Is eating meat bad for physical and spiritual health?

@Maoshan_Wanderer In this moment, i know who you are! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin::grin::grin:


There are some benefits to eating meat, it has some grounding properties.

I think it’s good to reduce meat consumption and/or make sure that you buy good quality meat.
I mostly cook for.myself, I haven’t prepared meat since i don’t know when :sweat_smile: but I do eat sometimes when I eat out and I don’t like the vegetarian choice - I don’t eat dairy and the vegetarian is often cheese/cream centered :pensive: though vegan is getting a bit more common now, it’s not typical in this country.

It’s important to listen to your body.
If someone feels nurtured by eating meat, research the subject of course, but it’s a good indication that giving up on meat at the moment may not be the right choice.
At one point meat starts to taste, and also smell foul and utterly disgusting, then you can’t eat it anyway.
I’ve thrown away entire dishes because the chicken or the processed meat in it made the entire thing taste repulsive to me, same with fish, turkey… sometimes I just cannot :see_no_evil:
But most of the time as long as it is once in a while and not regularly, I’m okay to have it.
Like once a month is ok, once a week is not :sweat_smile:


Everything on the earth is a manifestation of divine , even a stone or even a whale , if we see the past we can recall even animals attained moksha , for example Gajendra Moksham depicts the same , and there are many other living things which attained moksha apart from Human life.

God doesnot discriminate between life of a bacteria or a human he is nirguna .

if eating veg leads to enlightenment , by this time all Cows , Elephants , etc might achieve it , why not?

There is much more to find out and i think we all are on the same path.

Joy and Gratitudes


Wow I was looking at my dog last night! Scratching door and wanting to get out… I kept on observing his want coming across with his way of communication, and how that’s how he has it now, as a soul incarnated in a fluffy Maltese body haha.

I wondered if pets reincarnate to evolve to higher consciousness, and just found my lead on here :)


Excessive meat eating is certainly bad for physical health. While it the Atkins and Keto diets did do a good job of offering a counter-narrative to the low-fat regime, a diet of alkaline plants, fermented food , fats with meat as a garnish makes a lot of sense in warding off cancer and heart disease.

On the spiritual side of matter, I have it from reliable sources that the Dali Lama has eaten hot dogs, so that’s got me thinking there’s some wiggle room on the issue.


Carnivore diet + x3 workout 6 days in a week is my lifestyle . All my chi comes from red meat lol





:joy: :joy: :+1: :+1:


…the Dalai Lama is not spiritual at all. He and his folks are running a business of selling basic spirituality to the masses, doing geopolitics for whoever pays them and their cult is based in ancient Tibetan black magick.

Watching what the Dalai Lama does and says is like watching what the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope do and say, …it is all business and ancient rituals – selling hope and basic insights in return for total control and ideologic brainwashing.

Lamaism is often confused with Buddhism but they are totally not the same.

This is all my personal opinion.


Funny that you say this because processed and cooked food barely has any Chi left in it.

You are probably confusing with the high amount of calories that you get from meat – which was the main reason how ancient humans were able to survive in cold countries before the invention of agriculture :wink:


it was a joke lol not a statement. But anyway nothing feels great than meat for me especially beef.


I became a vegetarian approx. 5 years ago; at first, I did it mostly for health issues, also after talking with a healer who convinced me that meat eating is just not the (optimal) way, to say the least, but soon, After Doing Yoga (more like chakras clearing, stimulation through various techniques), I became more compassionate, I also watched some documentaries about all the suffering those poor souls go through And I was CONVINCED: Meat is NOT Etical (first of all, for me, but I personally believe that avoiding meat is an important step in mankind’s spiritual and moral/ethical evolution)!

Although, I dislike where meat comes from, I try not to shame others (well, maybe I tell them, RARELY, that these animals suffer horribly, yet not everyone cares…), my mom is also a meat eater, I think all my family, all my known relatives, friends are, it’s still somehow considered a sort of mental illness in Romania to go vegetarian or (even worse :sweat_smile:), Vegan (although some young people are vegetarian or vegan, but it’s at most tolerated, clearly not fullly accepted, especially in countryside areas)…

I think each person should answer for himself/herself if eating meat is bad or not, I personally view it as unethical, imoral and completely unnacessary, especially now/in this age, as for spiritual/energy reasons, I have been told that someone can reach higher states and can do energy work faster and more efficient if he/she does not eat meat, and I believe it to be true, in fact I would say that I know it to be true (above all, I FEEL SO LIGHT, my body, my digestion, everything is lighter without meat).

This is My Personal Opinion/View and Experience.

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Progressing on my journey I find myself more and more unable to enjoy meat. Rarely concerned myself with the treatment the animals received, but it often just tastes like crap nowadays.
(except that one time, black angus steak in a restaurant, never tastet something like that before, delicious!)

I´ll cut it from my diet completely in the near future. But salmon will probably stay.
It tastes and feels just way too good for my body. Especially after using a lot of fields. Assume it´ll be okay vibrational-wise.


I started eating fish again this year after being a vegetarian for 2.5 years, mostly because it wasn’t working out for me health-wise. I resonate with meat tasting like crap, I remember at one point I was eating chicken and thought “Damn this isn’t supposed to be in my mouth”


Profit is all the big businesses care about, they don’t care to sell you quality meat, but to sell more…
Idk, just saying.

That´s exactly the thing. I don´t eat a variety of fish but my body tells me specifically to eat salmon every now and then. Tried vegetarian for 30 days in 2021 and didn´t really missed meat that much. Only negative effect was a feeling of slight physical weakness (iron,zink?), but increased mental clarity. Could be bc I was on SR too…can´t tell exactly…

In any case, salmon stays :slight_smile:

well put.


Ignore the fear-mindset, I thought this to be pretty cool to solve that issue

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Wow, now, that’s Genius!

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