Is eating meat bad for physical and spiritual health?

I was very fond of eating meat my entire life. But after discovering about the sapien med channel and using certain fields like emotional release whenever I eat meat I feel like I’ve done something really wrong so I quit eating meat an year ago. Anyone else choose the same path?


most the foods we eat are bad for our physical health
even the ones u think are “health” porply go through 20 different machines and 2 different factories :joy:


How is something automatically unhealthy if it goes through machines or 2 different factories?:thinking:

Everything in moderation. No. But you should ask it from your intuition but maybe try to eat less of meat. And if you can go completely meat free for a month. Then you decide yourself. Going to eat it again or not at all.


because most ready to eat food uses the cheapest staples, oils full of trans fats, sugar and its derivatives, and stuff that shouldn’t even be considered as food, most of which are linked to cancer, but ‘need more research’ because someone would lose big money

there is a difference between plants/foods in general prepared by humans and the ones handled by machines, as the latter group is kind of dead lol, or say lacks liveness

strive to eat as much fruit and veggies produced by local farmers, organic if you can etc


I only eat meat . I’m a carnivore, it immensely improved my health and mood. Check FB carnivore groups, you will see amazing benefit of it.


The more vegan and the more raw (unprocessed) you eat, the higher your vibration will be in general.

If your goals are spiritual development, consciousness development, manifestation, becoming more free from the matrix, then raising your vibration is very beneficial.


Everyone’s body’s are different so the food it needs will also differ. Eat what makes you happy and keeps your body healthy. Find your ‘food tribe’ whether you’re an omnivore, carnivore, vegetarian, vegan, etc.

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I find meat to be quite nourishing for my soul. Especially beef. Animals don’t have the same type or
maybe no soul so i don’t really see it as wrong. But i do see them as sacred so i believe to treat them with respect


no soul ? interesting. They have feelings, emotions, a will to live, but no soul :thinking:
just a food for thoughts


I guess they are robots then?

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Maybe… im no expert but can animals like astral travel? Do they have past life memories? When i think of a soul i think of those two things. I believe animal emotion to be more instinct based. like their fully under the influence of emotion/morphic field.

Yes they do it all the time. Especially animals that spend their majority of time sleeping.


Okay yeah that makes sense. I believe cats to be very conscious and live multiple lives. I just don’t think of cats as food so i didn’t think of them.

But for animals that some consider ‘food’ Definitely something for me to think about

I think about all the stuff native American elders would do to honor animals. I remember one story where they had to put all the fish bones back in the water. I believe they would do a ritual to honor the animal whenever they would kill an animal

I like to think i vibrate pretty high. I haven’t even really been able eat much lately. I think i just have too much energy. like my brain feels too euphoric from all my energy to want to eat. also i listen to the etheric clearing so i dunno about that.

Maybe i just don’t eat enough. maybe it’s the fat


I guess that would be bigfoot/sasquatch.Now you got me thinking about kung fu panda. The animals might evolve and start kung fu fighting.

What animals do you think are more advanced that don’t eat meat?
I know cats eat meat. Bears eat meat, im thinking their more advanced due to native americans using the word spirit bear. i would think dragons eat meat but maybe someone knows better. Appaerently the cosensus is that bigfoot is an omnivore and i would think bigfoot is the most similar to us spiritually evolved animal. so if they eat meat i would think it’s fine.

I like to think animals eating meat helps with their spiritual devolpment. there’s not alot of fat containing fruit/vegetables lying around and there just not as calorie dense. vegans do often eat just a huge amount of fruit. I don’t think this would be easy for a lot of animals or even a lot of humans. I find calorie dense food easier to eat

That is not what I said.

I said:

Some Dolphins, Cats, Wales, Apes etc. for sure have more consciousness than some humans. Just because you are not able to communicate with them, does not mean that they are not telepathically communicating their thoughts to the world and that they experience emotions and feelings. In fact, most cats, dogs, dolphins etc. are able to give and show more unconditional love than most humans on the planet.

That is also because some humans walking this planet are just physical shells with animal or gaia infused consciousness.

There is a wast amount of different beings on this planet with all levels of consiousness and they can populate all type of biological setups (bodies).


sorry JAAJ if that came off bad i meant to write it more like “do you know of any advanced animal that don’t eat meat”

I appreciate your reply

No worries, we are all here to learn :wink:

I highly recommend that you check out YouTube about the benefits of a diet that is 50% or more raw vegan.
Because this is not just about having a higher vibration, but also living physically longer, having more energy, be more healthy when old and without most of the civiliational diseases, stronger immune system, saving animals from slaughter houses, developing more compassion and empathy for other beings…



Yes… I was looking at my friend’s dog a few months ago, he was sick and could see him projecting at least 3 lifetimes of various memories and trauma. I’ve met several animals on the astral space, I have not really looked into whether they do this deliberately or it just happens… I am kind to animals, but don’t have much affinity to them (except may be snakes) so I have not spent much time on such interactions.