into balance. Create a surge of jing, chi and shen energy in the body. Also surge of pure willpower.

Patterning of acceptance. Acceptance of all the problems you have. Of all you feel you lack. Of all that is bothering you. Acceptance of it all (this may best work if you do this consciously while listening to this segment). And embracing it all. Positive perspective on your negative aspects (new perspectives field can help with this). Change in perspective is what can sometimes shift a negative energy into a neutral/positive one.

In addition, patterning of self love, gratitude, appreciation, hope and pure positive energy.

Restabilizing dopamine in the brain and neutralizing the desire feedback loop. Perhaps work on reprogramming it to want more of what you have/what is now (not sure if this is possible).

This is what I got for now. Nothing final. Might not all make it into one field as this is quite a lot. But I did my best to mix all of our suggestions here into one coherent field.

Let me know your thoughts or if ya’ll have anything you think should maybe be added!


Perhaps here, We can introduce a de-patterning of existing patterns as a way to reset our baseline!

That way, the patterns can also be ‘forgotten’… And new patterns can become our new default



A fact that people need to understand about mega fields like this one btw…

It doesn’t quite make other fields obsolete. The focus and power of an individual field focused on just one thing is not going to be the same as its power in a mega field where it’s integrated into 10 other fields. It’s hard to put into words but in mega fields, all those 10 fields are the field. They all work in unison and support eachother in a way where you’re not just getting repelling negative energy but you’re getting repelling negative energy and all the other things at once. So it’s not quite the same. Repelling negative energy alone will be more stronger than repeling negative energy in a a field that does that and 10 other things at once.

So if you get a field like this because it has some other fields in it at the same time… I don’t think it’s going to replace the others really. You get a field like this for its overall effect. Not just because ‘oh it has subconscious clearing and chakra balancing in it.’ You’re probably not quite going to get the same effect of subconscious clearing or chakra balancing as you would from listening to those individually. But if you are looking for a reset and repatterning, something like this would be perfect for you.

Another note is that in such a field, just listening to the reset doesn’t mean that some blockages are going to be gone forever. Something that clearing tends to do, is bring those blockages to the surface for you to deal with them. Those blockages are usually things that make us uncomftorable and that we aren’t willing to accept and come to terms with. Can’t ever escape this and this is something that you still have to do. The 2nd segment makes this aspect more gentle by putting you into a more positive mind state that allows you to better deal with your issues and work on yourself.

This won’t replace working on yourself. Nothing does. But something like this is designed to make it easier.

Just wanted to add that!


Hmmm, good idea!

Not sure if it’d fully work though as neutralizing/forgetting a bad memory tends to make that negativity resurface in another aspet of you. So it doesn’t quite get rid of the negative energy. Negativity has to always be consciously dealt with one way or another.


That’s another point too! Since perhaps at the root of it all, the patterns formed are also a memory of the body, or of an actual timed memory!.. hmm.

So perhaps if we look at it as an energetic imprint, and as we nullify it, we can nurture it and supply it with the energies it needs

Where we can have it like a Smart Communicator that directs the pattern, in its nullified state, to form it positive counterpart? Crossing it to the other side.

It can also supply the ‘charge’ needed to amplify this change

As if it ‘walks the memory through’ to the positive side

Working from a neutral state as well.


Perhaps from there we can also have an aspect that focuses on the consciousness part of it, because oftentimes ‘escapism’ is another reason we don’t work on these consciously.

(and also generally being lost not knowing what is the next step, since the pattern has stayed long enough for us to be what we know best)

The field can raise our awareness of our own patterns and can also do a ‘reverse knowledge’ technique.
(acting first, then realize/learn through it)


Sam, I think that’s a great idea and would help a lot of people. Sometimes I feel that even after using the multiple negative-entity banishing fields, there is still something there. Not sure what is up with that, but a powerful NFT-level field that addresses such things would be a great boon for a lot of people.

Very true. You can’t rely on fields for everything - ultimately you’ve got to work on yourself. Fields can play a major role, but you can’t just neglect the work you need to do.


Yes I think this aspect tends to be overlooked, that of a mega field consisting of x subfields, yet each subfield in and of itself is of equal importance. For instance I sense the ego dissolution in VoT different than the ego dissolution itself. With NFTs this is even more widespread hence oftentimes people keep exploring their NFTs for an extended period of time.

Overall a PONR NFT sounds really epic though!


Yeppp don’t you just love when the same fields totally make new forms when paired with others!!

I notice how fields act differently for example when playing Alchemical Zicron or Smart Reiki before fields!

Or holy light :slight_smile:

Hmm or like with shamanic medicine blend!

Don’t know but I find it really fun and brilliant! :D


Can it be both an audio to clear and NFT to keep,

The NFT will work only when we clear with the audio.