Eating and spirituality

are you an omnivore?

do you only eat meat?

do you only eat plant-based food?

are you like that guy who doesn’t eat but chose to be 400lbs?

does this matter to you spiritually?

my eating journey goes like this:

  • snacks and fast food as a child, but i believed my parents when they said we were rich and could afford eating tasty food every day
  • tried out ketogenic diet because i liked the idea of ketosis
  • switched to being a vegan after an overdose of marijuana
  • currently vegetarian and eat animal by-products

What about eating fish if we think about spirituality?

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Interesting thread, as usual with you @psynergy :) … and journey as well.

I’m omnivore and sort of omnispiritual lol. The thing is that be it a “simple” sandwich, I take much time to eat. On purpose. Like being conscious of each mouthful, you know. Most of the time, other people quit the table and go to sleep, while I’m still there chewing lol


i’ve heard a few years back that scientists claim fish don’t feel pain. i used to be big on sushi and seafood, but my personal choice is to not eat anything sentient.

could you elaborate more with what you mean? do you mean the christian story of when jesus took a fish or two and fed lots of people with it?

thank you! growing up i ate really quickly and enjoyed how quickly i ate. i still do that now but i mix it in with consciously eating like how you described. i think my favourite way of eating is while watching movies and shows.

i prefer eating with friends at a restaurant than eating at a house party with home-cooked meals. but then i also enjoy eating those home cooked meals if i was present in the cooking process.

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I only eat meat. Carnivore diet.

No bloating, no gas, no tiredness, way more energy, no need to take naps in the afternoon, sharper mental clarity, better libido and erections, no insulin spikes, greater vitality and practically zero inflammation (no sugar, carbs, and vegetable toxins) which leads to eliminating tons physical and mental disorders.

Never felt better.

In David Wilcock’s Source Field Investigations we learned of the incredible experiment first performed by Dr. Cleve Backster which explained how when plants are hooked up to a polygraph they give off strong readings when a lighter is placed under the leaf with the intent to harm the plant. A variety of other interesting studies were further performed around this conclusion. This was initially called the “Backster Effect“

Backster tried dipping one of the leaves into a cup of hot coffee. Nothing. He tapped one of the leaves with his pen. There was hardly any response. Then, after about fourteen minutes of elapsed chart time, I had this thought: As the ultimate plant threat, I would get a match and burn the plant’s electroded leaf. At that time, the plant was about fifteen feet away from where I was standing. . . . The only new thing that occurred was this thought.

What happened next would change the history of science forever—and the impact still has not reached our common, public awareness. The very moment the imagery of burning that leaf entered my mind, the polygraph recording pen moved rapidly to the top of the chart! No words were spoken, no touching the plant, no lighting of matches, just my clear intention to burn the leaf. The plant recording showed dramatic excitation.

To me this was a powerful, high-quality observation. . . . I must state that, on February 2, 1966, at 13 minutes, 55 seconds into that chart recording, my whole consciousness changed. I then thought, “Gee, it’s as though this plant read my mind!”

-The Source Field Investigations.

Who’s to say that plants aren’t affected by vegans and vegetarians?


Lately I’ve removed eggs, gluten and reduced meat a lot.

My liver is very very very happy so far of this change, I’ve also seen a drastic improvment in my skin condition and my chronic dermatitis has reduced a lot.
I don’t feel tired after a meal anymore.
So far so good

On the spirtual side I feel meat help me build strong energy, while removing meat helps a lot with energy sensitivity. So I switch depending on what I’m focusing on.
Also in the years I’ve learned it’s very important to feel strong gratitude and appreciation for whatever you are eating.

I think that optimal diet can be very different among people


You become what you eat. If you are eating meat then you are putting the energy of that animal. Like it was in pain when it dies so you are eating pain and it will reflect in your life. Energy cannot be destroyed can only be transferred. Remember that.

Eat healthy fruits and vegetables it will help in your spiritual journey.


That’s ultimately the most important part.

Gratitude and appreciation for your food.

Excerpt from the same book:

“I’ve lectured on this subject a number of times, and invariably the audience groans when they find out that vegetables, fruits, yogurt, eggs and the living cells in raw meat are all “screaming” when they are cooked and/or eaten.

Even hard-core vegan/vegetarian/raw foodists who consider themselves to be on a “cruelty-free” diet are now faced with the fact that the food they eat must go through measurable distress—at least from a human’s perspective. Even if you do not cook your vegetables, your digestive activity still has a “burning” effect. Backster did tell me that if you “pray” over your food, by sending it positive, loving thoughts, it then seems to accept its role in helping you stay alive—and these severe reactions no longer occur on the graph paper.35 Many cultures and spiritual traditions encourage us to “thank our food.”

With Backster’s research we now see that this seemingly unimportant behavior—from a scientific standpoint—has a definite purpose in our new model.

-The Source Field Investigations


I’ve learned first hand that praying over food or water, does affect the structure. Through muscle testing, there is a change to the negative magnetic pole (positive health benefit). It’s very powerful. You can also use the north or negative pole side of the magnet (6x4x1/2"is ideal). Keep your water or food on for approximately 20 minutes, for a similar effect.

I do this with foods that are not organic or that my not necessarily be the best choice for me.


Im Vegan af :laughing:

Ive had periods in my life from my 1st strong awakening where i literally had to force myself to eat something because i didnt want to eat anything, some days i just want liquids, some days i just want fruit, some days i want only soups etc. If i have days like that i still find the balance within what i intake. For instance the days i just want juices i make sure i add like peanut butter, super foods complements etc. I do not feel like eating heavy stuff anymore, just a week ago i decided i was going to munch all day like have 6 small foods that way im balanced but i dont have to have a big meal at any time of the day because i just dont want, and i feel thats directly connected to how your consciousness and spirit is ascending, you want to be lighter, less attached etc because i feel great when i dont eat much lol i love days of water tea and some fruit, i feel so awake and energetic and happy inside, i feel my manifestation power and healing increase too. Im working from home so i dont go out as much but ill try to push myself to leave the house at least 1 hour a day and go to the beach or a water place and just listen to the photosynthesis audio one lol
Tbh i eat a little more when i want to listen to Advance Healing, Telemore, and the Higher Chakras ones because they really need you to have enough nutrients, a belly full lol


thank you for sharing! besides gratitude, i find that the foods i sincerely love only provide me with their benefits while the foods i feel guilty about eating provide me with more guilt in the form of stomach aches and skin related issues.

dairy products used to make me believe i was lactose intolerant only because i believed everyone telling me that i was lactose intolerant. i stopped believing i was lactose intolerant because i was open about how much i love dairy and cheese and now my stomach and intestines feel fine after eating them.


Oh that def plays a big role. How you embrace and receive the food/drinks etc is how the body would react lol


Vegetarian by birth. So I don’t know any better. But my husband is not a vegetarian and I have better spiritual peace than him. I am more connected to my soul and the five elements of nature than he is. So maybe the food (which is also a form of energy) has a role to play in our spiritualism.


Sooo… use this :smiley:

And what about fish and eggs?


I’d say no to both.

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with marijuana you can smoke it or ingest it. for me, i prefer ingesting marijuana oil as it gives a longer and stronger effect than smoking. (i guess this is still relevant to eating).

i blurred the following as it may trigger others who have gone through or are going through addictions with substances.

at the time, i strongly wanted to get out of this reality because i lived the middle class dream following orders and feeling so disconnected that marijuana became my only escape.

like some members here mentioned, respect and give gratitude to what you eat. i didn’t do that when i took 300+mg of marijuana oil.

i got what i asked for but it hurt. it was hard to breathe, i was really paranoid, and my vision turned fractal and all i could think was go into child pose and “OM”. i escaped this reality but fled into an even more uncomfortable reality where it felt like i was suffocating and drowning at the same time.

in the morning i purged all the meat i ate during my high. after that, any kind of meat tasted sour and the texture was uncomfortable to eat.

it didn’t matter which country i ate meat and how it was prepared. it just tasted like the worst thing i’ve ever had.

but with telling this story, i don’t really care what anyone eats or doesn’t eat. this was just a personal ride for me of how i became a vegetarian. it also taught me to respect the food that sustains me in this life.

i also stopped using marijuana for a year or two. i personally believe marijuana has its own spirit and i am slowly rebuilding my relationship with it. i smoke when i feel like i’ve completed my goals now instead of smoke to cope with stress.


yeah it’s different! i don’t really know how to describe the difference though. saying that, i don’t really advocate plant medicine. i’m sticking to morphic fields and meditation for my spiritual progress.

the guideline i follow is to try new things slow and in small quantities. get a feel for something. every time i dove deep the lesson that stays with me is “don’t dive deep like that again”.

this also relates to diets! i used to dive deep and go ‘cold-turkey’ with changing my diet and i find that it’s a ‘rubber band’ back to what i was used to.

whenever i want to change my diet from one spectrum to another, i go slowly now like 90% vegan to 10% carnivore. then the next week 85% to 15% as an example.


I don’t drink and avoid sugar at all costs (unless it’s from fruit) I was vegan for 10 years and big on eating whole foods (staying away from processed stuff as best I could). I’d follow a relaxed 80/20 rule. I still don’t eat dairy or meat (just fish) and stay away from soy. Anything that has soy in it I don’t touch lol. I started to eat local fresh organic eggs again this year and well sourced fish on occasion. The extra protein and choline + dha omegas really helps.

Something I noticed, I have friends who I climb with who eat dairy and meat. I never get sick from altitude, they almost always do. I also noticed my endurance is better. It could just be from less saturated fat/plaque in my arteries or genetics.

If you aren’t eating nutrient dense vegan/vegetarian food, make sure you’re grounding yourself daily. Meat is a denser/heavier energy in nature that leaves you feeling satiated. I’ve had a lot of vegetarian/vegan friends who have pretty ungrounded energy. Not saying this is true for all, just my experience that could help others.


Interesting, how do you ground yourself? Vegan and yogi here and can be a bit all over the place.

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@ianaav Pranayama/Wim Hof breathing, spending time outside, meditation. Dreams Automated Grounding, Base/Sacral Chakra, Schumann Resonance, or Stress Relief audios help a lot too. One or more of these usually help me feel grounded and relaxed. Shungite works well too.